Gyaru or Glasses?
Gyaru or Glasses?
Gyarus aren’t black they’re just tanned japs, retard
gyaru with glasses
Is part 3 out yet?
This would be pure kino if it turned into NTR.
2D: Gyaru
3D: Glasses all the way
big round glasses are pure and lovely. square glasses are skanks.
First thing I noticed was pits. Yas Forums corrupted me.
This guy is fantastic but I hate that he's been focusing a lot on the shitty gyaru.
Came into the thread to post these.
Issa is great but I wish he made the dicks a little bigger
gyaru with glasses
Glasses but without glasses
gyarus are for hotdog down hallway
This. If we were talking about an actual brown girl though, that shit for sure.
and who said they are you autist
Who said they were black you stupid fuck?
This. It makes me think that he'll like throw a curveball and introduce a bigdicked playboy later on to steal the girls.
God fuck my mind is in the gutter.
A lot of his older doujins like his sonico doujins are untranslated. Also, a Mexican translator made a quick low quality translation of one of his saber doujins and nobody bothered to release a higher quality translation. Not only that but the succubus mother never got fucked in his gyaru succubus series
I prefer gyaru but for this certain series glasses is far superior.
Brown girls in anime are rarely black. Actual black characters are always drawn with stereotypical features.Otherwise, there’d be no discernible differences between Indian/Okinawan/Tanned and negro characters
shit taste
He only draws shota in his doujins now. Adult males only sometimes appear in his magazine serialized erotic manga and sometimes they get transformed into shota, halfway into the work
No one ever said they were black you stupid fucking nigger.
Fuck off back to Yas Forums
Superior taste friend.
baited XDD
gyarus with glasses
They’re definitely not niggers either, otherwise they’d be ugly as sin
all I can see is armpits
Did I hurt your feefees, Tyrone?
Is that Non? Fucking love her
Yes zoom in on the left
This is one of the rare cases where I prefer Gyaru over glasses.
That's why they are so good.
It's an actual gyaru prostitute.
Made for ntr sex with Fuuma
>white people are born with ninja powers and pink hair
Real negroid “women” look like apes
god i want an indian waifu that is happy to make curry all the time
But user the best part of that particular scenario is not having to choose between either of those girls or their yummy armpussies. I suppose if I had a gun to my head, gyaru
Such a life for the tits ninja.
That's just a brown girl and both at once.
Is it possible for gyarus to be purified?
Yes, you just need some bleach
Yes, you just need to give her heart pupils, but, this is important, in a non-lewd context.
>draw a fucking cartoon character like a cartoon character
get cancer
Niggers already look cartoonish.
But user, the gyaru is the purer of those two and was "corrupted" by the megane girl
This user speaks the truth
why Yas Forumstards crave so much for attention?
How about neither. Fucking cows.
>Post a couple of the hottest Indians alive and the ugliest blacks
>Anime heads
>Caucasoid skull shape
>Anime nose
>Real nose
>Anime lips
I'm sure that you're going to say that their eyes are white too, you double n....
Me on the right.
>Blacks will never be the pretty character
Keep dreaming, kiddo.
>huge lips
>wider nose
>longer ears
Strangely enough I knew you were going to post this exact image.
A real man will only be satisfied by both at the same time or more. Throw in a milf and Im down.
>Far prettier than the average anime girl.
You forgot that one and it made your "point" about blacks never being the pretty character moot.
What makes you exceptionally retarded is that you're trying to attribute generic anime traits to real life people.
No race has green hair, dots for noses, Bambi eyes and skulls so small that a human brain won't fit in it.
Do these facts make your comment retarded?
Yes, they do.
Do you feel more confident after being called out?
You probably shouldn't have posted that bullshit in the first place.
Indians and Middle Easrerners don't look the same and those are all clearly Indians, you fucking retarded mutt
>Anime characteristics
I can't agree with you, because I have a functioning brain and the facts don't support your retardation.
But hey, if you want more black characters like these I'll keep posting.
The next one ranked nr. 1 in a fan poll about the hottest Bleach girls.
This is bait.
>visible veins
This is coping.
I love my nigger wife, Michiko!
Seethe more nigger. Not even in anime will canon blacks ever look pretty.
No shit no race has green hair, dots for noses etc.
Niggers in anime on the other hand always have distinct features that make them niggers, be it their lips, their wide noses, or other disgusting nigger traits.