I want to book this loli.
Honzuki no Gekokujou
What crime did she commit?
Knowing too much.
Comfy as fuck anime. The backgrounds were a little low effort tho.
Main and Benno are close.
Man if my friend had told me this anime was just straight /capitalism/ adventures I would have watched it way fucking sooner
>my friend
2 OVA's came out yesterday.
Something to tide you over until season 2.
>loli + large bread
Name a better combination.
I just want to have sex with her.
Subs approximately never?
When is season 2 coming? Should I watch the anime if I read the manga?
>Main again next season
I'm enjoying this onahole collection
Neat, thanks.
Bake 'em away, toys
Cancelled, Myne got coronavirus and was put on bed.
She'll marry Lutz, right?
So nothing changed?
Subs have been out
Try looking user, it will bring you great things.
Employing child labor
Well shit. Usually streaming services don't care about specials and OVAs. I know what I'm doing tomorrow now.
More like she makes me want to commit a crime
Manga 2 barely has any translated chapters. Manga 1 basically covered S1.
thats a big bread.
I like how cute her expressions are in all the caps
I am still enjoying it.
So short.
As 7 year-olds tend to be
Lutz gets cucked.
Well she's extra short because of magic aids
Why is she so smug.
Would you tell this man the location of a little girl?
Big bread
Why does her hair sprout from her ear?
I wonder how Main's family actually feels about her negotiating with more money than they would see in five years of saving.
This is one area where I felt the anime was lacking. They seem suspicious of her, definitely concerned for her, but they love her all the same. I wonder if that affection will last if her isekai status gets dropped on them. From a religious standpoint, a person with extraordinary abilities claiming their consciousness comes from another unseen world is basically admitting to demonic possession. And what is to be done with those who are possessed? Burn them of course!
Probably weirded out and confused, but both too happy to see that much money and their daughter doing well and too worried she'll throw yet another inexplicable tantrum.
She's such a whiny, selfish, piece of shit character for the majority of the story it feels like her family tolerates more than loves her.
Why were they all so unfriendly to him? His disguise seemed to be pretty good.
Wouldn't be suprised if later on her situation gets revealed and half the town wants to burn her on a stake but all the good she did helps her avoid it
In small towns everyone usually knows everyone who lives there so someone who is clearly not from there will look suspicious. Even more so if he is looking for a little girl like Main
Imagine if a stranger showed up in your close-knit community and started asking questions about the neighbor's young daughter. Would that not be weird? Especially with the social structure in this world where outsiders would be extra suspicious.
Me at the playground.
I thought their city was fairly large so everyone knowing everyone wouldn't necessarily be the case but I guess you're right.
she gave us so many smugs in one show I felt spoiled.
Do you?
Yes, sexually.
It's kind of alarming they were able to break into the guild and look at private documents so easily.
god bless you user
Which god do merchants worship?
I read volume 4 immediately after finishing the show because I enjoyed it so much.
I don't remember them ever discussing an Italian Restaurant though. Was this mentioned in the novels only or did I just miss something?
Being an ugly midget.
Main is beautiful you gaylord.