BEASTARS early short summary chapter 168

168 leak:
Legosi won. But the rope broke, the spear fall right to him.
Melon saved Legosi

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Other urls found in this thread:"posts in this thread"/start/2019-12-29/

>Sorry yiffya, im not going to arrest my new friend

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How the living fuck could Legoshi win against a Ph.D in History? Fuck this, Paru, not again.

>Melon saved Legosi
Clever fuck. Legosi came here to disgrace him but saving his opponent is only going to make him more popular in the eyes of the populace. Which serves two purposes: gives himself leverage to be spared of the penalty for losing and elevating his celebrity status.

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haha imagine if they kissed now that would be hilarious haha

>Legoshi won
He actually lost and Melon saved him

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>rope broke
Well they did say they had not used the equipment in years.

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Don't even joke. It'll probably happen.

Notto disu Shitto agen

Honestly at this point i have no idea why am i even following this thing.

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i follow it to watch how mad everyone gets about it
it's the best part

melon is a blight to this manga

>Legosi wins
This is somehow less believable then the fucking Moths, Ghosts and Jojo stands

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>Legosi won

What happened to this threads? We are getting /DBS/, /One Piece/ levels of cope after each chapter. Did we get a bunch of newfags because of the anime?

The manga's been especially dumb lately, I that a not insignificant number of people dropped.

This shit used to be funny but it's seriously pissing me off now, what the fuck is Paru thinking?


Taking this manga down... with no survivors!

So, obviously, Melon never wanted to kill him in the first place. Why?


figure it out baka

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He wanted to kill him, we need to wait for the full chapter, maybe Legosi said something that is useful information for Melon

Watch it as Melon gets redeemed as if he dindunuffin to show that hybrids are good after all

I bet that quiz was komodo themed. Those little KKK hoods probably picked reptile related questions because they thought two mammals would have a hard time answering them.

Why did Paru start letting her dad write her manga?

I mean have you seen her dad like geeze how could you say no.

I will be legit angry. Riz was a product of their fucked up society and he killed his best friend as a result of trying to be closer to him. It's a little tragic.

Melon is just a psycho and was always a psycho. Yes his mom clearly started it, but there isn't much more to him than that. He kills people regularly and enjoys it. No redeem plz.

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Paru's I mean Haru's juicey stretched out holy pussy will purify his soul and make him appreciate life and himself.

pls say sike!

Melon will become a protagonist in Beastars 2: Autistic Boogaloo.


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to be honest, he should get injured

is autism part of being a hybrid?


because Melon let him win.

Melon wants to turn a good boy like Legosi into a bloodthirsty beast as a symbol of society being a failure.

>Legosi fw haru wants that hot wolf dick

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Legosi's virgin powers are god tier. No matter how thirsty the female is he escapes with his cherry intact.

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Just came back from my promise to stay away from these threads for a few months. God I wish I could've been around for this chapter though.

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there you go

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good shit

>Spoiler thread
>less than 50 replies in 4 hours

W-what killed the hype...?

Glad to see you're still around.

there are only so many ruses we can tolerate

not him, you can find these in the archive"posts in this thread"/start/2019-12-29/

>Jojo stands

Come now. They are actually The imagination projections ripped straight out of his fathers manga

>The manga's been especially dumb lately
since chapter 1

Take your pick
- The introduction of stands.
- Melon getting away with everything. Or that he's turning out to be nothing more than a nihilistic psycho.
- Dolph coming back from "vacation" (so fucking stupid)
- Haru getting stupidly suicidal again.
- Paru jumping the whale.

Nigga just threesome the rabbit

I dropped the series after this shit.

But at least we finally got an explanation as to why the lions suck so much.

Legosi eating Louis

Are there any guro doujins where Haru gets eaten or mutilated yet?

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NOTHING about the last 20 chapters makes sense, and that's being generous


>Chapter 169
>Legosi and Melon team up to take a bite out of crime!

Stop giving Paru ideas!!

Name my crime fighting bad as straight as possible.

>Three Perverts and Two Gays (tee-pee-tee-gee)

Do herbivores really......?

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