Rikka is partially submerged in pea soup!

Rikka is partially submerged in pea soup!

Attached: rikkana rokassa.jpg (1230x923, 619.4K)

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what a dumbass

I forgot that I have to watch rikkas last movie wrapping up her series

The one with the scene of her fat ass?

Please tell me more about this "fat ass".

Shinka and Deko are too busy tribbing to help her!

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But is Rikka brave enough to eat the pea soup!?

Stinky feet + soup? perfect if you ask me

Rikka, what's the difference in roast beef and pea soup?

Well, first what you have to do is pull over.

As Rikka is consumed by her balanced meal of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, a vast volume and variety of magnificent chemical reactions are occurring within the soup to break down her body into usable energy.

post rikka lapio

Looks like dark flame master is gonna pull a VANISHMENT THIS WORLD on that ass.

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where us she?

Is there a language specific pun here that I'm missing?

I haven't watched this show so I don't know what exactly OP means. But apparently the character is called Rikka. Pea soup is sometimes called "hernerokka" or just "rokka" in Finnish slang. The filename is something along the lines of "Rikka in rokka" or whatever. It's a pretty shitty joke for all I care.

If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment her heart breaks in two.


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"Rikkana rokassa" means basically something small that disappears into a bigger collective and doesn't disturb it enough for you to care. Like a small piece of something inedible that ends up in the soup but you don't even notice it.

And yes it's a terrible joke based on entirely the pun, much like this. Certified Ylilauta humor.

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>Excuse me waiter, there is a chuuni in my soup

Why are finns memelords?

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dumb chuuni thinks she's a pie

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You don't need to meet people to produce them.

The lack of sunlight and alcohol make us go a bit weird

Shh! If you're too loud, then everyone will want one!

>Pee soup


Attached: hatsiskutsi.png (846x742, 1015.35K)

That's ok, I'd eat the pea soup off of her.

This is another shit pun, I presume

Hatsi = a slang word for a hit from a blunt
Skutsi = a slang word for forest
Hatsiskutsi is pronounced like Hachikuji or close enough

> lack of sunlight and alcohol
You have a lack of alcohol up there?
Since when?

you reap what you sow, asshole

All the heated barbed wire club beatings delivered by your loli imoutu in -30c weather makes them oddball

>sir, there is shit in my soup

Attached: making_more_chuuni.png (778x1200, 422.05K)

Time for the coathanger.

There is nothing to do over here but to meme

Tomoe Mämmi

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Nagi no soba:D

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I miss this feature. It was fun seeing every video with young girls was popular with 50 year old men.

Current youtube is pure dog shit.

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Pea soup looks disgusting. How do white people eat that shit?

Yo why you gotta make it a white thing

based tkmiz

Cuz no other culture is retarded enough to mash all their vegetables into baby food

But Tkmiz didn't make Hidamari Sketch

Attached: 51292.jpg (225x225, 20.54K)

tkmiz is just a depressed Ume.

Attached: [mudabone] Hidamari Sketch Hoshimittsu 08v2 [BD 720p H264-AAC] [B4353212].mkv_snapshot_19.18.jpg (1280x720, 366.75K)

Tkmiz should be hired to remake every good series.

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What do you call that fetish? Food vore?

While one half of me is going "wtf is that shit", the other half wants to take that picture and use it to troll /ck/

best thread at the moment!

My apologies, I should have been more specific. The lack of sunlight and the over-abundance of alcohol. Lack of alcohol would be a national emergency
>all their vegetables
Oi cunt, it's literally just pees, onions and smoked ham that get boiled into a mush


Rikka inside a bowl of split pea soup or as I like to call it shit pee poop.

Partially submerged in pea soup is a moe mode of which I was hitherto unaware.

Hello? Based department?

Fucking Aussies at it again