ITT Pleb Filters

Post a pleb filter, but don't say whether the plebs love the show or hate it.

Pic related.

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Definitely pleb.

madoka lmao

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Hyouka is definitely not a pleb fille filter


Here's this seasons pleb filter.

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Ultimate filter, i told a friend to watch it and he didnt understand. He told me some off brand 3d cg netflix anime based on a mobile phone game was his favorite of the year. Everyone has different tastes i guess. Madoka is still one of my favorites ever and affected me deeply

it's trash, right user?

Did you have a stroke user?

Considering the kind of people who praise it, I think you already know the answer to that.

>off brand 3d cg netflix anime based on a mobile phone game
fate/dick balls isn't a netflix series though...

All the gay stuff in the first episode, specifically.

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>pic related
Maybe you should've started with one that wasn't trivial to guess?

Not everyone realizes that Hyouka is for plebs.

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Masterpiece of our lifetime.

>but don't say whether the plebs love the show or hate it
A "pleb filter" is something that filters out plebeians, you idiot. It's also a meaningless shitposting term, since there's no objective definition for what qualifies someone as a plebeian.
>hurr durr filtered
Fuck off.

Season 2 when? Still one of the most beautiful and colorful anime ive seen

idol anime
harem anime
incest/loli etc

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The show he was trying to get me into was ingress. It might be good but i cant handle that level of 3d cg. It looks really out of date. My friend told me he couldnt even tell it was all 3d cg at all. I dont think we watch anime for the same reasons. I am usually in awe of how hard it is to tell a great story. I get goosebumps when the frame rate goes up for a fight. I cry when characters i like die. I obsess over the details, the music, the backgrounds, the artstyles. I think some people dont fully appreciate the depth involved. My friend is literally just trying to predict the plot and he pats himself on the back when hes right. I honestly think thats as deep as he thinks. Some people watch stuff just to say they've watched it instead of watching it because they love it

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Good taste

>"cute" girls do cute things
Nope. If anything it's Budoukan.

The early eps of Sagrada Reset I'd say had a huge pleb filter.

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Their only good show
Definitely a pleb filter

madoka is overrated user
It's the cringiest piece philosophy i've ever seen, liked only by the fujos and worthless cucks who did literary studies

Not that user. Madoka is my favorite show, but how is it philosophical?


Plebs hate it. If it had come out last season like it was meant to it would easily be AOTY 2019, though it's not like there was much competition.

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>about philosophy


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Fucking this. SAO is awesome.

Yes, pleb.


SAO was good until they started sucking kiritos dick in alicization and comparing themselves on why they liked kirito.
I wish they cut that part. I fucking hate it. It killed the feeling of a war actually happening.

This filtered the rapefags.

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Fucking kill yourself retard

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First two seasons are great, third was isnt great but isnt terrible, newest one is absolute trash garbage.

There is no denying this as ultimate pleb filter

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Trips of truth

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unironically the latest SNK

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>trying to predict the plot
That's actually quite fun especially in well written shows where the story progress isn't obvious

That user is a brainlet he thinks that if something has a depth surpassing the current running mindless shounen shows it's philosophical.

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If we don't get a genocide ending its shit, I'm willing to at least keep reading the new chapters in case Isayama is baiting us with the moralfag alliance, but otherwise it's probably going to be a shitty peace ending.

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I have the feeling someone got mad at getting filtered and now is trying to make it lose its meaning.

I would consider pleb something that separates Yas Forumsfags from the rest, something that is difficult to watch due to its controversial/horrifying/traumatic content that most ordinary fags wouldn't even dare to watch... OP is a fag for thinking that boring piece of KyoAni autistic bread is a pleb filter, fuck it isn't even the best KyoAni work
unironically this could be an example of a pleb filter

You should be glad that not everyone watch that shit. Imagine the world where degenerate is the norm.

>imagine a world without normalfags
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

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Not really. I want to live in the world where people killing each others all the times too.

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Name literally one Kyoani series better than Hyouka, movies don't count.