MONO eraser

What's up with this eraser in anime and manga?
It's everywhere.

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its just a damn good eraser

It's just odd to see this specific eraser everywhere.

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Tomboy eraser when

omg user you're on to something. it's almost as weird as how i used to see this one way back when ALL THE TIME....

you think its some kinda conspiracy????

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Have you also noticed this specific brand of notebook? It's just a ubiquitous brand of this specific product, like Kleenex.

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Got any examples?

Pretty sure that's the notebook schools tell you to buy in Nipland.

I was given one in my art class back in high school, they're just quality erasers that don't leave much of a mark. We were given some nice-ass pencils too, forgot what brand those were though. I may have never learned to draw, but those pencils and that eraser lasted me for a long fucking time.
Basically, people stick to what they know is reliable.

Practically everyone I went to school with, all the way from grade 1 to grade 12 used the exact same eraser. I assume that like that, Japan just has a lot of people who use the same brand.

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In college I just pick up whatever erasers off the ground in lecture halls.


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>those fucking erasers that leave pink marks on the paper

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what the fuck do they even put in them that makes them do this?

Too much rubber. Usually the cheap ones do this, that's why they mostly destroyed your paper than actually being used up.

if ur lining so hard u need a super eraser to erase ur shit, ur lining too hard bro
line softer

>going to an art class but never learning to draw
could've been crafting your own doujinshi user.

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do they sell them overseas?

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Yeah you can get them at most arts and crafts stores, they're not special to Japan.

Yes the mono line of shit is pretty popular with stationery otaku all over the world.

gonna look for one next time.

It's like the Five Star of Japan.

Is Five Star like the Hilroy of America?

>implying highschool students retain any information they’re not interested in

>used to collect used rubber shavings and compress them into an ever expanding ball of graphite soaked crud

Probably the same reason why Solo plastic cups are always featured in some foreign mde movies with American characters.

Who even draws on paper? It's 2020

I have trouble adapting to digital due to the lack of drag and paper texture.

Not him but I've never seen either of those things. I actually assumed campus notebooks were one of those weird American standard sizes of paper for academic work or something.

They're pretty common in anime/manga. The most famous example appears to be Deku's from what I can find on Google.

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I'd rather if they used MUJI the GOAT pen that personifies Japanese culture of minimalism.

I've never watched BNHA but I'm also just tremendously unobservant in general. Campus = American to me for some reason, so I just made the leap.



Think again.

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plenty of people? despite having a decent drawing tablet I still use my sketchbook and a pen most of the time, especially for some quick sketches or for life drawing, and I know most other artists I've met/know IRL tend to still use both digital and traditional with no intentions of going full digital any time soon

user that's fucking gross
at least I'm not the only one

you are actually a fucking caveman with no culture at all.

>those eraser's that absorb graphite or something so you just get a bunch of black smudges if you use them more than once

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That's how they're supposed to work you retard.
Just "erase" a blank part of the paper to shed the black parts.

I want to use notebooks like these but they are not available in Europe. We get the shittiest of everything, even stationery.

Who here used to eat erasers when they were a kid?

They are the easiest to pick up for a girl who had hers fall on the ground. After that she will love you forever.

for me it's NONO

Retard, that's only true if you can also touched her hand when giving the eraser to her.

I know about this one because some people use it for fountain pens
You've been sold a bold marketing claim there pal
Their paper is inconsistent

in kindergarten I tried both glue and play doh just because I saw a kid eating glue in a cartoon. They were disappointing to be honest, especially since the play doh smelled so good

I said pen not paper. Yes their paper is ultra bad, and I agree with that.

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Ever tried erasing with a Pink Eraser that wasn't on the end of a Ticonderoga? Absolute Shit
White Erasers (Hi-Polymer it says on some of them ie Pentel) are unironically fucking S Tier erasers.

I use my thumb to wipe of the waste.

Same. Stealing stationary or whatever I found is the way to go.


user that's fucking cool

>read Tombow as Tomboy
Fuck I need some sleep.

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Out of my way eraser fucking shits

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No, you need a tomboy.

>tfw you slip while inking
So this is why digital is so popular

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>one drop of ink go wrong

They're very good erasers. My Jpn teacher gave me one.