Advocating for the liberation of women

>advocating for the liberation of women
Was Aya Hirano ahead of her time?

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More like a sacrificial lamb considering the fallout from what happened. Also a reminder that actions have consequences, no matter how high up the ladder you think you are.

>what happened
You mean incel Japanese autists outrage?

Remember that she admitted she admitted to dating multiple people at the same time because she was mad her boyfriend broke up with her. She was literally cheating on multiple people at once.

>going out with other people to clean your mind after a break-up

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I hate idol culture and I bid her success if her goal is to bring it down.

Remember everyone have their own moral standards and principles, even if they include fucking everyone but the bassist.

Go back to tumblr, land whale.

Only women have opinions this wrong.

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>Aya becomes an Olympics ambassador
>deadly pandemic sweeps the country
Like poetry

Except for the drummer.

drummer had a gf and rejected her iirc

That t-shirt screams "FREE STDs." What a filthy whore.

Oh, she buys sausage all right


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Everyone but the _______

She did nothing wrong.

Shut up woman.

If that were true we'd have more Haruhi and Lucky Star

bro why is this board still obsessed with this shit. a girl just wanted some dick, let it go bro.

Women are not allowed to post on this site.

>tfw you'll never get to have an orgy with Aya Hirano

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>all these pathetic incels

She didn't do anything Rumiko Takahashi wasn't already fighting for, Takahashi was just smarter at how she fought for it.

ITT: incel faggots advocating purity as the ultimate way for living life.

have sex please

>sour grapes: the board

also checke'm

since when Yas Forums is so full of incels? she literally did nothing wrong

What I wouldn't give for some less polarized takes on the situation.


Why do you keep spamming the same post over and over? Does this thot getting btfo really trigger you that much?

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Only the white knight cucks care about this shit.

Her dead career says otherwise

Yeah, "other people". Like her entire band, sans the bassist

>woman being this mad
Itch your ditch more so the sand wont accumulate so badly.

You could have survived without the need of this buzzword, nigger. But you are right about whiteknighting I admit.

Uhm sweetie you will never shut me up, okay?

At first I though they were incels but now it's obvious it's just one autistic tranny.

Go prep your bull, cuck

Everyone forgets Hirano also has a fucking brain tumor

I'd fuck her

Ganbatte, tumor-san!

Stop samefagging nigger.

>she wasn't retarded as fuck, just had a brain tumor

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Serves her fucking right

>can get surgery to remove tumor
>doesn't do it because it'll change the shape of her nasal cavity and alter her voice
why not just remove it and hope for the best?

oh nono no look at purityfag incel seething
where's your haruhi-waifu now?

she is a whore

I didn't know women were enslaved.


The fate of all sluts

>has a tumor
It all makes sense now

She tried to coerce the bass player into fucking her, despite knowing that he had a girlfriend. He wanted none of that shit and just left her to fuck the other band mates.

All 3DPD are whores. This is no surprise.

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>used goods still mad
What a surprise.

A women being shamed for being a whore is a sign of healthy and normal society, and only westerner shitheads see anything wrong with that. Aren't you glad that she is suffering the consequences?

>Aren't you glad that she is suffering the consequences
Did she catch any STD? What other consequences of sleeping around can she get?

Because of losing her contract with Lantis her career plummeted, leading to her fucking niggers in Las Vegas slums.

Moral relativist sinner

Did they fire her because she had sex? Lmao

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