Bokuben - of false triumphs

>Multiple routes announced
>All endings are canon
>Order of routes is : rizu, Fumino, asumi, mafuyu
>No words on secret routes for sawako, miharu or mizuki

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Only Uruka ending is canon.
The rest of the losers get a "what-if" ending only

How long till the Rizu Route?

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This Wednesday

Which route are you waiting for the most?
Are you gonna drop out after that route is finished?

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H-how will we ever recover?

I'll be skipping the foom and I wish I could have skipped Uruka.

>Be a Fuminofag
>Sees that Uruka will win by about the time he slips on the stairs
>Flees from threads so I don't have to face my fears
So now what do I do?

Sensei. But I'm gonna read and enjoy all of them.

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Why don't you faggots read a real manga, like Kanokari

>"what-if" ending only
Yeah, it literally has an "If" attached to the end.

Wonder if the tankoubon releases will just do normal numbers or it will be released as "ぼくたちは勉強ができない If"


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Considering people are hyped again about bokuben after Uruka's shitfest, they better market it as normal.

Uruka was a mistake

I wanna see Punished Nariyuki and Punished Fuimino in her route.

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The other teacher-student harem highschool romcom ended with someone I didn't support, so when Bokuben seems to not end with Fumino, I was ready to be griefing again, but then hallelujah 1/5 happens.

I escaped the threads around the beginning of 2019. Am I correct to assume sensei fans had taken over the threads until Uruka fans dominated with this recent development?

Yeah, especially since Fuminofags kept making a fool of themselves.

yes, but senseifags never stopped dominating the threads, Urukafags just became more vocal and started spamming the threads for two months but now they're with the tail between their legs

>Sees Fumino trying to kiss Nariyuki behind their backs
>Immediately tries to kiss Nariyuki while both Uruka and Fumino are on the room.
Rizu is kinda based
can't wait for Route: 2/5

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In it for the long haul.

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>Which route are you waiting for the most?
Mafuyu, of course.
>Are you gonna drop out after that route is finished?
I'm going to read all the routes. I hope every girl has a great arc.

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>he doesn't appreciate all the girls
>when there's no forceful girl who keeps on treating the MC like some trophy who should love her just because she loves him so much
be thankful 22i didn't create a character like Marika or god forbid a classical tsundere who's too aggressive and goes "CAN'T HE SEE MY LOVE FOR HIM?!?!?." fucking retards.

senseifags are more vocal than anything

>In 2020
They are so 2000s

>he doesn't appreciate all the girls
girls? yes. monkey? no.

I'm interested in how all the routes will play out but I'm looking forward to Asumi the most because in the grand scheme of the story, she never had a chance.

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She is the one who benefits more of the multiple endings. I'm happy for all our Asumifriends.

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Asumi cause I went from no hope to actually getting something.
>Are you gonna drop out after that route is finished?
I've been on this ride since like ch 6. I'm seeing it through to the end.

what in the fuck happened to this series.
>multiple routes.
how much of a pussy are do you have to be to make a romcom series and not have the balls to stick to one ending.

imagine Yotsuba getting her own route in toubun. fucking lmao

There is?

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>Like Asumi
>Tfw she reminds me too much of my ex

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>Multiple endings
Finally an author has the balls to do this. Based 22i.

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thread, let's discuss rizu's breast

Fumino reminds me a girlfriend I had, it was a bad relationship. That's why I don't understand foomers.

The absolute state of Yuipollfag.

Muliple endings is the opposite of having balls.

probably you haven't pass the test of understanding woman's heart.

Stop being salty, urukafag. We are all having a good time.

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They're too aggressive.

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I'd rather have the omnibus route over 'but we all love you so much, we decided to ALL be your wives'

Though the best option would've been Nariyuki x self improvement. He doesn't need any of them, and at this point they don't need him.

I wish Rapemino would rape me

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I'm fine with the decision. My biggest concern is he only takes 1~2 chapters for each route. It's be like those rpg games with mild dating sim aspects sprinkled in where 99% of the story is the same regardless of your decision and the only different is one scene and a CG you get at the very end. If it ends up like that, then I'd want a proper vn to actually take the time each girl needs.

It was a manipulative bitch that talked to me in riddles, like if I didn't immediately knew what she was talking about, she would get mad and stop talking to me.
Every time Fumino is on panel I just can't help myself but see her, even her transformation from blackmino to bluemino it's exactly how she changed over the years we were together.

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Pushed one step too far.

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rizu was made for ryona

I won't even read the rest of the extra scenes. You only need the Uruka end for the main story.

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Will her ending have a nice boat?

based and urukapilled

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Can you imagine if the only ending was this but with Mizuki?

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fumino highlighted communication in her training lesson. it wasn't about do the unspoken based on assumption but being more considerate when it's necessary.

Ashumi and Sensei. Fuck the rest.

user wtf incest is gross

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Isn't a little bit sad that not even urukafags talk about the ending anymore? Also their post seem so repetitive that they are only either praising Uruka's design, crying about the fact there are multiple routes or shitting on all the other girls.

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Well, the route was garbage and they can't even hide behind
>well, she won so you're just salty

>they can't even hide behind 'well, she won so you're just salty' anymore.
This will never fail to put a smile on my face.

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I'm looking forward to senpai and /lit/ routes. I won't skip anything, not even /sci/.


Asumi, but I'm hoping for a Sawako x Ricchad ending. Still gonna read it to the end and I'm glad 22i got over the garbage route first.

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