“Fuck you I liked it" thread

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One of the better movies released in the 00s actually.

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It's not that bad if you go into it with absolutely zero expectations


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Even the ending.

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What about this show did you even enjoy

Loved it and still love it.

My only gripe is that the whole carnival thing was dropped when they went down to g-block. The carnival stuff was interesting

Unironically liked okaa-san online. And no, I don't like incest.

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What an enormous downgrade to Votoms
The girl was the only good part of the entire shit show.

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but it was very good

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It was a good manga.


>just copying Yas Forums threads at this point
great going retard OP


How do you know what threads are on /v ? Is there something you want to tell us faggot user?

Shame there were only 12 episodes


But yeah.

Not him but fuck off newfag. You're not even typing Yas Forums correctly.

>muh source material

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It's an old Yas Forums meme tho.

Watched it few years back, liked it

watched it few months back, wasn't as good as I remembered but still liked it alot

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These are actual kino though? Everyone knows this.

I just found the romance between Romeo and Juliet boring, they fall in love at first sight, there's no conflict between them, or anything. Their character growth in the series has little to do with their relationship, it might as well not even be a romance.

It makes Yas Forums seeth like how Castlevania makes Yas Forums seeth


An objective 7/10 show.
The first 9 episodes were alright, well paced and fun, from episode 10 to 15 it was masterpiece, sadly it went downhill from there but still it wasn't that bad, it just had a lot of pacing problems, infodump was handled poorly and the direction became lousy

I dropped this at episode 5 or 6, the one where the MC and the pink haired girl were almost dying but then they turned the battle around and killed the monster in one hit because power of love or some shit.

I almost watched this, but then I saw its retarded mecha designs

You're not missing out on much, especially because all of the major battles in this series get resolved in that exact same way.
>oh no, Hiro and 02 are separated
>oh no, the klaxosaurs are too strong, we're almost done for
>yay Hiro and 02 reunited and now their mecha is overpowered because they love each other
It's garbage.

Mecha design was so ugly, what the fuck they were even thinking, also the doggy style position for the female pilot all the innuendo

The show is full of sexual innuendos because it's another one of those "FUCKING OTAKUS NOT HAVING SEX AND KILLING THE COUNTRY'S BIRTH RATE REEEEEE" shows

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I really liked this show even if she's a filthy shrine slut. Why did the writer think making her into a slut was worth mentioning though?

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What the fuck is up with the redhead girl's body?

Careful, you're being dangerously non-contrarian.

Hourglass figure?

you posted it
i want to marry shiro

This is legit the only manga I have ever read at one sitting
Now that I think about it it was kind of an edgefest but I loved every second of it.
I just wish they had presented more ways of using the blood power.
Also the art is awesome.
Fuck now I wanna read it again

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that ending tho.

Most of their 2000s shows were pretty good, fight me.

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I heard a lot of people hate the OVAs. Does everyone hate the mangas too? Or are the movies just seen as a stain on the series? Because I felt the manga was pretty good for the most part and was only slightly edgier than devil man

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The haters will REEEEEEEE forever that people still like all 24 episodes in spite of their geeky obsession with the appearance of the mecha designs or babby's first Trigger experience.

That's a shame, I had been thinking of watching it. It looks like it'd be cool and since it has Votoms legacy and all.

I liked everything but the end. Seriously, it was just shit.

It escalated too quickly. Volume 1 with the death minigames/circus shit could have been half the series. It just turns into a mediocre battle manga without an interesting power system and people are using blood with no penalty on their body

Last Exile was kino

I don't think this is a terribly controversial opinion. Gonzo was often at least interesting, even if ultimately flawed. There's a lot of forgettable stuff in their catalog, but its alongside some actually stand out titles.

I really liked this one.

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had it's flaws but it was highly enjoyable

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Everyone hated it for being pretentious, I liked because it was a mindfuck and I didn't need to think about the plot, just enjoying the show.
That's what we lack in nowadays ladies and gentlemen, plotless fun shows which don't even try to force themselves with a story

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