Why does the author of Heroaca sexualise a minor so much?
Why does the author of Heroaca sexualise a minor so much?
Cuz wai not xd
I would fuck the shit out of her, if you know what I mean.
t. 35 yr old
she needs it for her ability
Because 80% of anime/manga fans are mentally ill and find drawings sexy so anime and mangas are automatically going to sell more of people can jerk off to them
> muh morality police
r*ddit is that way
It’s hard for me to visually consider her a minor, especially when characters like mt lady and midnight aren’t drawn looking more mature than her. Before Horikoshi assigns then an age a lot of his characters could be interpreted as a huge range of ages.
I find her attractive but I’m not mildly interested in real girls at that age.
Doesn’t her powers require it?
Why are you on Yas Forums?
it's cape comic manga it's kinda mandatory
I mean he’s literally a confirmed pedo.
what's wrong with this design?
It's hilarious how tumblr trannies constantly are making shitty redesigns of her, meanwhile she continues topping popularity polls the way she is.
Looks kinda bland
It must be because of how good of a character she is
>a minor
Legal enough in Japan
Because teenage boys reading Shounen want fapmaterial too.
Meh bait
>mentally ill
B-but user I'm not even gay.
she's legal
He doesn't not compared to other manga artists
>Muh western sensibilities are the only thing the world needs
Fuck off prude
She's been shown turing away from people and pulling her top open wider in order to generate materials more quickly. It would be harder to do that with that costume design. Some of the author's notes mention that she wanted her costume to be even more open and the one she wears was a compromise with the school. She's naturally modest, but being able to use her powers to their utmost is more important to her.
French comics have nude teenagers. Don't lump us in with America's nonsense.
If that's a minor, then I'm a fucking minor.
T. 26 y/o
>Pulls objects out of her body
>Clothes get in the way
>Why is Japan so creepy
If you had any actual grey matter in your skull instead of a giant onions bean. You'd understand why she is the way she is
>Implying it's only Americans trying to police other countries. UK is a big fucking asshole about it too.
There’s different types of mental illness besides being gay
>bnha landwhales reeeeing about men being attracted to a fully developped 16 year old girl while they shlick themselves unconscious to a teenage boy getting assfucked by his bully
oh the irony
Cause everyone loves tiddies.
Is not complicated.
Because it's a story about kids for kids and you're just too old for reading it.
All of the BnHA girls are big and round, none of them do anything for pedophiles like me
What about best girl Jiro?
Round but not big
If I looked like her, I would wear slutty clothes, too.
It's almost as if manga is for teenagers who are horny and not prude muts like yourself. Shocking I know. Now you cant feel superior because there are characters that remind you the series is for kids. Learn how to cope.
It literally has much more where to grab from compared to pic related, besides if her power needs her skin to be exposed then why doesn't she wear a bikini?
momo has a rude chest
She makes shit from her fat which apparently is in the most abundance in her titties. THat's what's wrong
Looks like boring trash.
This kills the coomer
Didn't her clothes rip afterward? Jiro got a full glorious view of Momo's titties
FUCK momo
She should just go fully topless
Your argument would hold except tons of these “horny readers” also happen to be adults
Momo looks fine to me, she is a rich girl after all, must have some foreigner blood mixed in that body, her power works better with a revealing outfit, the retards that say otherwise can cope harder, bunch of autistic screeching faggots
Uraraka needs to be thick, she will have Bakugou's quintuplets
I couldn't care less of the rest of the cast, maybe Tsuyu, she looks cute
And your argument is shit because she is a drawing not a real person. Her age is just a fictional number. You can make her 1 year old or 100 years old and it wouldn’t make a different. People are attracted to her design, not her age.
Then give her a backless dress
It's funnier from the front.
I never said anything about her age brain let, being attracted to drawings at all is autistic regardless of how old her character is
Because the target audience is straight/bi males with fully normal functioning sex drive, not homosexual men.
>crunchyroll "localized" suit
I feel like this outfit could work if it got rid of the stupid ass belts and attach her arms with high tech tablet gauntlets where she can wiki information. Also, she should have a backless top or the zippers work from both sides so she can expose herself for additional spots when things call for it.
one of these days I'm going to commission some art of her captured like erza got in fairytail
Retard, it was explained in the post you are responding to why she doesn't wear a Bikini.
>Some of the author's notes mention that she wanted her costume to be even more open and the one she wears was a compromise with the school.
Petition to purge all boku no hero cancer. Allowing threads like this to even exist is a sin in of itself.
I mean there are countless moe, slice of life and waifufag threads that are 10x more cancer but yeah let’s purge threads of a popular shounen
I bet you like harem anime lol
She has literally no reason to be doing that
because it is less taboo in nippon, anyone can figure this out you fucking newfag.
shut up and enjoy the scenery faggot