Shingeki no Kyojin

IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS MOMENT. He was supposed to be the leader. What happened?

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>Manlet will be out of commission until the epilogue
Yeah I'm thinking Connie will kill Zeke

how dare someone who isn't Gabi take the spotlight

>everyone is poorly drawn, yet annie still has a butt
I'm glad Isayama got his priorities straight.

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Why was there no Conan and Zecuck interactions?

what have you done, user?

what the fuck was isayama thinking?

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Isayama will never top this chapter again

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>would genocide the world for

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97-100 and 119-123 are my favorite chapters. the build up was so great

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What do you think about it? I doubt Isayama won’t use this Chekhov’s gun.
At first I thought it would be used on Manlet, but now I wonder.

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Marley was the peak.

Floch's Yeagerist will transform themselves when they are dying to save themselves or turn themselves into titans as last resorts or bomb them from above. Remember that zeppelin? They''ll use that

Why didn't Isayama already reveal who the guy behind the window (its shadis btw.) was in the last chapter? Does he think people will get excited over this predictable plot where Shadis who will join the alliance to stop Floch and his evil henchmen? This is laughable

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Based reddit edits

Probably Hange gets hurt and uses it. She will always be wet for becoming a titan

The series lost its grey morality after the Marley chapters. Prove me wrong

Is anyone even excited for Keith? It would be cool if he was a Yeagerists but he will just join the cringevengers and forgive the warriors for everything, we don't need that shit again and Floch's conflict should be for Jean/Hongo, mostly Jean

new chapter when

Only they can save the ending

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He already did with 120-123

Are you kidding, Shadis charging in to save the day against the evil Nazis will have Reddit and normies creaming themselves. Bonus points for Hange seeing Erwin's ghost riding alongside him.

I think too it will be used on her.

Shadis has long overstayed its welcome, he should've alreads been dead and join the other useless veterans like Pixis and Nil

>Hange eats Pieck
>Manlet rides her to battle

What the hell

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Now that the chapter dropped and the dust has settled, what killed the hype?

Isayama’s best friend and Guardians of the Galaxy

Like every complaint in Uprising, Liberio, and now this. Where the fuck is Eren?

>no Eren (and Zeke or Historia)

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isayama not knowing how to write.

I don't think Pieck will be eaten, I think if she becomes a titan she would eat Zeke for the whole Ksaver thing

People are able to smell the incoming forced peacecuck ending a la classic shonen style from miles away

Might if Eren returns before the alliance bullshit can get to him

isayama wont let us down

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But Zeke is miles away

Just a reminder that 5 chapters have passed since that page dropped.

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the more time we spend with the alliance the more impactful it will be when they get utterly crushed

Zeke is gay.

>isayama wont let us down
*Blocks your path*

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dont fucking remind me

5 chapters of Armong and Hange's faggotry is pure torture after 119-123 kino.

he cant do anything nobody can hurt eren at this point good luck peacefags

annie a shit

No u

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Good, because the more time we spend with them the more I hate them

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>Erwin's ghost riding alongside him
Please stop....

I want to sniff Mikasa's butt so bad

What is the purpose of manlet in this alliance?

>It would be cool if he was a Yeagerists
Even though it would contradict his previously established character? Just because you're gonna choke on that Erencock?


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I feel zero invested in any of these characters and the plot

isayama can only make the story interesting with eren around we have to wait.

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What, morally grey characters in my manga? That's a no! Shadis will obviously join the Saints

Just another case of Isayama protecting Armong at the expense of other characters. Make the dumb gag character say the dumb simplistic line so Armin will look more moderate and intelligent by comparison. It's also why Armin said hardly anything in the chapter while Hange spilled her spaghetti and couldn't come up with a good solution, to the point where even Japanese readers got mad about saying "let's talk" over and over without a plan.

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>Floch is Erwin Jr's dad

Alright here’s a reminder because some of you really need to understand it. Isayama is not fucking tricking you, or playing 4D chess or whatever. If you’re expecting some M Night shit where Jean betrays the alliance or Eren murders them all, just stop. You’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. The story is going to go and end exactly how it’s currently being presented. The alliance will confront Eren and defeat him. Some possibly die, maybe even most of them. But in the aftermath of Eren’s defeat a “miracle of peace” will be established between Paradis and Marley/the world, despite the fact both sides were on a path of mutually assured destruction. Like Isayama foreshadowed with Kenny and Uri. If you hate the current chapters and are only pushing yourself forward in the hope of kino genocide ending, just stop now, for the sake of not wasting your time and energy. There is no salvation waiting for you at the end.

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>mostly Jean
Hongo makes more sense, she's the Sannes to Floch's Uprising Hongo and she was also the only one who sided with him during Serumbowl. I think Floch's role in Jean's subplot was to tempt him to give up and live a comfortable life in the center.

Cringe happened.

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>Yelena turns out to be Annie's mother. She stopped hating eldians after she found out that her lover and child was eldians, and was onboard with Zeke's plan because of Annie's birth.

How mad will you be

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>Floch's role in Jean's subplot was to tempt him to give up and live a comfortable life in the center.
He just told him to fuck off in a different way and let him do his thing

>and an Eldian King
Ackerman's are slaves that obeys their hosts. Not to mention that Uri is possessed by the first king aka King Carl. Things might be different if liberio and the forewarning didn't happen, but look back at the past chapters, the actual recent ones. It was already worst before liberio and even the eldians threw the paradisians under the bus. Now that Eren have made the eldians riott and the world knowing that the threat of paradise is real. There's no way for the world NOT to worry about the existence of the eldians like Jean said.

Yelena would be her father

Did she have Annie when she was ten?

Yeah and he even made sure Gabi and Falco looked uncomfortable so Connie looks even more retarded

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the power of friendship isnt enough to beat the FT

tfw she will never bully you the way she did Sasha
>why even live

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How did Zeke end up being a better comic relief character than Connie?

Why is Annie showing her butt

They have kung fu though

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Don't waste your time, user.

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eren is going to destroy the world's allied forces at liberio, all of them are going to be annihilated and after that eren is going to get killed by the alliance and the world will know that paradisians aren't monsters.

are you still in the denial phase user?

why do you guys think these characters can do anything against eren? are you just trying to give yourself false hope?

What killed the hype?