>that sexy voice
>those contortions
Is Marie perfect?
Girls Und Panzer
She's an aristofatic acrofat.
Does Marie get annoyed that her sub-commanders try and seduce each other all the time?
I used to rewatch one particular russian ballerina porn. I love the poses the girls make more before actual sex scenes happen.
Maybe, but she consoles herself by eating cake.
Very understandable. I, for one, would eat cake while watching them. Probably very interesting.
flexible fat frog legs
When are we going to have a Kaguya-sama-esque spinoff with Oshida and Andou trying to get each other to confess first?
The same time we get an OVA for my cute wife Erwin.
Marie likes to watch. It's a show to go with her dessert.
This is now a DVCE thread
Why haven't they revealed the birthdays of the French girls yet?
Who is the ace gunner for Ooarai? Anzu or Hana?
French babies are brough by white storks, they don't birth
It took Marie's mom more than one day to push her out so she doesn't have a defined birthday.
Anzu since she can do a lot of shots on the move. I always assumed Hana was just good at stationary/sniper shots.
>It took Marie's mom more than one day to push her out
Yo' Marie so fat her birthday spans two days.
God I love her.
>do a lot of shots on the move
>in a Hetzer
Imagine if she had a turret.
Imagine if she replaced Momo with an actually useful crew member.
She can reload.
Momo is not USELESS
Imagine if Anzu wasn't a lazy cunt and regularly did something else than eating potatoes
No one said anything about useless.
So, just how and why did a bunch of japanese girls larping as britbongs have a Civil War on their schoolship?
Because coffee
>cares for her girls
>the best cook in her school
>cute messy black hair
>the sexiest girl in the world, deliciously brown!
>revolutionary fervor against tyranny
Oui, Andou est la meilleur fille !
Just say la meilleure (with the e for proper conjugation). If you add 'girl', the sentence is crying out for another word flow wise.
The official hidden Yas Forumsdiscord is discord gg 6C3nECp
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.
As far as Discord knows it's a Cuckold Server dedicated to polygamous followers of Qanon who trust the plan and let black men "share" their wives.
Wait really?
sorry, I'm just a dumb europoor who even had french classes but I hated it at the time so I don't recall much of the language
honestly it was a miracle I passed that at all
Your favorite guppie is always perfect
God no
But she does a lot of things, and I believe Momo really wants to be gunner.
I bet she's amazing in bed and always take the lead.
Every guppie is perfect.
Except Katyusha and Erika.
Except the dumb wani
Maybe she just moves so fast you can't see her move.
But erika is my favorite
there are people who like Erika(a shitty girl that will never be perfect) so your post is wrong
Miho's such a good girl.
>deleting a post for a typo
>but leaving its capitalization or punctuation shit
speak english no that good you stop bully
Too bad.
You forgot shiho, miho and maho.
I just want more Assam.
Stop posting Chiyo, your daughters are worse.
Not him, but it's a joke. It's imitating a spam image you see posted on Yas Forums sometimes, advertising some retarded Yas Forums discord.
Mika is pretty shit, Arisu is merely young but at least she isn't Katyusha levels of retard.
I give you Shiho, but there's nothing wrong with Miho and Maho
Maho is just miniature shiho who drank the koolaid. Miho merely has terminal plot-cancer.
I find Andou's facial expressions very compelling.
Maho loves her imouto a little too much.
I want to explode all over her forehead.