Hunter x Hunter

Is Pitou a girl?

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Born female but identifies as a boy

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Not this shit again. Pitou's gender has been irrelevant to the story. Why you guys so obsessed with this?

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Because his/her tights get me hard so I want to know if I'm gay or not.

Because we need to know if it was pussy or boypussy that Gon pounded.

Yes, of course, after all the antsy-panties weren't sexist.

pitou is a sterile worker ant (male)

This is a boring question, the real question is who would be meruems wife?

>there are two boring hxh thread at the moment.

komugi, duh

i never thought meruem though of komugi has his love interest. I always thought he liked her like a best friend.

So you're here only to shitpost?

He was young, I don't think he was interested in that stuff at all. But if he were to pick a love interest it would certainly be Komugi.

No stupid monkey. But this dumb Pitou gender bait and the other one about nen class and user are boring as fuck. Hence I going to sit these two thread out till a interesting thread is made.

S/he was born with “clothes” on, so it’s safe to assume that her “clothes” are actually her skin, and since her crotch is completely flat, she is genderless and can be referred to as whatever, i doubt she would care

The NGL chimera ants

> i doubt she would care
that's hot

Making HXH threads is inherently shitposting at this point.

The op was pretty much an innofensive joke question and now you come slaming the place as some offense to the greater """discussion quality"", so you're here only to shitpost after all.


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I don't really care to be honest. Still less gay than liking the cat from re:zero.

There's still tons of discussion that has yet to happen regarding Killua and his cuteness.

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I apologize for my comment. I’m sorry.

Dear diary, today the chimera ants attacked my village and took some people I used to know and hate....

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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only real thing. male

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Why did Gon apologize to Kite for turning him into a cute girl?

It's objectively the most evil thing you could do to a man.

just repressed faggots, dont care about 'em

What do you think his thighs feel like? Asking for a friend haha

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This. Anything else is headcanon from pitoufags trying to justify their fetish.

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Maybe. Mine headcanon says yes.

dumb frogposter

but worker ants are female...
yes, they are sterile but in the case the queen dies one of them can become fertile


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Killua is cute!

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I want to hug him

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>youpi and pouf are male but both can manipulate their cells and become female

Yes. Boys in anime doesn´t have those kind of eyeleashes and she has hips.

Le Pitou reporting in

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Pitou is cuter

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Chimera ant soldiers are all sexually male and capable of impregnating females of other species if the hive's queen dies, but some soldiers are also explicitly the reincarnates of female humans and possess their past personality, memories, and sometimes physical traits.
It is uncertain if the same sexual role applies to the royal guard chimera ants, as they seem to be separate breed considering their fanatical loyalty and distinct lack of memories of their past lives.

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Why doesn't any official Pitou merchandise exist? There's only one plush and it looks questionable.

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You fuck killua, and pitou fucks you. Thats how it works

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no it is an ant
as we know ants who are not the queen are drones so pitou it's a drone

For the 12,528,921st time yes.

isn't there a statue of him and Gon? or was that cancelled. I don't follow this shit anymore

Yeah, if you want a fucking figure of Pitou three seconds before it's face gets smashed in.

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Hell yeah. I could've sworn there was one with the terpsichora pose too but maybe that was a fever dream or a fan render that confused me.

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I'ts pointless to discuss it..Even if Pitou is a girl, she is so ugly looking, no one would want to do her. It is a disgusting ugly creature, with no sex appeal whatsoever.

>pitoufag in denial
we've all been there bud


> she is so ugly looking, no one would want to do her. It is a disgusting ugly creature, with no sex appeal whatsoever
But that's Bisky

Definitely unsexy.

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you mean this one?
it seems there are no news regarding it