
Fuck Marry Kill?

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Kill and fuck Ebisu and leave the others alone without marrying or fucking them. They are too good for me.

>wanting to fuck a retard
She will probably puke on you or something

Fuck Amazon
Marry Gyoza machine
Put Ms Skeltal out of her misery

kill op
marry and fuck all Dorohedoro characters


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Be real with me, will there be a season 2??

No idea.

Bath scene next week, hopefully.
And also, to get to the pinky promise scene, what are they going to cut out?
Maybe the detective Chota stuff and the cross-eyes group could be at the start of next season

Probably. Last I saw it sold like 5500 copies and was number 2 on Netflix Japan, which is pretty damn good for CG anime which lowers costs.

Kill Ebisu, Fuck Gyoza and marry Noi
or this

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Praying to god. Plus, Hashiyada deserves it for making such an amazing manga

>Kill Ebisu, Fuck Gyoza and marry Noi
Came here to post this, only correct answer

>marry Noi

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Fuck and Marry Aikawa
Get Killed by Kai

i wanna marry all three

Risu is the better boy, but I respect your taste nonetheless.

This is the way
Also, I want to eat my weight in gyoza.


This, but I would be okay with marrying Noi and having her fuck me to death.

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Fuck, marry, and kill Hayashida

does it even matter when kikurage can revive any of them?

Kinda sucks they cut out the part where Young Noi uses her magic on Young Shin. Really drives home the sentiment of how much she cares for him to quit her devil training. I'm PRAYING that the BD has deleted scenes and redone shots in some way (Given there's only 6 episodes per Blu-ray). Maybe I'm hoping for too much but it seems weird given how much love for the source material is pouring out of this adaptation.

I need to know what was in his pockets

Nothing was cut during that part.

Ebisu, Ebisu, Nikaido

If you dont marry Noi then you're gay

In the manga the story cuts off at that point there too, but I do think there is a scene way later along the lines you're thinking of.

I only just realized that En and Noi are the only sorcerers to blow smoke, so I'm guessing it's a family thing.

Oh shit that's true, good to know.

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Ok close the fucking thread. This guy got it right.

>I'm PRAYING that the BD has deleted scenes and redone shots in some way

I hope they include some of the Bonus Curses.
There's a surprisingly large amount of satisfying world building effort put into the Magic User's world and I've been enjoying experiencing their culture n' history.

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Wtf I caught the first episode but did they fucking just CLANG my Doro?

The BDs are gonna include an entire OVA of the bonus curses.

Fuck Nikaido
Kill Noi
Marry Ebisu

Noi is gross

I don't get this series. People seem so happy to see the manga animated but as anime-only watcher I find this only mediocre so far. The world is pretty intriguing but the execution seems somewhat off, it just doesn't feel as dark as people say the manga is. Maybe it's because how comedy is tied into it; like the scene where Ebisu destroyed Matsumura's corpse, which objectively should be tragic, was made comedic, but actually didn't feel sad or funny at all and was just weird. Or maybe it's 3DCG that stops me from truly enjoying this show.

Have you guys heard this yet? It's awesome.

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Nope you are too autistic to understand black humor.

Fuck Nikaido, Marry Ebisu, and Kill Noi. since noi is basically immortal ill marry her after she regen. ill let her fuck me while i fuck ebisu.

if beastars get season 2, this will too

if not, kill gyoza fuck ebisu marry noi

new ed? im gonna save myself for when the next episode is out

stuff for killing magic users

HOW MUCH OF THE MANGA WILL THE ANIME COVER? 12th episode ends at??? What about the 6 ovaries on Blu Ray?

I really hope there will be. Even though its not that popular on Yas Forums, i still think its one of the best anime adaptation ive seen. Dorohedoro artstyle is really hard to imagine in anime, but anime looks amazing.

>What about the 6 ovaries on Blu Ray?
Turn off auto correct/complete user.


>ywn be snusnu'd to death by Noi

Fuk Noi, marry Nikaido, kill Ebisu
Like, is there any other choice?


How would anyone here know? We'll know when the shows ends. The 6 OVAs are shorts with the total time of 30min.

>people saying the manga is dark
Since when? Readers will be the first to say it doesn't try to be grim dark. Embrace the weirdness, because the juxtaposition of gallows humor and friendship with gore and death metal aesthetics is how the creator likes to tell her stories.
>objectively should be tragic, was made comedic
The tragic scenes in the traditional sense won't be in this season. Volume 13-15 has an exceptionally darker tone, but even then the story never relies on edgy tragedy porn.

>Vaux’s birthday party
Ah, I forgot that this is the last time they’ll be in The Hole for several volumes.

Fuck Nikaido
Marry Noi
Kill Ebisu

Spoilers auuuuuugh

Fuck Nikaido
Marry __Noi__
Kill Myself_

They all deserve to live