i love corona-chan
God damn it this is the worst happening ever. It won't be an apocalypse just a massive annoyance that puts everyone's lives on hold for months on end.
>Maple laughing while eating a bug noises
People actually worry about a non-mutative virus?
1) Already a thread
2) Nothing of value was lost
>outsourced trash is getting fucked by corona-chan
All is right in the world
Well, yes. If it has high fatality rate, spreads through air and water, has no symptoms for carriers and long incubation period, it's a fucking nightmare.
Almost all anime is outsourced, newfag-kun.
No shit Sherlock. Do tell me more, newfag.
It does mutate in the same vein as swine flu, becoming less lethal than initial samples
But even a low death rate pandemic is bad for economy because it's disruptive and if it's not contained it may overwhelm the medical system of some city which was the prime reason of high death numbers in Hubei.
Blame the US.
>high fatality rate
>Only 0.2% for anyone not elderly
You mean China.
I blame both just out of habit
>Isekai trash delayed
Cancel it
Which is even more ridiculous when you finally realize the virus doesn't actually exist but is yet another myth to strip us from our liberties, and it's working like a charm.
I swear, humanity is the most cancerous species on earth
OK buddy time to readjust that tin foil hat
based /x/ poster
he's right. just another psyop to usher in nwo
What? Do you think a Death Note is what's been killing all those Chinese people?
It literally has at least two strains in China due to mutation.
Just read the LN nigga.
Which is still much higher than the normal flu. Plus about 10% of the infected require ICU care, which is something no healthcare system in the world is designed for. If it became as widespread as the influenza, we're in a world of trouble.
>lmao is just another conspiracy bro lift your tinfoil hat hahahah listen to me I hold all the facts hahahahaha
Kill yourselves. You don't even know ONE person who got this ebin new flu and yet you all gobble up the news about it being real. Stop existing anytime, please
welp, looks like spring is going to be a backlog season for me
wow a fucking .2% death rate
calm down
>which is something no healthcare system in the world is designed for
Sounds more like an issue with the system then the disease to me
>virus engineered to kill off boomers
Epidemics tend to overwhelm the system, regardless of how well structured it is.
Keep seething remnigger.
I may still wait for the English dub.
Keep in mind there are two mutations of the illness:
Mild version
>Deadly for elderly and toddlers
>Will normally not give you irreversible aftereffects
Worse version:
>Even if you survive, your kidneys and testicles may get FUBAR'd
>Higher kill rate
>Combination of SARS and HIV
>Made in a laboratory
>Damages immune system
>People who recover get it again
>Only deadlier in old people
I fail to see the problem
>You don't even know ONE person who got this ebin new flu
I actually do you autistic fuck.
No, I really can't take it anymore. Now even BoJo doubled down and said fighting this hoax would be his "top priority". I really don't fucking know what to do anymore and being surrounded by oblivious fucktards doesn't help
No, you don't. You're just another one on the payroll. Shouldn't you flood places like facebook and twitter with a higher reach to spread your lies?
It's the Chinese and their filthy, inhumane wet markets to blame.
Jesus you've got some issues
Probably because you are a dumb sea monkey.
I love Satella
also people not being hygiene insightful, fucking wash your hands
Spanish Flu shook the world, devastated economies, shifted power balances and it only had a 2 - 3% kill rate and killed a measly in the big picture .50% of Americans it infected out of 100 million. Corona is just as infectious, similar kill rate numbers and if it puts you in the hospital more dangerous than the Spanish Flu ever was (because it was pre major advances in medical practice). Basically, pandemics by nature don't initiate doomsday, the more deadly a virus is the slower its spread and the sooner it peters out (it's why Ebola is "low threat") but it's the zoomer generations and modern worlds first global pandemic hit in a hundred or so years and their globalized structure, all eggs in one basket manufacturing and labour outsourcing, chaotic supply slow, larger populations, more expensive and convoluted healthcare structures, easy ability to travel worldwide is being put to the test as kind of a dry run to show how fragile things were operating. On the other hand you have more access to information instantly, better monitoring capabilities and treatments available and no major double whammy of events like WW1 and natural disasters and economic depression happening all at once.
So it equalizes to disruption of society for about a year, and specific nations with weak infrastructure going full on collapse. You'll most likely be fine, but certain businesses won't.
Are we going to get BDs for the director's cut version of the first season which is currently airing? Or are we stuck with shitty web streams and TV rips?
I do wash my hands regularly, but I have the bad habit of touching my eyes, so even then I could get it if exposed.
Why? It's a virus you get by breathing in you stupid fuck.
fucking stop that then
*breathing it in
Not him but if you touch something contaminated and then touch your face, you've a good chance of infecting yourself.
That's why you should keep your hands clean and try to avoid touching your face as much as possible.
I actually do unlike all of you guys who simply want to believe being in actual danger
>and killed a measly in the big picture
I didn't know killing 50 million people is measly now.
What about your, user?
is it possible to get corona through a cut?
or does it have to get in through your respiratory system to infect you?
Shieldbros...we're next
Not at all. In first-world countries, about 50-80% of ICU beds are usually in use in any given day, which is perfectly fine since there simply aren't that many people who require such intensive (and expensive) care. Now, it's possible to increase that number to a certain extent in emergency, but not by much.
1000-2000 ICU beds for a 10 million population would be sufficient in any other situation, but a highly contagious respiratory epidemic with a high hospitalization rate can overwhelm even the best healthcare systems very quickly.
It's like TB.
Wear gloves. How often do you touch your eyes with gloves on?
which is to say?
Dont care, so long as i get Tsugumomo s2 im happy, simple as
>mfw on immunosuppressants
I don't think i'll make it anons.
Nah, that one will be fine, FINE!
>want to visit friends in 2 weeks on the other side of the country
>also don't want to be in an airport and everyone is saying to avoid frivolous travel
What do, Yas Forums?
You get it either through the respiratory infection or through the mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes).
FUCK. What am I supposed to shit on now???
What do you have, Lupus?
Habits are typically hard to break and often done reflexively.
So that's why people have been buying up all of those medical gloves. And I have allergies, so sometimes my eyes itch.
Eyes, nose and mouth are the primary infection points. Saliva, mucus and fecal matter are the primary sources. If you get that shit in a cut, you have other things to worry about. Isopropyl alcohol is your friend in any case.
Unironically take your meds schizo. You sound like my homeless uncle who thinks his wife is tracking him through hacked cctv.
Video chat with them instead. We live in modern times.
What's stopping you from driving there?
>What do you have, Lupus?
It's never lupus. Didn't you watch House?