5Toubun no Hanayome

Spoilers when??

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tomorrow for sure


I would fuck the shit out of Nino.

i would fuck the shit into nino if you catch my meaning

Spoilers: this manga is shit

What killed the hype?


>What killed the hype?

Why are you spamming your shitty Yas Forums meem you mentally ill faggot?





Spoiler here, Nino wins.

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lolibaba > *

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I love Yotsuba!

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What spoilers?

I love Laura (Nino)

Happy Miku-day!


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Why did Negi never put Yotsuba and Fuutarou together on any of the group illustrations or pages in volume 14? They are always separated by other quint or by Raiha. It's like Negi intentionally cucks her from any contacts with Fuutarou. It's laughable.
Someone please post "no kino spread kiss" pasta.

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Is there really such an overlap between the 5toubun fanbase and the Falcom fanbase, or is it just one samefag nigger trying to force hahas?

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So the tweest reveal is even bigger. Sasuga master Negi.

I’m a Yotsubro and it saddens me that we never even got a double spread kiss page.

Posting Nino before the thread is deleted.

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>only Yas Forums plays FE

Get out normalshit, we had to practically force feed Yas Forums into classic jrpgs

It's shitposting user. You should be used to it by now with 5Toubun threads.

Only thing left to anticipate from the manga is a potential epilogue chapter in the final volume release, but even that isn't set in stone. Also Itsuki's character book if you care at all.

It's literally one guy making and spamming these edits.

It's over....

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Bait and switch soon bros.

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Why is she such a cuck? there is no way nino would pass the chance to drug fuu and rape him in honeymoon

in the butt!

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Fuutarou and Yotsuba don't make a good couple.

Still salty?

You are not Fuutarou and he ain't your self-insert either.

Not him, but pointing out the obvious is not salt. They were a couple, yet not a couple. There are a shitton of Negi forgot, ignored, retconned stuff, but I ask what was the point of F slowly opening up to romance if there is no change in their relationship whatsoever and he still acts like a grade schooler around the topic in his wedding?

Between her fat titties

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Negi is a hack

You just don't understand Fuutarou.

Idiot. It's a common observation based on their interactions.

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What does it say?
>fuu- kun?
>no, it is you Jamal kun ?

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>toubunfags won't get a canon ending for their favorite twin aside from one

>favorite twin

Based hunterchad saved bokuben.

So I'm the same as Negi.

It is foreshadowing for the sisters getting into his honeymoon with the bride.

Post kino panels

>Miku's plush: 4500 yen
>Nino's plush: 3000 yen
>Yotsuba's plush: 1800 yen

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post yfw toubunfags doesn't get route for all the girls

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Ninofags are still crying about how she's a beta orbiter five years later.
So pathetic.

Seems like a reddit meme.