
Will she play a role in GT?

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what would you like to see from her, really?

She's the true number one

Yamete Nakadashi miko sandwich when?

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Fight Accelerator or Kakine

Made contract with Alfar

Steal Touma's Second Kiss

Hanging out with Seria and whoever else works for Kaizumi

will be caught up with bigger shit, plus he already has focus for this arc
Completely MIA and irrelevant to anything regarding her. Beetle is too weak and the original is too separate from any of this.

Mikoto is more likely after the Biohacker comparison. She has the AAA and this can be her practice before being relevant against Magic God level people later on. Will likely be backed up by Misaki too.

i would hope so but i doubt it

The dicksucker lmao

I'm gonna say yes

Something with Aleister, whenever he returns

Touma's black pill + Accelerator's jail arc needs to have some sort of resolution first, and I doubt she will have anything to do with either as Anna doesn't seem to be the "I need something first" type of antagonist, and using her against Accelerator probably isn't going to do much, assuming anyone outside Seria knoes about her

This said I see no reason she can't kick off GT's second arc

She probably has a better chance doing something than Sakibasu. Especially if the Seria/Kaizumi trend continues.

Who will be the final boss of GT?

Do you think that we will see Rosicrucian who uses purely scientific ways to fight at MG levels in GT


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>GT2 opens with the first day of classes back from holiday
>We find out if Touma's failed or not
>He's fine btw; getting away from Anna was all off screen (although it's well noted he's a big ball of tension waiting for her return)
>Accelerator didn't go to jail and while how that was resolved is explained/referenced on screen, the actual event is offscreen. There's also no touching on screen reunion/reconciliation with Last Order; also Last Order's already met squid so we get no initial reactions for that, either. All we know is that Last Order's going to school, and so is Accelerator. Yomikawa is happy to have him back home
>Where the FUCK is Hamazura????
>No, no, it's not *actually* gonna be off screened, you just gotta wait for Railgun and Accelerator to get to GT (it's hinted Mikoto helped Touma get away from Anna, but we don't know the deep details)

I can see it...

>Accelerator actually ends up at Touma's school, despite probably being able to get into any school he wants
>Accelerator actually helps Touma with his homework

Please Kamachi I NEED it

>accelerator gets into Touma's school because Touma-senpai
>touma isn't even there 90% of the time

How WILL Mikoto beat Kimi?

She gets into CQC and uses Rampage Dress to buff her punch, giving Kimi brain damage

Index black hole

GT is not canon anymore, Super is what counts.

She won't. Touma will.

*kamijou no Touma

Touma is too busy being gassed by Tsuchi

Dolly when?

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i like to read the books naked stroking and playing with my balls and my body in general

Himegami relevance soon.


same, but I am not naked, just under the blanket

Is there some notable artists that do Raildex lewds at least semi-regularly?

Not for long.

No and thank god, have actual sex

theres something about soft shaved balls
i see how women can like to suck on them, but im fine with just flopping around my own

Is Number 6 important yet?


I want Accelerator to cum inside me

We know Touma. Go to bed, you have school tomorrow

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Tomako when?

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Fuck off one guy, you're not funny

Schools cancelled give me doodle requests.

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are you planning to draw something fresh or improve something existing?

Anything nice and cute

draw tomako

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Kneel before me as you witness history. This is 100% pregnancy.

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I guess we just missed saten day. It's nice to see her smiling and proud of something.

this but preggo

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Go back.

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touma having a pleasant, easy, carefree day.

Haha more like toaru no fat gun

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Whatever Kamachi plans.

Uiharu fucks dogs

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Yes and thank god. Just search pixiv.


Misaki a pile of shit