Why, even after so long, are they the most beloved Yas Forums pairing?

Why, even after so long, are they the most beloved Yas Forums pairing?

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Yas Forums has shit taste.

Because most of Yas Forums has only seen about 15 anime and this is the only haremshit amongst those few

Nope is Baam x androssi

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Why, even after so long, do people still waste time discussing this shit?



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Lol, what does this prove? That Assuka can’t beat Rei in a fair fight?

Because they are a classic.


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Because the look cute together. Also, Shinji is a perfect self-insert.

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Why, even after so long, is the OP such a faggot?

The aesthetics

What aesthetics?

But Baam belongs to Yuri.

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She's perfect.

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Like a ginger swan hassling a guy who's always "fine, just tired" and trying to eat lunch in the park because he got sick of looking at people faster than usual today.

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sad skeleton lad and sad pretty girl
sad romance
so sad
so relatable
sanic the hedgehorg

God I wish that were me

Purgatory is an Asukafag?
Or is he a Reifag? Because based on personal experience men prefer ryona on girls they are physically attracted to. But hate it the more they are emotionally attracted to them.

Because its canon

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How big is that folder?

But theyre not...

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Because it's the only thing Yas Forums is known for.

Same reason people rubber neck to see shit on the side of the highway. People love to watch a car crash situation


God he's so thin ...

If they're like me, there's a lot of overlap between folders and it's arbitrary where anything goes.

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That's a lot more organized than me. The most I do for the majority of character folders is separate prolific artists from the rest.

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Based and gay

one of my favorite images

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>the most beloved Yas Forums pairing
That would be Madohomu.

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Damn, surprised this thread is still alive.
Anyway, I saw this on twitter; he posts things there that he doesn’t put on pixiv. I think this one was a commission, so it is still inconclusive on whether he’s a Reifag or Asukafag.
>based on personal experience men prefer ryona on girls they are physically attracted to. But hate it the more they are emotionally attracted to them.
I like it on both, though I also like seeing the latter getting comforted after getting ryona’d.

anyone who actually wants them to be together has zero understanding of their characters and boil them down to a passive dude and a generic tsundere

Holy Based; if that’s who I think it is, then I’m glad to see he’s still drawing.

Because cute and canon is eternal.

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All that happened is Shinji fapped on her.

You know they' F U C K I N '


>I had existential crisis last time I read Re-Take

This, fucking rabid shippers

>rabid shippers
So... shippers then.

>people are still seething over best OTP

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>people are still [headcanon]

Did they have sex or thought about it?

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>Did they have sex
>thought about it?
All the time

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When tf did this happen?

That's not them you fucking retard. Asuka has blue eyes, not pleb tier brown eyes.

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It's an expy of them by VIPER

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Who is Viper?

>Asuka and Shinji watching porn together

Neat episode idea

Because beta and the bitch is a classic pairing, its a tale as old as time.

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It was a deleted scene for being too lewd
