New chapter of berserk when

new chapter of berserk when

Attached: muira.jpg (732x632, 65.94K)

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Whoops, better redo it again.

Attached: 1578022114917.png (928x238, 33.3K)

>screencapping and reposting your unfunny post
No news, so who knows
Likely this year he'll do the usual and say no more hiatus, put out one chapter, and then stop again for a year


The wuflu will cripple him and berserk will be axed.

>corona chan cucks berserk fans out of an ending
that fucking bitch

Yknow, this picture with filthy franks face photoshopped on it is getting pretty stale. I mean it's funny but you can't use it every single time.

My man Miura is out there fucking MAD BITCHES on the daily and all y'all can do is seethe at him.


Attached: file.png (590x727, 682.08K)

That's actually him.

Attached: 3.png (999x630, 1.34M)
