I want to talk about Fuuka! FUUKA!!

I want to talk about Fuuka! FUUKA!!

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Azumanga really went down hill, huh?

>absolutely destroys her sister's bestgirl rank in her literal sleep

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I started reading and collecting the volumes anons.
I'm on vol. 5 now.
I don't think I've ever been this genuinely happy reading manga before.

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Where's she going?

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it's 10/10 manga
I'm trying to improve my Japanese by reading Vol 1/2 in it, but it's filtering me hard man. I should probably understand grammar better...

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fat legs

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And that's a good thing

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I think Ayase even says so in the chapter where she gets hearbroken because she sees her crush holding hands with another girl

But more importantly, what are your thoughts on best boy Jumbo?

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>W-what are you doing Asagi?
>Saving this thread

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Asagi is so underrated. Just because she's pretty people assume she has a bland/bad personality. But she has a GREAT personality.

* Always plays along with Yotsuba's dreams/ideas/games

* Performs life-saving surgery on Duralumin

* Takes everyone to a hot-air balloon festival

* Makes sure Faatka gets teased as she should be

* Lends Yotsuba her big exercise ball actually Faatka's exercise ball

* Brings Yotsuba a gift of fireworks back in exchange for Y. giving her a 4-leafed clover

* Many more cool things


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Every adult/teenage girl in Yotsuba is best girl, as is Yotsuba herself.

>defends the home from ghosts.

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I'm more of a Fuuka fan myself, but I can't deny that Asagi is the most based character in the series.

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Haha yeah. I vaguely remember her stealing the strawberry from someone's cake too. That was a good moment. Might have to look it up.

>I'm more of a Fuuka fan myself, but I can't deny that Yotsuba is the most based character in the series.
This guy gets it.

Jumbo is OK but he's not good enough for Asagi. (Whereas Yanda is PERFECT for Yotsuba.)

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how did this panel make it into such a wholesome manga?

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Jumbo is a funny and kind guy.

Fuuka will be a great mommy.

>best boy
sorry, butt that'd be Fundoshi-san

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in my head-cannon for this scene, Asagi grabbed Yotsuba's toy camera from the table and tried to take a picture, while Tora tried to block her.

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This. She should be yotsubas mom

Yes, that would definitely be in character. I just remembered another great Asagi moment: in Revenge, she's the one who finally turns the tables on Little Miss Assassin.

Oh no...

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flipper arm

canon doujins

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What about the fact she's probably a lesbian?

Not a chance.
I mean obviously lesbians are attracted to HER. Sure. Who can blame them? But when the right time comes she's going to make some man (not Jumbo though, sorry) very happy.

I can't believe Asagi just fucking killed Yotsuba


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Highly unlikely. Constantly goes out with big titied tomboy? Always to date places? Rarely taking others with them? Never seen talking about boys or wanting to date someone?
Sorry kid all signs point to lesbian with a girlfriend.

I think her dyke friend is just going through an edgy college phase

Hipster for sure dont know about edgy.

Jumbo is for Miura

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He's like a really cool uncle that knows all sorts of things and that makes him my favourite character, plus florists are comfy

I cannot fathom

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Torako looks like she's seen some shit.
Do you anons think that Torako has suffered a lot?

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Nope. She's been dating boys, remember when Fuuka confuses Jumbo by saying Asagi's got a boyfriend but then is not sure if they broke up.

I like the name Fuuka

Is talking about Fuuka Akitsuki okay? She's clearly cuter and superior to Fuuka Ayase.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, THAT's too much sweet. I wish i had a Fuuka for hug.


>Is talking about Fuuka Akitsuki okay?
Not in my neighborthread

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I've been looking for *that* pic to post, but I can't find it.
You know the one.

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What are your thoughts on Dandelion-chan?

I need a Clover 5 with happy big stomach pregnant Fuuka sex

Watch it, big guy

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Any closer, and

Oh, I know I've got it

It'll just take some time...

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I'm warning you

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Now you've gone too far... IT'S OVER!

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