Girly air force

I want to fuck a plane.

but this minghua bullying is painful.

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This was actually decent. But MC sucked.

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If you truly love planes, you'll make sure they always have a fresh supply of pilots.

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China will rule the world.

Grippen was the cutest. Iam also kinda fond of this anime

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>this minghua bullying is painful.
I won't be so audacious as to call her best girl, but damn did she not deserve even a quarter of the shit she got.

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cute hag

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Post the pizza

I only have this part of it

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Minghua a best

At least she sort of wins by default at the end of the LNs. Assuming Kei isn't purely planesexual.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.03_[2019.04.11_11.15.34].jpg (1280x720, 435.92K)

Dont remind, it was shit. Kei is for grippen only

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What happens in the LNs? I still don't get why the deal with the xi is and why MC is connected to gripen.

The short version is that kei and gripen manage to kill the alien, but by doing so all cute plane girls disapear as well. Timeskip kei became a real pilot and flies a grippen. Amazon reviewers said that the ending was a letdown and kinda crashes with the whole story. Some user translated that review but its been too long for me to remember the details.

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Eagle a pretty cool girl. She kills Belkans and doesn't afraid of anything.

But which one?

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As long as she has Galm 1's paintjob, she can take on the entire Belkan Airforce and A World With No Boundaries and still not break a sweat

STOL/MTD of course

Eh, a heroic sacrifice can be an acceptable ending as long as they're properly mourned.

I suppose so, but with the chink girl getting sidelined so hard and grippen trying to find her humanity. Doesnt it just seem very pointless. The author could go down the path of the plane girls becoming more human and distancing themself from their xi part. So that they may just live afterwards. Why focus on cute plane girls when its all naught in the end

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A baby and a hag, pick your poison.

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Gripen all the way, even bought her key chain. Her chibi form is the best across all anime

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Fuck I miss this show.

There are planes like her in every generation and some mute dude keeps shooting them down.

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I dont understand what you are tyring to say user

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I'm saying nations only buy Gripen because she's cheap and goes down easy.

This was hot, I love cockpit corruption invasions

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Thats sad

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gripen a retard

Eagle is easily Best Girl. (Best plane IRL, biggest chest, bubbly uncomplicated personality, no stupid neuroses.)

Some people think that dispatching Gripen on the beach was a bit harsh, but it was a mercy killing really.

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God I love Phantom

She is a cute retard at least
Gripen is NOT dead

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It was me

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thanks user, I enjoyed this quite a bit

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That's a weird designation for the Fullback.

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Trash. Third Aerial Girls Squad is better.

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What kind of brain damage does it take for someone to become as completely fucking retarded as you?

I would be fine for a squad of pilots and their plane waifus.

I sure like its OST and the insert during its run.

>GAF crashed and burned while Kotobuki gained some popularity and is still ongoing
What went so wrong?

You are welcome

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The LN ending came out with the last couple of episodes, that killed a lot of interest. That and nothing else came out of GAF after its final episode. No OST, additonal stuff or anything. It just ended and died.

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I think the OST is from the BDs.

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How come Girly Air Force's BD sales were so poor that it didn't even reach 1,000 copies, and yet Kotobuki sold more than 2,000?

Oh.. Well at least a couple of people got the OST in the end

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Why does this retard dress so comfy?

easier to eat and move in

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It’s an ace combat reference.

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so why is the MC linked with gripen and why does gripen have a chinese book in her room?

Kei wanted to dick the grippen and she was okay with that

Reminder that Eagle is statistically the best plane.

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eagle is a big dummy

Don't you mean the Raptor?