best opening (great days), best jojo, best jobro, best villain, best setting, and best protagonist stand. Why is it hated again?
Jojo's bizzare adventure part 4
Can we stop with the part 4 spam already
>best protagonist stand
why was Jotaro downgraded so hard?
It's better than Part 5 spam to be honest
Josuke and Okuyasu are awful and the setting is just some town
>Why is it hated again?
Why do you expect Yas Forums to know what's good?
>just some town
awful bait, can we please go back to the part 2 spam
t. japanigger
What does this mean
5 doesn't have daily hatebait threads, though if any part deserved them it would be 5
>Best opening
No, that's still OP 1
>Best Jojo
No, that's still Joseph
>Best Jobro
Ok, but you gotta admit he does very little
>Best villain
Ahah no
>Best town
Only if you're Araki
>Best protagonist stand
No that's Golden Experience. Fuck, Hermit Purple is better than Crazy Diamond.
You mean OP 2
You're right, what was I thinking.
>liking GE
double digiter detected
You mean OP 4
GE is the most interesting stand, it's not its fault its owner is a cardboard.
>is this obviously an anime only
>doesn't think Kira is the best villain
I've never seen autism like this
It's really not, it pulls new powers out of its ass and then stops using them. Having a limited stand and coming up with clever tactics is way better. CD is best.
How? Creating life isn't that interesting of a power when its only used as a worse version of Crazy Diamond
Yas Forums used to love part 4, but then I guess we got infested with fucking secondaries.
Literally one autist spams the catalog with them. Overall 4 is one of the best liked parts.
>best opening
>best jojo
theres johnny, gappy, and jolyne
>best jobro
okuyasu didn't really do much, also theres gyro and bruno
>best villain
>best setting
>best protagonist stand
i liked it, but prefer stone free and tusk
>clever tactics
... Such as ?
4fags on suicide watch.
not him but
>using glass to fuck up kira
>using pieces of concrete to project yourself back
>following hand
>holding lottery ticket hostage
>finding out tonio was stand user
>making keicho attack himself
>trapping chili pepper in tire
>trapping high way star in car
>punching through mom to trap stand
part 4 isn't even in my top 3 favorite parts, but i think cd was used pretty damn well
Just got the manga for parts 1-4 for my vacation next week, probably won't be able to bring all of them. I've seen the anime so I know what happens. Which parts should I bring?
3 and 4 since they're the longest and better than 1 and 2.
the 2 anime is better than the manga anyway
if you can only bring one part though just get whichever one you like better
4 manga isn't even up to date if he's reading the English version
im going to buy this 88' black crown vic ltd and turn it into a jojo part 4 themed car
oh welp
i like having physical versions of things but i prefer jojo in color anyway
La Creatura
araki must have done his research, all of his characters in part 6 look like average flordians
Only the main characters are attractive. This has been the case since the beginning.
El Goblino
arakis background/minor characters have always been pretty goofy, but i think part 6 takes it up a ton. ungalo, loccobarocco, ect are abominations
Based Hair Poster
lol araki always makes random creeps look weird, but i don't think any character tops ungalo, loccobarocco, and guccio in being hideous
Can this twinky mob boss deal with the outbreak of Coronavirus in Italy?
yea, he just has to tell fugo to knock it off
Do Italians really eat like that?
I keep waiting for him turning into Diavolo.
I rewatched Josuke vs Kira the other night. Josuke's multiple uses of Crazy Diamond in a single fight was ingenious. The RATT arc really did help Josuke handle himself when he's under pressure.
yea, im glad cd was used like that because it has so much potential. also best stand cry
Part 1 is kino, it's definitely better than 4
He could make a vaccine.
No and he dies of aids
He probably got it from Mista.
>best opening
wasn't a big complaint about part 4 when it was adapted the fact that the intro was no longer in 3d like it was in 1-3?
speaking of adaptations, say what you will about part 4 but it's easily the worst anime adaptation so far.
>part 3 Jotaro is a socially awkward piss baby who calls his mom a bitch
>part 4 Jotaro is an actual role model
It's better than 1 and 3's adaptations
>Part 1 is kino
I severely disagree
>better than 4
I severely agree
This season was super boring to me,good but boring at some point
>his world ends a decade before coronavirus
what do you think Giorno was doing right before the part 6 gang jobbed?
almost everything before kira was pretty boring
Better than any art shipping Josuke with Rohan.
just ship all 3 of them together