Killing Bites Chapter 75 RAWS

Haha, time for Killing Bites!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Currently phone posting, will put the spreads together latter.

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Let’s meet our contestants

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First off, the bitch is back.

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Jobber number 1

Attached: 06716B65-90D3-4A95-B384-333E03C24A03.png (2113x3050, 1.13M)

Pretty kitty

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The GOAT girl

Attached: 55CD014A-240F-4229-980B-64548FD247FA.png (2105x3049, 1.11M)

Delicious brown titan-tits

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Killer Croc

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Jobber number 2, but he looks pretty cool.

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Hey futafags, your queen is here and she brought something for you.

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Jobber 3 “muh Tasuku”

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The Rhino or jobber 4

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Foxy lady

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so kengan omega reddit tier comments man was here too?

Chad Thundercock

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Dumb dog

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And of course dino loli

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Way too much furries. Outside of goat-chan there is no a single female combatant who looks like a woman

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hush cuck

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Mummy’s in the audience

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Finally the first fight

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Oh look look these two came to watch

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Uhh oh

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Hey, it’s Jack Black.

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Laid the fuck out.

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Anyway, that’s that for the month, translation soonish as always.
What did you all think?
Now that we’ve seen otter is a very cute girl do you think she’ll die horribly or murder fuck Gator?

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Is that even a brute or has a random panda wandered into the ring?

top reddit tier commentary

Nope, he’s a Brute
Goes by the name “Stand-in”

I'm kinda not looking forward to her fight.
We all know how it will end for her.
well, at least we can maybe see her nude

So what's the deal with cuckbird? Is he too dejected to give a shit anymore, or will he show up to teach doggo how to horribly mutilate Hitomi and then make a point of letting her die? If it's not the latter I'm done with this series.

I love her abs

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kung fu panda

Her name’s Okawa Yui
And Sylvester Hyodo.

Thank you, and before I forget here’s the volume 15 omake

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>Post it

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If Wolf and Hitomi are natural hybrids, where did they come from?


Aww, tiny bun is just too cute!

It sucks that Lambert will not participate.

What a cutie pie. I hope her death will be swift and painless.

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Why is she so smug?

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Thank you for the dump, kind user!

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