Your thoughts about ecchi anime?

Your thoughts about ecchi anime?

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It makes my cock hard and I leak so much precum. I need to find a sissy to lick it clean.

>rarely ever has flat characters
>always has busty girls
it hurts

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Wish they would take the cum brains away from real anime

God bless those horny nips.

Obsolete now that Ishuzoku Reviewers has an anime.
>not just blue ball shit
>better production value than hentai

>discord buzzwords
You are the intruder, faggot

you'll miss them once western politics take over

It's great, all anime should be ecchi just to spite faggots and normalcancer.

There was that one gun show that had both a flat and busty character at the same time.

Ishuzoku is actually trash when compared to better ecchi anime or regular hentai. It has no plot and has mediocre animation

I like them a lot. I have a strong appreciation for things that embrace sexiness without just being porn. Porn's fine and all, it has it's place. But there's something about ecchi anime I really like.
Not even just in a sexual way, I just have this love of them that I can't really explain. Like a mix between the way I enjoy slice of life and the way I enjoy porn, while also being an entirely unique enjoyment at the same time.

Having in your face, nonstop, gratuitous fanservice diminishes the effect imo.
Kind of like developing drug resistance. But that’s just me.

Now that they've adapted Ishuzoku Reviewers I will never ever be satisfied with another Ecchi that doesn't even show tits.

Garbage. Why watch it? It's just one big cock tease with 0 pay off

>mediocre animation
So it's better than the bottom of the barrel animation most hentai have?
>He thinks a word that originated on Yas Forums is a discord buzzword
muh boogyman

Better watching hentai.

Yea but id rather watch hentai with shit animation than a show that only shows boobs

>only shows boobs
user it literally shows full on fucking

>Story suffers because of porn
>Porn suffers because of story

Literally no reason to watch ecchi

>Blue Ball
That's only if they don't show tits and ass.
'Eechi' that has no nudity is the worst.

Boobie animes are the fucking best!

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Which episode and minute. Watched all of it and no penetration was shown only the illusion of it

boobie animes are so much more than just nudity. it's about the philosophy! The poetry!

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Tasteful nude scenes in an appropriate context in a good non-ecchi manga/anime > ecchi.

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hahahahaha, fag.

this. nudity in non-ecchi anime is the best, i wish it was more common

Fanservice is OK, but ecchi is just bait to attract people towards an otherwise uninteresting story. If I want sex I'm reading a hentai instead.

The problem with porn is that sex is so attractive on its own that you'll rarely it alongside an actual story. Erotic, well-made stories with sex are the best IMO.

>but ecchi is just bait to attract people towards an otherwise uninteresting story
no, that's just bad ecchi. holy shit.
>The problem with porn is that sex is so attractive on its own that you'll rarely it alongside an actual story
absolute pleb opinion.

>no, that's just bad ecchi. holy shit.
So ecchi in general, gotcha.

>absolute pleb
But that's what happens.

Porn boils down to "the only reason to enjoy this work is the sex". It contrasts with erotic art because the later usually have sex, but have something else besides the sex too.
And it's a fact, if there's sex some people will enjoy it no matter what else you add in. No wonders Pornhub is one of the biggest sites out there, or Yas Forums is 99.9% porn with 0.1% random content.
From that you get the obvious "why would I bother adding something else? Sex alone is fine."

The statement you're quoting might be correct or incorrect, but it is not an "opinion". The opinion is in the part you did not quote.

It's hardly uncommon. There's hundreds of anime/manga with it. Sure a good chunk of it isn't tagged or organized somewhere but it exists.

Lot of fags and pedos itt
I'm nuking it soon

Trash shows to keep coomers occupied while the rest of us watch the actual good stuff

Pic related only has (mostly untranslated) manga with nudity.

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Nice try Pisscord nigger.

It's not a female girl though

Which is why I wish we got more of Fuuga's stories.


coom on my tits, baby~ *ahegao*

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Need more fetish ecchi.
Namely pregnancy.

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What happened to these great ecchi anime anymore? Why do we have forced yuri or beta male MC harems now?


Some hentais you might enjoy, then:
>Believe Machine
>Love Sonar
>Hime Monogatari (at least the main story; the second part is trash)
All of those are still fairly interesting even if you replace the sex scenes with "and they had sex".



more! more! *ahegao intesfies*

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I actually came no lie.


you can lie to me, but you can't lie to them

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Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant.

Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant.
Hang yourself twitter immigrant.

You know I wish ecchi anime would be the big thing again.

>enabling the basedjack coomerspammer
You bring disgrace to Liza

can't bring disgrace to a slut, cucky

ok coomer


Hang yourself twitter immigrant.

Spics are not allowed to post on this site.

Kill yourself.

Asobi ni Ikuyo?

seems like it's starting to get there again


I’m the opposite. Actual hentai/porn doesn’t turn me on but ecchi does.

I don’t even fap to ecchi, I just find it very aesthetically pleasing. It’s like cheerleaders in NFL or NBA games.

There is still a fetish market that they can tap (pun intended).

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I want this so bad