Was it kino or just lazy?
Jojo thread
intentional laziness that became unintentional kino
Laziness. Clearly Araki didn't want to write a proper and cohesive ending.
Lazy, because I’m too stupid to understand it and blame the creator instead of myself
Kino that was held back by the WSJ editors
>no plankton waifu
fuck you araki still kino
She's the rain
Pucci litteraly created the SBR universe
No he didn't. SBRverse is a different universe.
it was reddit
Kira literally created the SBR universe by sending Josuke back in time.
I am Araki
How could you be such a dum speedreader? Pucci literally created the sbrverse, I don’t know where you’re getting this “litteraly” thing from.
>he says while including a typo in his own post
>calls anyone dumb
>falls for the oldest bait in the book
Read the post again.
Why was she perving on a teenager?
It was a different time
coronavirus stand when?
Purple Haze Reqiuem Lovetrain Bites the Dusto
Araki tried to create one, but it became too powerful and entered the real the world, just like when he tried to make San ebola stand a few years ago.
GOAT Ocean was kino of course.
Do you guys think SO and JJL both beginning in 2011 means anything?
Dude chill it'll be here in like, 9 days
Kino. One of Jolyne's goals aside from wanting to save her father was to free herself from her streak of bad luck as well as the DIO vs Joestars curse. She accomplishes this at the cost of her experience and memories. She was capable of undoing her entirely shitty life in favor of a happier one. Freeing herself of the burdens that were thrown on to her at birth. She truly became Stone Free.
Holy Kino Batman!
Its a bittersweet ending if you look at the total rewrite of the cast minus Emporio. Everyone is objectively better off in the new world because no DIO curse but of course that comes at the cost of their original selves.
It doesn’t matter since she would later die of a cold.
Read part 7
That’s Marco you retard
realistic dyke portrayal
>He would later die of a cold, just like Jolyne.
Read slower.
Based and Scarlett pilled
There's a lot to argue about with part 6, but it undoubtedly had a fantastic ending.
I think the ending was terrible. No closure for the characters or universe at large and it was so poorly explained that 90% of readers still don't know what happened.
In what way is the ending fantastic?
In that it leaves so many things up in the air, it gives people the freedom to make up whatever bullshit they want and call it canon.
What's your part 9 idea ?
Twin Jojos (male and female) in an Italian prison gang.
That's not an idea
Yes it is.
All you did was describe the characters
Where is the plot? Where is the conflict?
There’s an evil priest and the universe merges with the original universes and all of the Jojos team up.
It'll be kino when Emporio shows up in Part 8 Epilogue to preview Part 9
>comfy Midwest suburb setting
>female villain and/or twist jobro villain
>Valentine comes back in some way a la Dio in part 3
>qt jobro
>starts like part 4, and starts to feel like part 7
>less punchghost stands
>villains stand requires metaphysics to understand
>an ending somehow more kino than Stone Ocean
Sci-fi. Maybe mecha if that can be implemented with stands. That's all I want. I don't care about any of the other details. Just a future/sci-fi part.
>Emporio's ghost room existing outside the timeline allows Emporio to visit whatever timeline he chooses
>Grows up looking for a timeline where Jolyne and Jotaro don't die
>Accidentally finds a timeline where the Universe has become Kars and the origin of stand space
>Teams up with ghost Kira and Mikitaka to keep the Stands from coming into their universe
>There are also werewolves people that turn into giant stand drinking monsters when the moon is full and pursue with the Joestar mark
>Jose Jorge, the bastard son of Jojolion Josuke and a stone woman joins Emporios quest to get rid of the werewolves chasing his family
>Discover Kars meteorite on the moon, unconscious but Kars Universe is using to project a werewolf generating wavelength from the moon
>See it as a means of defeating Kars universe
>Recruit Jojo's from every timeline and Dios also
>Dios betray the rest, merging together to form Super Singularity Dio
>Super Singularity Dio impregnates the Kars Universe via Moon Kars with his consciousness then becoming Holy Diver
>Jorge Jose rock human genes allow him to assimilate Kars powers and become a vampire and also impregnate the Kars Universe mind
>Holy Diver infests countless realities with Dio but can't infest the Prime Reality
>Jorge realizes it's because the parallel realities are not natural, but the effect of a stand, Kars' stand
>Countless realities created to satisfy the last vestiges of Kar's consciousness, a desire to die
>Jorge fulfills Kars' wish destroying him from the inside, killing both Kars, Holy Diver, all false realities, and himself
>The cosmic ripples of the calamity generate the Joestar Birthmark on it's first ancestor in the year 10000 BC
>The neanderthal Jojo locked in a battle for survival against the last diosaur, and that's where part 10 picks up