Hunter x Hunter

Who would win if Netero & Zeno fought?

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There's a thread already

I think Netero is stronger but it could be interesting to see them fight.

>the 500th hiatus thread
This topic is better.

>back and forth
Your thread brought me here.

Netero could easily beat the Phantom Troupe if he were alive.

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Off-topic: was Meleoron an NGL native or an immigrant/volunteer?

Zeno himself says that Netero is far abpve him and only Zygg Zoldyck was ever able to put up a fight against him.

Netero because of the bomb

But someone set us up the bomb.

Most of the NGL were probably immigrants. It is an internationally recognized natural reserve.

Plus, Gyro's backstory is really similar to Jim Jones', so I assume the NGL is like Jonestown, in that he basically made a sect of primitivist communists and convinced them to move into the NGL, like Jim Jones convinced people to move to Guyana.

Great explanation but I don’t think the people of the NGL knew Gyro or moved to the NGL because of Gyro. But yeah Gyro is a mix between Jim Jones and Pol Pot.

Do we even know Zeno's full abilities? I'm leaning towards him because he's a Zoldyck.

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So Zigg > Maha?

I don't think he'd use the bomb fighting another human.

Are we ever getting a Leorio arc or should I just give up?

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You should just give up but don’t kill yourself. that comes later. After leorio got bfto beyond recovery

Presumably. Unless they are the same character, which I doubt.

That said, HxH characters grow weaker with age, so Maha is probably already weaker than Zeno either way.

>leave Netero to me

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Asspull x Asspull

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>retards are still obsessed

Tonpa Ascension > The Great Hiatus > Chimera Ant > Gyro > Succession > Yorknew > Don Freeccs > Perfect Cell Saga > Hunter Exam > Reddit > Election

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You Tonpafags are even worse than Leoriofags.

Kek and based.
You knew mine arcs already.

Why don't Nen users adopt the meta and create radiation based powers?

>radiation based powers
What nen category would this fall under?

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>but don’t kill yourself
Stop projecting, user.

Transmutation has mutation on the name so I'm putting money on that one, unique effect sounds Jokerish enough to work too.


Why would I kill myself over manga, retard?

Ur fitting in real well user, if you post that image a few more times you will definitely be cool!

How the fuck should I know faggot? You was talking about giving up like a some kind of cocksucker because there was a possibility that your useless character Leorio won’t have his own arc.

I'll honestly never forgive Hisoka for becoming the face of asspulls for shitposters while being on the same series as Alluka

Gyro was recognized as the leader in the country, and we know he imposed the border controls to make sure nobody carried technology inside, so most of the people in the NGL probably knew Gyro. We know these rules are enforced to protext Gyro's drug trade, and the concept of a NEO-GREEN Life, kinda implies thay these are people who have decided to become primitivists.

There are no hints of razed cities or forced ruralization in the NGL, and we know that Gyro at the very least is a foreigner. It seems more likely that it is a Jonestown kind of case, in which people relocated there thinking they'd be going to a primitivist Utopia, rather than Cambodia where people were forced to leave cities at gunpoint.

That said, it is possible that Gyro didn't found the Primitivist movement, and just took it over.

York New > Succession > Chimera Ant > Hunter Exam > Heaven's Arena > Expedition > Election > Zoldyck Family

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Netero because he's fucking insane, and will pull some shit even if he does lose.

>York New

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Bro, come on. It's overhyped to shit but you know exactly where Chimera Ant belongs.

No human could beat Netero in a fair 1 on 1, he sees his opponents in what essentially is stopped time, all of his attacks are simply unreactable and I doubt anyone are able to tank them either, the kinetic energy of the 100-types strikes has to be absurd considering the velocity of its hands.

No, Gyro was know as the shadow ruler of the NGL and it's underworld/darkside but the local population didn't know about that nor Gyro. The NGL goverment on the other hand knew it and they enforced Gyro's rule and all other goverment task like border controls and stuff.

Besides I know enough about the NGL and it's history and culture. Yes Gyro is a foreigner and yes he created NGL and it's Luddite culture.

This is Mr. Tonpa

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Gyro > Chimera Ants > Dark Continent > Yorknew City > Succession War > Hunter Exam > Chairman Election > Heaven Arena > Greed Island

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But you are Netero.

Hunter exam best arc

Chrollo can beat Netero easily.

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Based character

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1st half of CA arc was boring.

Best Royal Guard

Should have survived the CA arc and live a life of his own till he went to the Dark Continent and died facing some kind of DC monster.

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With enough prep time Chrollo could beat anyone. In a neutral 1-on-1 Netero would win.

but he has no eyes

Netero/Morel/Youpi/Gon vs Chrollo in Heavens Arena. Remember Chrollo will use the same abilities including his puppet army. he used against Hisoka.

How will the fight go?

Reading the fight between Netero and Meruem should be enough to know that Netero would stomp Zeno with absolutely no difficulty, and Zeno himself confirmed it before the fight even took place, speedreader.

Zeno implicitely said that Chrollo was as strong as him, perhaps even stronger, while Netero could litterally slaughter the entire Phantom Troupe in a blink of an eye.

Youpi alone would be enough to defeat Chrollo easily.

>speedreader this, speedreader that
People who say this are too low-IQ to understand it's not normal for people to remember every single detail of stuff they read/watched in the past without going over them several times.

And if anyone claims they remember every little thing from every movie, book, series, manga, song, etc they read/watched, then you're full of shit.

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I remember everything from most mangas, books and movies I've read/watched. Not everyone is a

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You think? How would he avoid being splatted the same instant the fight begins? Out of the existing hatsus that exist none would help in that regard except Camilla's, but then you'd need to bullshit up a story where Chrollo is somehow aware of its existence and she lets it get stolen from her.

Oh yea, what chapter did the turtle ask the queen if they could have names?

Good, very good.
Netero and Morel?

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Which Nen type would make the best girlfriend?

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Very beginning of Kimera Ant, so something like chapter 185 / 186.

Netero would destroy him before he can even open his book.

Morel VS Chrollo would be a superb fight, no idea how it would turn out. Both can win depending on the tactic they choose.

>took 4 minutes to reply because had to google
You still got it wrong.

Netero kills Chrollo 0.05 seconds into the fight, Morel could either win or lose depending on if he lets Chrollo get to the bleachers, if he uses smoky jail beforehand he wins and if not he loses, Gon stands no chance at all.


I think you missed his point. Only people with photographic memory can remember everything. The only reason I know a lot about the series is because I've been constantly joining the discussion threads. But those who don't won't know everything.

What if Netero/Youpi/Morel allow Chrollo to use his puppet army and puppet/human bombs against them?

Break Netero/Youpi/Morel!

Hey lads

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