How's Samurai 8?

How's Samurai 8?

I never see anyone talking about it here, is it any good?

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Weak start. Improves later on, but at the rate the story is progressing it's almost as if it's close to end.

>I never see anyone talking about it here
There are threads occasionally, mostly to shit on it. I don't even read it, is it really in danger of getting axed?

You need to keep chewing

the art is a complete mess, you can barely see what#s going on. doesn't help that the designs of everything is just white bubbly shit.
could be a. million times better with another artist/designer.

It's garbage and remained garbage. Looking like an early axe.

its going on a break because Kishimoto has that power
the current arc in the manga though is being rushed to hell and back

>its going on a break because Kishimoto has that power
Ah, the "break and come back with a time-skip while soft rebooting" approach then

Really, it could be improved with just changing the MC's design, he's really unpleasing to look at.

OP here, yeah that's the thing I dislike from the first look as well.

I thought it could be a reference to Obito so I'm going to give that a pass.

both of these. just look at the fucking swords. what were they thinking with those dogshit designs?

They already did that, and it's the least of this series problems.

I'm looking at it and really don't see wtf are you talking about. The designs seem fine.
oh so they changed the prosthetic arm/leg in the final design for the MC? Is that why he has them in one of the artworks and not in the rest?

It's actual proof that Kishi is a hack and would have been nothing without his editor carrying him into success.

>I'm looking at it and really don't see wtf are you talking about. The designs seem fine.

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They changed his design from the prosthetics in the first chapter. They changed his outfit again 20 chapters in.

Poor soul. You don't know how good you have it if you think that looks bad.

at least they gave us the cortesy of not including faggot feet claws in that wolf armor.

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That looks good, tho. Also Bleach is easy on the eye unlike this clusterfuck.

This is like this pic related

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now post actually canon designs

>that looks good
yiff in hell please

Looks like a paint by numbers.

>comparing shit with shit will make a better shit
you can shit on it because it is furry shit but that doesnt make this clusterfuck any better. the toning are garbage

>Worldwide popularity! Colored pages to celebrate the success of the sci-fi samurai tale!
I would be ashamed of writing such blatant lie, holy shit.

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Hello anons. Lifelong Samurai 8 fan here. Possibly the last Samurai 8 reader as well. Frankly the pace in which the story is advancing makes it seems like it will end soon. The whole point of the manga is to open pandoras box and in turn kill acala who is trying to take over the universe/multiverse. We are currently viewing acala opening pandoras box. I have yet to see how they can continue past this. We're literally fulfilling the endgame of the manga right now. Why can't people see that? The MC is literally about to transform into a somewhat reincarnation of the creator/god of this universe to fight against acalas student. There's literally nowhere to go after this battle. This is the endgame.

Lmao this

Ok, but that's also one action page that happens to be from a bad scanlation considering how blurry it is.

And I simply provided an example of a wolf armor done much, much worse.

Fucking hell, it still gives me a headache

This looks pretty standard stuff, looks like it got a lot from Naruto, but the story is compacted in much less chapters. Thank fucking god

Any hope for an anime?

What's that white stuff around them, energy or clay similar to what Deidara used?

lmao bruh you do realize that's a fanart

I can't even tell what the fuck is going on in that picture. Where is the fucking shading?

Isn't it drawn by Kubo for that gacha game? Still, furriness aside, it's not a bad design

That's a fucking atrocious design, the fuck are you talking about.

It makes Netflix Alucard look straight.

my season samurai 8 eye can vividly visualize the vast vision of various visionaries

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desu I want Samurai 8 to live just because the longer it monopolizes the bottom spot on the ToC, the better the chance actually good axebait like Mitama and Undead Unluck lives. It's a terrible series, but a good buffer

why does this look like naruto?

Trying to figure this shit out make me feel like i'm doing iq test.

Kishimoto reused a lot of naruto designs and just tweeked them slightly. Like the mangaka who does Eden Zero.
He has reused Tobirama, Onoki, Hinata, Kakashi, Naruto's designs so far

The more I read into this the more I relize it's a Deidara spin off.

Kishi isn't even drawing this.

Kishi makes the character designs and the storyboards, Okubo just traces over it


the powerlevels are off the charts in this shit.

they already did that.

it does? my problem with the art is that it barely resembles Kishi's style.

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that still looks like garbage. what's that cuck strap on his chin supposed to be?

I think...Kishimoto is done after this

You can tell how excited he was about this series in the pre-release interviews. To have it fail even with such a huge marketing campaign and the great comeback of the naruto author, is a giant embarrassment and slap in the face. Being a mangaka is hard enough, it's probably already hard for him to have the motivation to work at his age and with as much money as he has.

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>what's that cuck strap on his chin supposed to be?
That's where his face comes off when he needs to do those cyborg soul stuff i think

the sad thing is that the series is not that bad, it's just that the first chapters with all the infodump were boring as shit and it turned off a lot of potential readers.

I feel so bad for the world famous multimillionaire who never has to work another day in his life.

Kishimoto should crawl back to boruto.

ongoing and no one talking about it hmm i wonder if its good

the beginning chapters may be shit, but the series so far peaked at decent at best

next chapter will tell if this is getting an early axe or not. Too bad, I really liked Ann's design.

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Nigga he's worth millions, he's not doing this for money.

>I feel so bad for the world famous multimillionaire who never has to work another day in his life.
This desu. At least he has his millions to cry on, other mangaka get their shit axed much faster, what about their passion and drive? I didn't even read Saiyuki but i felt but about him, wasn't he so devastated he ended up closing his twitter?

Imagine naming your series Samurai 8 and you only meet 3-4 of the companions before the end of the series.

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it's called Samurai 8 because after you read it you turn 8 degrees and walk away

>inb4 one of the members is the reader...

has Kishi even explained how the other companions can be found? because so far it could be Sanda, Ryu, Ichigo, Goku and Nanashi.

Removing the weird foam/smoke/cum would do the art a huge favor

>Call his show Samurai 8
>people will think it's a sequel to Samurai 7

Why does Kishimoto hate the Naruto franchise so much?

he does?

hey, this manga is pretty fucking cool. Much better than what I was expecting.

A leap up over the shonenshit people is gobbling up these days.