
Were you satisfied with the overall ending? How would you rate the manga as a whole? What would you have liked to see expanded?

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>Yotsuba is 2nd
>|*74,384 (3)|112,754|******|******|******|112,754 (*10)|2019/11|五等分の花嫁キャラブック 一花
>|*86,390 (6)|112,445|******|******|******|112,445 (*13)|2019/12|五等分の花嫁キャラブック 二乃
>|*86,828 (3)|131,802|******|******|******|131,802 (*10)|2020/01|五等分の花嫁キャラブック 三玖
>|*75,948 (7)|*96,333|******|******|******|*96,333 (*14)|2020/02|五等分の花嫁キャラブック 無堂

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I love Yotsuba!

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The graph shows that Yotsuba got fucked.

Imagine Itsuki's book outsold Yotsuba's

Blame Negi for writing Yotsuba like that.

There's no way that'll happen...r-right..?

What killed the hype?

It will happen, just watch. Fatso is popular with the nips.

How popular is she?

Hard to grasp. You would expect her to be the last, then her main heroine-esque position could bump her up 2 places, so she could be 3rd or close to 2nd with ease. Nips really liked when she BTFO biodad and that ideal smiling spread. Easily the most liked Fatso moment for them and it has the power of freshness.

Yeah she's the freshest and best quint all right.

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No it sucked, if any series needed different ending routes like a VN it is this one.

Im honestly really disappointed with the ending. It was way to rushed, i had hoped that there would be at least 3 or 4 more chapters to flesh out the ending.
I guess negi was really tired of the manga at the end. What a shame

After the manga ended, I can't look at Yotsuba without feeling disgusted.

No, 7. No. It wasn't expanded where it mattered.

>Were you satisfied with the overall ending?
It's extremely rare for the ending to ruin good parts of the manga, but Negi managed to do it. Everything that happened in SE and SW was rendered irrelevant or turned into farce.

>What would you have liked to see expanded?
Negi's butthole with my dick.

Negi fucked up. Pity win spirnkled with lots of hypocrisy.

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What a punchable face. Just thinking about breaking her teeth causes me an erection.

Disappointing lead up followed by an even more disappointing ending. Not even worth getting mad over.

>yotsuba the best

>at sucking Maradona's dick

shut up faggot

i play tennis as an amateur, and in tennis we have a saying that even a weaker opponent can give you hell in a certain day when he just gets insane luck, hits everything perfectly, all his shots land on the lines.
but the better player will just keep calm and hang on. because, the saying continues, it's the ENDING of the match, when he must serve it out, when the weaker player WILL show his rank and most likely fail.

touboun kinda looked like that.

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I won't

Miku a shit

Miku a best


The ending wasn't bad, but I think the execution could have been better. The resolution felt lacking.


has Yas Forums ever beet this buttblasted over another series before?

The party just slowly died after Yotsuba's confession.

11/10 yotsuba won

Perhaps other quint fag don't buy Yotsuba since they hate the winner, but still buy Ichika or Nino books. Miku has the largest fanbase so it's not surprising. Didn't expect Ichika & Nino have the same number though.

Itsuki will do even worse than Yotsuba


Haha, no.
Especially if Itsuki volume has another interview or some new content.

The ending is utter shit so there's nothing to discuss left. You're at least 2 months late for the peak shitposting period.

I’ve been here for a while I’m just surprised it’s still happening.

So bokuben won... Who could've predicted that?

5 kusoben endings are not better than 1 kusobun ending.

Imagine Negi caving in and making alternate endings.

Too bad nobody will care because trusting this fag's writing and lack of passion would be retarded


kusobenfags still trust tsutsui with their endings
why not toubunfags?

Are you kidding? Faggots would eat it up no matter how shitty he makes it.


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>kusobenfags still trust tsutsui with their endings
*Blind faith even after reading 150 chapters of that tripe, they never learn.
*More blind faith in getting back at Urukafags

>why not toubunfags?
Probably higher standards since it's not a WSJ series

This is what's most likely the cause of why yotsubas book hasn't sold as many as the others. Nips are petty like that.

>Probably higher standards

>boycotting a shitty ending of a underdeveloped character is being petty

If that's not pettiness, i don't know what is.

Yes, higher standards.
Kusobenfags eat that pathetic cashgrab like it's liquid candy, 5toubunfags have expressed their dislike of getting the same far more.

>Yes, higher standards.
this is rich coming from yet another romcomshitter

No. It's called voting with your wallet, not consuming any and all kinds of shit.

Because bokuben was never that good in the first place. With 4 more attempts there's a high chance 22i will be able to write a decent ending that will match the quality of the rest of the manga.
But even if you give Negi 10 attempts he will never be able to repeat the level of fun and enjoyment he delivered with the Legend that Binds, 7GB and the Last Exam.

You may or may not congratulate me on having shit taste but I'm still slightly upset the only girl I didn't like won. I was okay with any of the other 4 winning. Oh well.



>yots quint
kusoben BTFO

Reminder that no matter how shit his writing is, at least Negi has integrity and conviction unlike 22i.

If we ignore the retcons, executing the MCs personality and armtwisting needed to get said shitty ending, yeah.

Still more than 22i at least.

>Negi has integrity and conviction


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