When will he return?
Kengan omega
when he wants to
I'd say that the nigga is dead, but we know how death goes in Kengan.
I wish some substantial characters actually dropped dead because it would add a lot more tension. For instance Fang was hyped up as brutalizing his opponents and often killing them, but then he ended up being just really chill and it was never really a concern. Imagine if he had actually ended Okubo and the stakes it would add to the rest of the fights in the tournament to see a good guy actually just get creamed in round 1 (Mokichi doesn't count and Meguro was a fucking loony).
I reckon he is kogas father
So is Xia ji's "The connector", Ohma's "him", and the evil Niko the same guy or what?
Koga considers his father to be a deadbeat dad
He looks like a tiger. I wonder if he’s the tiger that needs a new vessel. Koga was the tiger vessel this whole time?
Why the fuck would Koga be the tiger vessel?
>Fang was hyped up as brutalizing his opponents
I get your overall point, but this could probably be handwaved by having it happen very early in his fighting career.
Fang mentally brutalized his opponents, though. Seeing him copy your style and beat you with it must be demoralizing as fuck.
Is there a chapter this week?
>Ohma wank chapter again this week
He better not be jobbing 3 strongest non-Raian Kure fighters at the same time because that's some total bullshit.
"Yes, I wanna fight too"
Collab when?
He was saving his brutality for the kaiju.
Could Ohma even manage to give him a good fight at this point?
That’s what’s going to happen, user, better prepare for it now
Maybe if we stop at Buckie following his usual shenanigans of losing the first match to download data to use in the second round.
His only true losses are against Yuujiro and Pickle, and I don't see Ohma coming up with something on that level, especially since Buckie can also learn the Niko style on the spot.
Ohma against Maxim Tournament Baki would be a far better match since they're more or less at the same level.
Koga been done dirty past few chapters. But at the same time surviving a 1 on 5 fight as well as knives on your back really shows Koga got that streetfighting experience - its getting closer to Kengan level.
If Koga is not at a Kengan level yet, how far away from it you guys think hes at? What would be his new shtick that truly allows him to be seen as an equal to even someone like Kokuro?
I've came to term with the fact that this is going to be Ohma's volume, so there's that.
Not sure what do you consider Kengan level, but I feel like he's at least on Kokuro's level now, even before being 5 on 1 gangbanged.
His new schtick is going to involve him using his 'kengan' to avoid getting cheapshotted by weird techniques.
He can basically see all of them, he just needs to learn an effective and versatile way of defending against them on the fly, like how Ryuki survived Stinger using Gaoh style hax even though he couldn't even see it coming.
We need to see him fight against a Round 1-eliminated KAT fighter to have a more concrete measure of his progress but that's may not the best measure since its clear said fighters (like Rihito and Adam) have hugely improved in the past 3 years.
Is there a break this week or we can expect raws in one hour as usual?
Note the rate of improvement between those veterans and Koga though. If Koga was meant to be sidelined, his improvements would have been nerfed to those of the veterans or even slower. Maybe reaching ice skater level in ch. 50+.
The question is whether Koga can keep up his pace of development (on courtesy of Sandwich) or even accelerate it.
KA/O fighting has some realism to it but clearly the fighter's strengths are not. Maybe Koga can take his training to the inhuman level as well. Its already pretty inhuman if you think about it.
If Koga kept training that way he would be Okubo's level in 5-10 years. And Okubo jobbed in his first serious Kengan match
I guess Sandwich will have to pull something out of his ass if the training period and tournie is to occur in-universe for next half-year to a year. Okubo ain't weak but i get your point. Koga's gonna need to do way more than barely beating orca man.
Okubo's first opponent was Fang. Many characters acknowledged his strengths. He did better against Agito than Gaolang honestly.
>three pages introducing the kure jobbers
>Yamashita: ”N-nani! Those three are known as the three most skilled fighters in the Kure clan!”
>Ohma: “Heh... about time you showed up, let’s go.”
>yamashita screams and sweats
>Yamashita: “WHAAAAAAT?”
>Yamashita: “Th-those three... each one of them would be a challenge for Ohma in this condition, let alone all of them! Ohma, don’t push yourself!”
>Ohma: “heh, I’ll be fine Yamashitakazuo, just watch”
>hollis, reichi, and horio all job in the span of a few pages to a barely trying ohma
>yamashita’s jaw unhinges itself and reaches the floor
>Yamashita: “N-no way... he hasn’t just been recovering these past years... he’s even stronger...!”
Here’s your next week spoilers early bro
Im not a Gaofag, but Okubo went down in a very shameful way. Once Agito got into Joker mode Okubo shat his pants
i finished my meme bros
Very based.
Why stop at Karla, Ohms~?
t.Sandwich lurking the threads
>all these wanks will culminate into Yamashita asking for Ohma to join in fighting against Purgatory
>to which Ohma replied with "Sorry, I can't do that Yamashitakazuo, got worms business to take care of"
Do people just ignore Agito's thing is he evolves from every fight?
Even if Okubo put up a better fight (which he didn't) Gao was fighting a stronger Agito.
>Im not a Gaofag, but Okubo went down in a very shameful way. Once Agito got into Joker mode Okubo shat his pants
Agito's transformation made Okubo even more eager, but the fact that the latter was quickly put down after this cannot be denied.
Timeskip Fusui definitely tops the Kengan girl charts now, but we still need to see Karla too
Ohma's not even going to start with Karla. He has displayed zero interest in her and, in all likeliness, I expect he'll end up with Akiyama if he gets a girl at all.
But she looks exactly the same.
I’m guessing no chapter this week. See you next week
>which he didn't
Agito was just playing around with Gaolang, he also fell apart when Agito got serious
>chapter actually cuts to Ohma lying on the ground bleeding and bruised while the Kure men are giving each other high fives for training him properly
I feel like a romcom spin off with a kure girl as the female lead would be fucking great
So I guess no chapter this week
>He did better against Agito than Gaolang honestly.
I can't agree since it's a point that even after getting serious Agito still was getting styled on by Gaolang to the point that even the custom made fighting style got countered by Gaolang's full capabilities as well as Gaolang continuing to force Agito to fight using boxing moves through sheer skill.
In addition, Gaolang made Agito feel fear and legitimately intimidated him unlike Okubo. I say this as a guy who loves the MMA fighter but even before Agito started his crazy form Okubo it was still weighted in Agito's favor.
Beard>>Gao>Okubo>>Sen in term of competitiveness when they when agaisnt Agito
Meme boxer
Too bad there is no chapter this week. I guess I have to wait until next week for logposting. Can't wait seeing Kenganfags losing their shit.
Yeah okay like the log flipper did any better
If Agito won against beard, he would've lost the finals.
nice, saved
gonna repost it in your name drawanon
lol no
even with one arm fang wouldve dabbed on cohma
don't see how
ohma was a walking corpse at that point, and agito is a mountain who was unfazed by pretty much everything up until that point. He would have won in that situation, 100%.
>5 minutes
>I'll job in 5 minutes
He was winning and then decided to slug it out with Pickle, where he also won since he forced him to use a technique. Even Pickle acknowledged his loss by not even thinking about eating Baki.
Agito literally acknowledged he only won against Gao due to luck. Add in that his first clean hit on Gao was complete bullshit since it required him to suddenly become ten times faster then the guy who demonstrated a clear advantage over him in speed, reflexes and foresight.
Forgive me for being retarded, but is this Baki drawn by Sandwich?
By Daromeon, yes.
Daroemon, you mean.
Sandwich is the writer.
By Daromeon. Doesn't look like his style at all though.
>we know how death goes in Kengan.
I hate that this is true now.
Koga has special powers while Okubo is considered the strongest normal guy though
>Agito literally acknowledged he only won against Gao due to luck
No, it was bad luck that Gaolang's fist broke but even the elbow to intercept it was intentional from Agito. What Agito was frustrated by was how he wasn't able to dominate and also felt intimidated by Gaolang's fighting spirit.