
Rizu arc. She will win. And someone will love it.

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i watched 12 episodes of the anime and she was my favourite by a good amount. though all the girls were pretty good to be honest.

I hate Rizu

I hate Mafuyu

I love Rizu

I love Asumi
I like Uruka
I like Fumino too
I hate Sawako

Mafuyu a best.

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I love Mafuyu.

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it will be a long wait until her end

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Lmao urunigs btfo

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And it will be worth it.

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Rizu rises.


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Let's discuss Rizu's body.

Kek even Rizu is more relevant than that negro

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It's fat

I want to furiously impregnate it.

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of course human body has fats in it


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22i doesn't use it for fan service enough. And she could use her autism as an excuse to be bold and just wear a towel now too.

Rizu is slim

first nigno and now urunigga, why do incels such as my self keep on getting btfoed

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Both Rizufags will be delighted.

Even though it's a fake arc for a loser girl.


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>Even though it's a fake arc for a loser girl.

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Rizu = squirrel
Fumino = snake
Uruka = chimpanzee
Asumi = hamster
Mafuyu = swan

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Urukeks will never recover.

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Imagine taking advantage of drunkard Rizu

Bro this is getting embarrassing.

Also spoilers when?
I'm looking forwards to the other girls routes now that we're done with urunig


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The only embarrassing thing here is urukek. Also

If you report very low quality posts, you'll see a bunch suddenly vanish in one go.

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I love Rizu too!

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Tomorrow or Thursday typically. Looking forward to what should be a good route.

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Rizu a best

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Oh, this was actually made. Nifty. It's not completely comprehensive though I think. Missing some "grey" chapters.

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At this point I am starting to think its a schizo samefagging, reminds me of the faggot in 5toubun threads obsesed with Nino


Better than carrying on the MC's dead mother's dream with your pet sister.

You know all of them will have to be shorter than Uruka's right? Otherwise you're saying Jump signed off on Bokuben having five more volumes, 1/4 of the entire run as endings and keeping it around for 36 chapters no matter what.

>m-muh samefag
Take your meds urukek


>Associating Asumi with rodents when she hates them
You're pretty cruel

All the girls will get an ending but only Uruka will get epilogue because she is true ending.

>Starts again from the fireworks arc
>Goes chapter for chapter until the ending
>Does this for every girl

I'd fly to Japan and suck his Coronavirus infested dick desu senpai.

I dont see why that's a problem

I love Rizu
I love Fumino
I love Asumi
I love Mafuyu

I hate Urunigger


Uruka will get an epilogue with Abo-san

and ngubu-kun


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Only your headcanon version of her.

Funny how urumonkeys have been driven to almost near extinction after this.

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Thanks for proving my point

I'm sure you'll catch the boogeyman someday.

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Hey, does anyone have that fan art of Rizu twirling udon through air?

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You do know that in a race-based sport, such as competitive swimming, the figure 1/5 would indicate "first place out of five competitors," right? Haven't you ever played a racing game?