What caused downfall of One Piece?

Was it timeskip and bad writing + stretching every arc that followed it (maybe except of Zou)?

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>bad writing

What the fuck are you talking about?

Refusing to end.

Thematic shift from exploration and adventure to full on plotfaggotry

The pacing, mostly. Post-timeskip seems like Oda was in a rush to show as many new things and people as fast has he could. He should have taken the time to pace things a bit slower and let us enjoy the new things a bit.

Implying that is an actual Fact


I miss the old dynamics.

I feel like it's the same retard making these 'nu piece bad" threads. Get over it. it's still better than any other shonen.

Punk Hazard followed by Dressrosa

Lol noitsnot. Wano is a fucking trainwreck.

Wano ruined it
Wano feels like a fanfic

Absolutely based. It comes to a point where writers eventually prioritize detail and plot complexity over writing a genuinely enjoyable, captivating story.
Pic related is the biggest 'fuck you' to plotfags.

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If we at least would get some plot..

You losing your childlike sense of wonder

People just plain getting tired of it after all these years.

While at the same time the fuckhuge size of the manga and anime episodes intimidate any potential new fans

Too many writers get caught up in DA WOOOOORLD instead of just writing.

Too much world building and introducing so many characters

Too bloated cast, art getting worse and more cluttered, no real plot progression

Don't really care or know if it's getting worse or not. I just find myself less invested in it. The flashback was pretty shit and has been going for ages, it might be time top stop reading it weekly again and build up a backlog, because weekly it is a fucking slog.

There are so many unresolved plot threads, and I care very little about any of them. The least I care about is the void century shit. It's just tiresome at this point.

Knowing that it is just going to drag on and on and on and on with the same pacing but a different themed island every 3-ish years kind of makes me lose interest. The story is not really going anywhere and the series mostly just introduces a dozen new characters every few weeks only to not do anything with them and they vanish when the arc is done.

How about, now bare with me, it was always bad?

Gotta keep the merch machine running.

Are we reading the same series? The last thing we need is arcs getting dragged out further. Each one lasts 2 years minimum.

I think a good example would be Skypiea vs some more modern arcs. There was so much unknown in skypiea, and despite largely introducing haki and separating devil fruit types in a blatantly way - it wasn't the focus.

It wasn't about an overarching plot, it was just a story of the crew being on the island.

It works as a self contained series of comic books and is gratifying when consumed thst way. Modern OP isn't.

One Piece would work better as a proper novel. Right now, each chapter of One Piece roughly equals one page of a book. That's why it feels slow. You're reading a 1500 page novel, a page per week at a time. Skipping every third week.

In a book you could resolve plot threads and mysteries at a satisfying pace, instead of blueballing your readers for 20 years.

>One Piece was good when I could binge read it
>One Piece is bad when I read it week to week and overanalyze it with whiny malcontents on a Japanese message board

OP probably is the main moneymaker for Shonen Jump

Even then, I'm just saying that I think skypiea is more "pirates exploring an island" and in tone with how the series started.

>There are so many unresolved plot threads, and I care very little about any of them. The least I care about is the void century shit. It's just tiresome at this point.

for me, mainly because the Void Century stuff was brought up and interesting in like...2007? 13 years later we know nothing more now than we did back then. And we still might not know anymore more in another 5 years.Dragging a mystery out over a few decades is a good way to kill interest in the mystery.

I've been reading it for 20 years. The first OP stuff I read was Romance Dawn. When I started reading it, Alabasta wasn't even done.

I know it's not easy to accept how young you are compared to other people on this board, but that's your lot.

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No but arcs could have been cut down to actually give some exploration of the world. Dressrosa didn't need to be 12 times longer than Drum Island for instance but we had to have the Sabo Collosseum plot, the Green Bit dwarves plot, the villain flashback plots, the Sugar and toys plot, the increasing height plateu plot, and the fighting Doffy plot.

Yeah, same. It's even worse because the strawhats do get more information, or rather robin does. But none of that is actually shown to the reader. Apparently the information isn't exciting or important enough, so why should I care?

Objectively false. I didn't start until the Zou arc and it was pretty obvious where the dip was.

I agree with this, shorten the arcs down a lot. They do not all have to be 4 years of buildup to an epic 10 month long showdown with a named major villain, only to have the Strawhats sail off to the next only to repeat the exact same formula with a new villain and side cast. They have been in the new world for a decade and they are only on their 4th island, and maybe a moth has passed in their time.

>Early One Piece
Bad man doing bad thing. Grug punch bad man

>and maybe a moth has passed in their time.

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>One Piece was good when I could binge read it
I read Water 7 as it was coming out and enjoyed it. Same for the first half of TB and all of Impel Down.
>One Piece is bad when I read it week to week and overanalyze it with whiny malcontents on a Japanese message board
I jumped ship for 5 years and came back to find a comic that was still struggling to be entertaining.

Black Clover surpassed One Piece

>here are 500 new named characters, you need to memorize all their names because all of them will be important 300 chapters later
>also here's 200 characters from previous arcs, look it's shmorgel! the fuck do you mean you don't know who shmorgel is? fucking speed reader!
>we need to split up the crew in 64 groups, here is the plan, look at the charts, look at the bar graphs
>3 mandatory flashbacks รก 8 chapters
>including sad villain flashback
>repeat the same character jokes
>hiatus hiatus hiatus
>AH SHIT OUR PLAN WAS FOILED LIKE EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. why do even bother planning anymore
>also, shmorgel betrayed the strawhats, bet you feel stupid now not remembering him
>all fights off panel except luffy's
>luffy haki punches villain, doesn't even remember he has gumi powers
>strawhats flee

What does downfall mean here? Sales? Cultural impact? Reviews? Mainstream awareness? Opinons on Yas Forums?

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It's easy to ignore overarching stuff like that going unresolved as long as the stories themselves are fulfilling. Problem is that OP's focused on plot more than the individual adventures for like a decade. The stories cam still exist outside of the context of the larger narrative, but events are strongly tied to the flimsy narrative now and many stories feel like repeats or just formulaic.

Nobody would bat an eye at a year long 0 Oden saga if it was handled like Noland was. Instead of telling an original story with ties to little details across a whole story arc, Oden is a vessel for teasing a bunch of undercooked threads with some cool moments thrown in. It isn't interesting on it's own and the time dedicated is unnecessary, so it pisses people off.

Most people aren't gonna argue that everything up to Arlong was a bit flimsy. Good ideas, mediocre execution at best.


There's no reason Oda couldn't have written dialogue in a way that lets the reader piece together the past. We didn't even need to see Oden's face to know that he was a great, respected man who made a sacrifice for his people.

Sorry but even though he can make a fun story, Oda is truly a hack writer. He should have let us deduce what happened and at the END of the arc, have a chapter flashback (maybe two) about his voyages with Roger and Whitebeard.


Wano exposed Oda as the hack writer he is

You're implying effort is being made aside from "draw cool thing."

Yeah, his over reliance on flashbacks really comes off as lazy at this point. It has always been a writer's crutch, but now he just flat out abuses it.

I can't think of any manga that stayed good after 30 volumes, by that point they run out of juice and should end

If anything seeing Oden in the flashback did the opposite for me.
Before it, he was a legend well respected by the people of Wano and worshipped by the Scabbards.
Now, he just looks like a selfish fool who abandoned his country and lost only because he's naive and careless. The flashback did his character a major disservice.

>There's no reason Oda couldn't have written dialogue in a way that lets the reader piece together the past.
Isn't that exactly what he did? We already knew Oden fucked up. We knew he was boiled. We knew he was pals with Roger.
The flashback didn't really add that much more information. It was just the drawn version of information that was already known.

What's "One Piece"? Maybe you meant "Oden Piece", starring Kozuki Oden and pots.

What does Japan think of Wano?

Filler characters like the ones in Dressrossa.

*for Japan

They hate it. Sells are down.

Like imagine spending years to confirm the fat fish to join the crew or not, when will he join, 1 year before the manga ends?

You sure?

Check Oricon rankings.