Let's have a Yuyushiki thread this fine Tuesday

Let's have a Yuyushiki thread this fine Tuesday.

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That pic made my cock hard, OP. You have to take responsability.

Here, have Okaasan.

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That only makes it worse, user. I already have my big cock in my hand.

What a great idea!

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yui pillow


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Dat ass tho

Why is everyone so gay for Yui?

Because Yui is Yui.

>Let's see your member~

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Among the main cast, who has the most popular seiyuu?

Why are retarded SoLs these days afraid to give us even that kind of fan service?
Just look at the shit flop that Koisuru Asteroid is

Risa Taneda before it was revealed that she's a drug addict.

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I mean among the three main girls

Ai, Fumio, and Kei?

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I mean among Yui and her friends.

I wish there were more girls like Fumi

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Yukari is voiced by Risa Taneda. Are you feeling well, user?

It feels strange to be here again, after all these years.

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Man, 7 years later and it still is my favorite Kirara show, i dont even know what is so special about it, i just love it.

Welcome home user.

This and Hidamari are my favorite anime to get shitfaced to.

season two when?

yuyushiki fucking sucks and looks like prozzak
fuck this and fuck you

cry more faggot

suck my balls you fat retard

Let me do it. Are they sweaty and hairy?

I want to bite Okaasan.

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Literally me.

I wanted to thank you user, you made me discover that nice band

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Say something nice about her

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I think you're moe, onee-chan!

Fuck you leatherman

I wanna cut her hair.


my girlfriend is so cute

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>you now remember the "brap" shitposting phase that killed /yys/

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I want to kiss and lick their butts.

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is /yys/ back?

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So are they real or not?

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Real puppets.

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That’s a wide Yuzuko.

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posting oc for my yys bros

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I feel like this show aired a whole lifetime ago

what were they trying to imply here?

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that's a very nicely shaped foot

I don't know, maybe is up to our imagination?

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I'm imagining Yui's classy little bean

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Sometimes i wonder if Yui and Saki could be friends...

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double dubs
i wodner if i could be more than friens with yui if you cathc my bean

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