So i just watched "Darling in the franxx" and holy shit...
I thought there was no way i could like her, she seemed like a psychopathic manipulator. Excellent character progression. Excellent world building.
So i just watched "Darling in the franxx" and holy shit...
I thought there was no way i could like her, she seemed like a psychopathic manipulator. Excellent character progression. Excellent world building.
If only it knew when to end. It was a lot of fun before it went full retard.
Needed more romance/drama and less mecha/scifi
Yes and yes. The space stuff came out of nowhere and really disoriented me.
Needed MIkus nipples every episode.
Fuck all other whores.
Miku is just Asuka really
Darling in the Franxx is the Neon Genesis Evangelion of our generation
Agreed. What stuck me as especially dumb was how much time they took to focus on the weakest aspects of the show. The logic of the world didn't quite make sense, but that wouldn't have mattered all that much if they'd kept the focus on the character drama, which i found to have been the strongest aspect of the show from the beginning. The fact that they grind everything to a halt to essentially shine a light on the show's biggest weaknesses is utterly baffling. Hell, even if they'd done so little as to just leave it alone, it would have been fine.
And that's why she was better than every other girl
Well... not EVERY other girl...
Was pretty funny how zorome and miku were still tsun with each other even after the decade-or-so flash-forward.
Why did Franxx lose so badly?
It's not even funny how it's hailed as one of the worst of its decade whereas VEG is put on a pedestal everywhere.
Ichigo held the show together to be honest. I found her arc to be the most memorable aspect of the show, even as a hir02 shipper from the start. I guess in the end she won the most. Married to penut-butter jesus, living a utopic carefree life with her close friends. Seems a lot better than floating aimlessly in space with a spouse you can't fuck for years.
Why do brainlets always describe girls in terms of Asuka and/or Rei?
Oh boy here we go. Seriously though, VEG at least didn't shit the bed and had a real protag.
It didn't stick the landing. They finished the show on episode 15 and nobody yelled cut. I remember the later episodes slowing to a damn crawl, probably so the writers could bide for time, and then they rushed out a bunch of nonsense at the end. If they'd had some idea of what they wanted to do after episode 15 without being fucked for time, i think things would have turned out a lot better for Franxx.
The similarities are undeniably there. More so for 02 than for Violet.
To be fair, not ripping off eva is the exception for mech series, rather than the rule.
I remember how the threads from after episode 15 were wondering where it could go from there, with everyone throwing speculah left and right. Then it turned out to be aliens.
So basically Game of Thrones Season 8: Alien Bogaloo edition?
No,is a trigger show for brainlets and normies
A few of those episodes got delayed, too. Which makes me think the writers were wondering the same thing.
I think the rough part was a lot of things got wrapped up in episode 15. Ichigo's executive-order husbando catastrophe wrapped itself up, The klaxosaur war campaign wrapped itself up, the hir02 arc was tied off with a nice little bow. All the balls that were in the air had landed and been caught, so there was no natural way to continue the story. I think that's why they leaned so hard into kokoro's cock quest after that. It was the only story thread still available to them, and they even managed to royally fuck that up.
You need to be at least 18 years old to be on this website
Correction: *failed* version of EVA
Violet is an actual character.
02 is a shallow copycat fapbait.
Now go away.
She was a psychopathic manipulator, she egged a guy on to keep going, expecting him to die of blue cancer, then he didn't and she tried to kill him outright so she could become more human and pursue her true, honest Darling. You're more sympathetic because it was for love and he turned out to really be Darling.
EVA,was just a Gainax show for retards and normalfags.
Still isn't even close to EVA.
Holy truth based. 02 cucks are scum
>It's not even funny how it's hailed as one of the worst of its decade
You're right, it's hilarious
>what am I? / do I deserve to live after what I've done? / I'm not your tool anymore
>DAAAARIN / daarin... / DAAARIN
And then they dropped everything, even the three main villains of each side (Humanity, Klaxosaurs, and Virm), for shitty side characters.
Holy kek.
That clip from VEG is not even remotely related to how it used in Eva. They have nothing to do with eachother
It's more complicated than that. First off, everyone she "killed" agreed to it. They wanted glory, they knew the risks, and they took it. Hiro was no different. He expected to die after 3 flights and he chose to fly anyway of his own volition. Secondly, the whole reason she attacked hiro was because she was simultaneously developing feelings for him, as well as becoming convinced that he wasn't her original darling since he'd failed all the tests she'd given him to try and jog his memory, like offering to run away together. In her mind, she was starting to betray her original love by developing feelings for this new boy.
Even worse is that she was having the stress of dealing with the experiments and maintenance she'd been actively putting off as long as possible for a few episodes, and was showing more and more klaxosaur-like features, which is in stark contrast to her original goal of kill klaxos to become human to live happily ever after with OG darling. This one was starting to mean something to her and she hated herself for betraying her original darling and becoming less human.
To add to that, hiro had been starting to grow afraid of her, and was acting more coldly towards her as she started acting more erratic, which had been spiraling for a few episodes, as zero two acts more and more erratically, hiro starts to close off to her more and more, which distresses her more and makes her act even more erratically. It was a downward spiral. Hiro had even starting to actively try and rein her in from her berserker style of fighting, which she largely used as a means of catharsis. Hiro had taken everything from her at that time, in her head. He'd taken her time to find her OG darling, he'd taken away the affection he use to give her, used up all her time, and he'd even rejected her requests for kisses and fucks, even after telling her over and over she could rely on him. Hiro was the biggest tease possible, and the rush of battle, where she could forget about her troubles and proactively work towards her goal, was the final straw. It was the last thing she had, and hiro was about to take that from her, too, so she lashed out. Hiro agreed to all of this shit. He knew death was a real risk from the beginning.
Too bad the story completely ditches why making 02 into a human isn’t a solution to jack shit or her developing klaxosapien transformation.
I love Zero Two
I mean, it was basically a non-issue after she and hiro reunite in episode 15. Hiro forgave her for everything, accepted her for exactly who she was, and proclaimed his love for her. Becoming human was only ever a means to an ends, after all. With the ends achieved, the means are irrelevant.
Somebody wasn't paying attention. Both are in the context of the character in question not being an empty husk that'll follow any and all orders from its commanding figure.
Rei eventually tells Gendo to fuck off on EoE, Violet eventually tells Dietfried to fuck off on episodes 12 and 13.
As a couple, they really only needed to grow up individually; They had already grown together as friends and just needed to preserve that into adulthood.
It's not even close to worst of the decade, and only shitposters bother bringing it up.
No one worth listening to comes to Yas Forums to talk about previous season shows they didn't like.
The twists and ending would have worked fine if it was telegraphed and planned.
there were 4 different plots: The parasite rebellion, Franxx's plan, Hime and VIRM.
If you think about it, none of these plans actually attach to each other in the final product. A quick shuffle of cue cards would let everyone succeed and fuck off, the only exception being the actual finale (which was fucking nonsense)
Instead of a short timeskip, put in a long one: The plantation isn't just now running out of emergency rations: It's been limping for a while. Establish that the parasites have manageable difficulty operating on their own. Demonstrate that the wasteland is starting to grow back with the amount of magma energy spilled during the fight. Everyone's taken steps forward into being self sufficient and establishing a happy ending before it's disrupted.
The 9's are deployed as a cleanup squad; Give the fans what they want and have some FranXX vs FranXX fighting. Make it desperate: The 9's come out in pristine condition every sortie, while the plantation is bleeding itself dry.
VIRM wants to finish stripping the planet and leaving, but FranXX has gone to ground and they can't access Apus. Without that control, they continue to assault the dinos, but they can't nail down Hime. So they go back to the plantation to collect the next best thing.
Now you've got all 4 players in the game. We've reset the scenario: Franxx's social experiment will collapse without help, but if he comes out of his bunker, they lose. Hime can't let the plantation stand as long as VIRM's win condition is playing house there. The plantation wants no part of any of this, but they won't be allowed their little slice of mediocrity.
And now you've got the tension to ask questions like "If I die tomorrow, what will I leave behind?", "What's the difference between living for each other and dying for each other?" "If Love conquers all, why are we losing out here?"
Not a bad setup at all. It makes enough sense now that all the cats are out of the bag, and it makes perfect sense for plantations to go independent after seeing other plantations get thrown away by the higher-ups.
Plus it would put hiro and zero two in an interesting position. With them now controlling the most powerful weapon known to man, and them being required to wield it, they end up in a position where they actually have to make some decisions, and a lot is resting on them. It's a nice conflict, do they run away together like they'd always dreamed? Take the chance they've suffered so much to obtain? Or do they throw away their dreams to protect something larger? One of the shitty parts about the way the show ended it was how, in the end, they didn't really have a choice. Making them choose after obtaining the freedom they always wanted would make for some fine end-game conflict! The only question i have is were there enough episodes left to really flesh it all out?
You'd be surprised. If you streamline all of the plantation collapse, the Kokoro drama, the asshole shuffle RE: Plantations, the entirely unnecessary VIRM attack and FranXX's backstory, the entirely pointless coma, and ETC.
There's so much room you can save:
The plantation's conditions can be environmental.
Kokoro's arc fits into an episode (Cap the episode with Kokoro pushing herself into berserk against the 9's in an affirmation of her love; and [temporarily] lobotomizing herself and Mitsuru)
The entire out and back from APE can be cut: There's no reason to pull back the parasites: They're supposed to be dead.
FranXX entire backstory (especially being improved to make some fucking narrative sense) could be dropped into a 20 second flashback. The rest of his exposition can be given to VIRM and Hime.
The entire post Apus segment can be rolled in prior, and you can simply have Apus take a longing look back to the plantation and chase the VIRM fleet. Come the fuck on: It's the same fucking episode. "She's fighting up there, we're going to help her."
That last one has a special place in my heart as the betrayal of the worst order: It should have been bookends: We start the series on 02 surrounded by menacing Klaxosaurs. We recontexualize it: It's her stand, with what remains of her race. Approach as an message that Love doesn't need to be about saving or being saved: By this point, both Hiro and 02 can "fly" on their own. It makes it all the more important that they choose to fly together.
At worst, you finish the arc with VIRM barely getting away. If you get a movie, you can play with Hime demanding the restoration of her race, VIRM returning with a battle fleet to clean up their mess, what have you. If you don't, do a epilogue with VIRM returning only to find an integrated Human-Klaxosaur fleet ready to meet them in orbit around Mars and Earth. Trigger can even have their Gainax faffery with a squad of custom Apus-derivatives guarding the planets.
You're a double dumbo dumb dingus.
The whole series only exists for Nishigori's wish to have Simon and Nia die together.
Hiro and serotsu never were meant to be free or whatever. Only to die together, instead of having one live without the other.
The rest was absolutely irrelevant for Nishigori.
Shit anime.
Kill yourself.
If that was the case, it was a really bad idea to establish 3 (4?) times that they would not be satisfied with dying together or for each other.
See, I think Nishigori's a hack, but it's not because he's got bad ideas... It's that he snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. You decide to write a story where Nia and Simon don't have to be separated, and you decide to have them die?
In a massively overblown "homage" to your previous work that seems to have little purpose than to figure out how to kill an nigh-invincible robot you wrote into the plot in the first place.
I can accept that's the motivation, but it's entirely plain to see that Nishigori's will was wrong.
I don't think its much of a problem, they all volunteered and knew what's the deal.
Actually, I was sympathetic because she's a sick girl full of self loathing that's experiencing cognitive dissonance so badly that I'm honestly surprised she didn't break entirely into a Capgras delusion.
And for that matter, if you're going to start psychoanalyzing the red oni, get the blue one too: By the time they've re-met, he's a suicidal para-sociopath piloting autist who basically only has stayed alive to this point because he didn't want to inconvenience any of his friends.
>Now I will watch your metaphor for sex
its called normalfaggots, dumb newnigger redditourist
lurk for 2 years before posting again or go back
If your only difference from reddit is that you are also a faggot, then there is no actual difference.
you never learned to lurk and read
go back, dumb newnigger redditourist
Not necessary.
>haha aliens
Yes, you do.
Why do newfaggots hate franxx, is it an eceleb thing?
Now, my faggot friend, please return to french darling discussion.