The panel that changed Yas Forums forever

The panel that changed Yas Forums forever

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The face of _________?

Fire Punch is shit



>Double trips+dubs

The face of a man who couldn't fuck his imouto

Holy shit

Based, kinopilled and checked.

Just curious

kino post

What emotion is he trying to express?

I don't even understand what the reference here is.
What is the goddamn significance of this panel?


"I'm giving up on the painful reality and living a pleasurable lie instead."

Manga of the decade.

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Just you retard. How many threads have you made?

Are you stupid?


Does live mean suffering?

Is this faceapp meme?

It's a close second.

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Holy based

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this isnt even a get, its just dubs
what are you retards getting excited about
fucking go home

You know now that you describe it that way it does kinda look like the coomer face

Why though?

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How come this page keeps getting spammed after like what, 2-3 years Fire Punch ended? Where did you niggers come from?


from redditsawman

It's the obsessed falseflagger at it again, it's really curious how this shitter never gets banned.

Based and checked.

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Is this what a forced meme looks like?

In other words, bluepilled.

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I mean after millions or billions of years their brains where so full of physical pain and loneliness that it doesnt really matter she wasn't the original, hell maybe he wasn't the original either.
And even If they were does it matter?

user, he makes that face like 2/3rds of the way in. It's only been 8 years and a few months at that point.

Forced meme

I know but I just wanted to talk about then ending

The face of an oni-chan mind breaking some imouto look alike and fucking her afterwards. Honestly is there someone more based than Agni?

Never watched/read it, but that looks like a weird mix of raping/being raped face.

imagine being so fucking delusional
no one gives a shit except your little discord server
no amount of raiding will change that

This face is the personification of Kino

noooooooo pls i dont to remember this shit

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Okay real talk, is this manga a one-shot? Because I've never seer any other page/panel than the 5-6 posted on Yas Forums (three of them being basically the same drawing with minimal differences), and it can't be that there are no other good ones in such a great series
Also great digits man

81 chapters of pure kino

I really don't like the word kino but Fire Punch is one of the few things I can actually call kino. Sure, the art isn't the best sometimes. Yeah, things are a jumble towards the end. Characters are killed off too quickly and without any reason and plot points vanish and reappear without warning. But what makes it kino is the amount of care and love put into it. Not to mention, the overarching message and the characters who are actually 3D and well-developed. It incorporates so many styles and genres into itself and it can display it in a cohesive manner without being too much. In short, it's kino.

Pure pain


Is this truly Kino Punch?

There's more kino

Attached: Fire Punch - Chapter 5 - 2.jpg (1115x1600, 272.54K)

I really don't like the word kino but Another is one of the few things I can actually call kino. Sure, the art isn't the best sometimes. Yeah, things are a jumble towards the end. Characters are killed off too quickly and without any reason and plot points vanish and reappear without warning. But what makes it kino is the amount of care and love put into it. Not to mention, the overarching message and the characters who are actually 3D and well-developed. It incorporates so many styles and genres into itself and it can display it in a cohesive manner without being too much. In short, it's kino.

I really don't like the word kino but Mayoiga is one of the few things I can actually call kino. Sure, the art isn't the best sometimes. Yeah, things are a jumble towards the end. Characters are killed off too quickly and without any reason and plot points vanish and reappear without warning. But what makes it kino is the amount of care and love put into it. Not to mention, the overarching message and the characters who are actually 3D and well-developed. It incorporates so many styles and genres into itself and it can display it in a cohesive manner without being too much. In short, it's kino.

I really don't like the word kino but lakgalksaskjg is one of the few things I can actually call kino. Sure, the art isn't the best sometimes. Yeah, things are a jumble towards the end. Characters are killed off too quickly and without any reason and plot points vanish and reappear without warning. But what makes it kino is the amount of care and love put into it. Not to mention, the overarching message and the characters who are actually 3D and well-developed. It incorporates so many styles and genres into itself and it can display it in a cohesive manner without being too much. In short, it's kino.

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Fuck trannies and fuck Fire Piss

Can you explain to me, someone who never read this manga, the meaning of this panel and why does Yas Forums lose its shit because of it? I see it fucking everywhere

This one too. Anybody who cannot understand the appeal of such nuanced characters and the overall atmosphere is most likely a brainlet.

No spoonfeeding allowed.

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the kino witnessing is on fire these days

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Just read the manga. It's only 83 chapters. Don't spoil yourself on one of the greatest masterpieces in fiction.

Some anons like the conflict emotions this panel express, so they repost it.
In the context of the story the guy in the panel is the MC, who is about to make a really bad choice to gain some temporary happiness for himself after a life of suffering, despite being aware of how much this decision is going to bite him back in the ass