Jojo's bizzare adventure part 4

best opening (great days), best jojo, best jobro, best villain, best setting, and best protagonist stand. Why is it hated again?

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Can we stop with the part 4 spam already

>best protagonist stand

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why was Jotaro downgraded so hard?

It's better than Part 5 spam to be honest

Josuke and Okuyasu are awful and the setting is just some town

>Why is it hated again?

Why do you expect Yas Forums to know what's good?

>just some town
awful bait, can we please go back to the part 2 spam

t. japanigger

What does this mean

5 doesn't have daily hatebait threads, though if any part deserved them it would be 5

>Best opening
No, that's still OP 1
>Best Jojo
No, that's still Joseph
>Best Jobro
Ok, but you gotta admit he does very little
>Best villain
Ahah no
>Best town
Only if you're Araki
>Best protagonist stand
No that's Golden Experience. Fuck, Hermit Purple is better than Crazy Diamond.

You mean OP 2

You're right, what was I thinking.

>liking GE
double digiter detected

You mean OP 4

GE is the most interesting stand, it's not its fault its owner is a cardboard.

>is this obviously an anime only
>doesn't think Kira is the best villain
I've never seen autism like this

It's really not, it pulls new powers out of its ass and then stops using them. Having a limited stand and coming up with clever tactics is way better. CD is best.

How? Creating life isn't that interesting of a power when its only used as a worse version of Crazy Diamond

Yas Forums used to love part 4, but then I guess we got infested with fucking secondaries.

Literally one autist spams the catalog with them. Overall 4 is one of the best liked parts.

>best opening
>best jojo
theres johnny, gappy, and jolyne
>best jobro
okuyasu didn't really do much, also theres gyro and bruno
>best villain
>best setting
>best protagonist stand
i liked it, but prefer stone free and tusk

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>clever tactics
... Such as ?


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4fags on suicide watch.

not him but
>using glass to fuck up kira
>using pieces of concrete to project yourself back
>following hand
>holding lottery ticket hostage
>finding out tonio was stand user
>making keicho attack himself
>trapping chili pepper in tire
>trapping high way star in car
>punching through mom to trap stand
part 4 isn't even in my top 3 favorite parts, but i think cd was used pretty damn well

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Just got the manga for parts 1-4 for my vacation next week, probably won't be able to bring all of them. I've seen the anime so I know what happens. Which parts should I bring?

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3 and 4 since they're the longest and better than 1 and 2.
the 2 anime is better than the manga anyway
if you can only bring one part though just get whichever one you like better

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4 manga isn't even up to date if he's reading the English version

im going to buy this 88' black crown vic ltd and turn it into a jojo part 4 themed car

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oh welp
i like having physical versions of things but i prefer jojo in color anyway

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La Creatura

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araki must have done his research, all of his characters in part 6 look like average flordians

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Only the main characters are attractive. This has been the case since the beginning.

El Goblino

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arakis background/minor characters have always been pretty goofy, but i think part 6 takes it up a ton. ungalo, loccobarocco, ect are abominations

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Based Hair Poster

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lol araki always makes random creeps look weird, but i don't think any character tops ungalo, loccobarocco, and guccio in being hideous

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Can this twinky mob boss deal with the outbreak of Coronavirus in Italy?

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yea, he just has to tell fugo to knock it off

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Do Italians really eat like that?

I keep waiting for him turning into Diavolo.

I rewatched Josuke vs Kira the other night. Josuke's multiple uses of Crazy Diamond in a single fight was ingenious. The RATT arc really did help Josuke handle himself when he's under pressure.

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yea, im glad cd was used like that because it has so much potential. also best stand cry

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Part 1 is kino, it's definitely better than 4

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He could make a vaccine.

No and he dies of aids

He probably got it from Mista.

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>best opening
wasn't a big complaint about part 4 when it was adapted the fact that the intro was no longer in 3d like it was in 1-3?
speaking of adaptations, say what you will about part 4 but it's easily the worst anime adaptation so far.

>part 3 Jotaro is a socially awkward piss baby who calls his mom a bitch
>part 4 Jotaro is an actual role model

It's better than 1 and 3's adaptations

>Part 1 is kino
I severely disagree
>better than 4
I severely agree

This season was super boring to me,good but boring at some point

>his world ends a decade before coronavirus
what do you think Giorno was doing right before the part 6 gang jobbed?

almost everything before kira was pretty boring


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Better than any art shipping Josuke with Rohan.

just ship all 3 of them together
