Was inuyasha a chad or a cuck?

was inuyasha a chad or a cuck?

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He is a cultured half demon of the best possible breeding who wanted to follow the ideal path and be with both incarnations.

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Neither, he's a simp.

But he does get the girl in the end, so there's that.

He got a cute miko and her reincarnation to lust after him, I'd say he's a chad.

All I remember is that he's an annoying whiny stubborn cunt who has zero character development.
One of the reasons I dropped this shit series.

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chad to koga, cuck to sesshoumaru

sesshoumaru was an incel pedophile basedboy

his older brother is a chad

I beg to differ, he had enough balls to ask literally every women he met to bear his children. He just got constantly cock blocked.

wrong character, user

If you think Sesshomaru was the one doing that, have I got a temple to sell you.

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Sango was a chad

You're thinking of Jaken

Sango was a cuck. She wanted to have sex with a womanizing chad and was his satisfied being his fallback girl

A moralfag. Which is even worse than a cuck personality-wise.

He's a simp.

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Holy shit why do so many threads nowadays reek of Yas Forums and normalfaggotry?

>Sango was a chad



Monk man said the line to her and she was the only one that accepted.

Step aside, posting the actual Chad of this series.

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Only correct answer along with Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha was based until he met Kagome, then his man-card was robbed from him like most Takahashi male leads and he was reduced to comedy relief and Kagome's punching bag.

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Unf. Kikyou was best girl but Sango was my girl.

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Good taste on both accounts, friend.

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inu no taishou was the chaddest here, he has two women at the same time and proably more

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Came for the hair demon, stayed for Sango.

>probably more

How many lesser demonesses did he pump and dump on the regular?

No one ever chucked inuyasha, unless we're talking about the episode where shouta talked to a girl

sango was best girl but her love for miroku ruined her, I dont hate miroku but I hate their relationship

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Normalfags don't know Inuyasha anymore

why is she best girl?


Is Takahashi a lesbian?

Strongly interacting massive particle.

The fact that people need to explain what the meme is makes it clear it's a forced reddit meme. I've never seen so many people ask what a simp is moar than any other term for this word

You can look the word up to find out the meaning in this case but I know how you feel.

>tfw only saw like a few eps of Inuyasha as a kid when it came on TV at like 3am

Idk why but for some reason I never went back to it when I finally had internet and got more into anime. Is it worth watching with low expectations?

I forgot Kouga was a thing

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lack of alternatives

It's DBZ for girls, so yes.

>femenine girl turning into a badass babe demon slayers in a tight suit
>tragic backstory
>not a damsel in distress
>has a cute nekomata that transforms into a fucking flying sabertooth tiger in flames

I can give you more reasons but my english is shit

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>massacres villages for basically no reason
>treated as a heroic character

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Who SesshomaruxRin here?


Sesshomaru was the Chad.

the virgin tessaiga

So, how would you fix inuyasha's narrively?

How does he have zero character development? He goes from a murderous villain protagonist, to a harmless but angry person, to a genuinely calm guy.

Why are Sango's boobs so huge?

Lots of milk potential for lots of children

Eh I believe you but I wasn't willing to watch over six gorillian episodes and filler to find out along with Norinco/Noracuk's...? teleportation bullshit.

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Watch a few episodes for the voices then read the manga. The EDs are fantastic.

I've done both, and while Kagome doesn't change that much, Sango, Miroku, and Kikyou do. Kikyou really comes off as a young woman compared to the little girl Kagome, even though they're the same age. Sango comes off a lot more mature and is really cemented as the reliable older sister type and strong backup for Inuyasha.

kek, can't blame you
You can skim episodes from the 2009/2010 anime sometime if you're ever in the mood. It's actually really awesome just how mellow and serene he becomes.


How do you call someone who loves retarded heroines?

Why did the series let him get away with that?

A chuck

I honestly don't know, Koga wasn't a good or likable character even ignoring the whole slaughtering innocent people thing

Literally best character

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