Gooks insert their anti-nip propaganda in my cartoon again

>Gooks insert their anti-nip propaganda in my cartoon again
When will animators finally learn to stop outsourcing their background work?

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sometimes the way they just spite each other just amazes me.

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>"Petto no kuso jitsu teru na
It just says pick up your pet's shit.

Nationalism is so retarded and petty.

funny how the shittiest countries on earth tend towards being the most nationalistic

Tell the Japs to do the animation in-house if it bothers you although that would require them to treat each other like people and have decent wages so it's not gonna happen

Pretty sure the US is happy to keep Korea and Japan frosty as long as things don't get hostile. A united East Asia isn't good for American hegemony.

>decent wages so it's not gonna happen
They brought this upon themselves. Why the fuck would you want to become an animator, just get a real job and forget about making anime.

kek, that is literally the opposite of what murica is doing

I know, but that's what I'm doing, and I'm basically the US.

fuck off kikes

Wow, you're right, Japan really is a shit country.
Europe is so much better with its hoards of 3rd worlders that those brave anti-nationalistic retards let in.

name a great country which didn't think itself great
you cannot
being humble is the greatest evil


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Then why do 3rd world shitholes kiss american ass so much?
I guarantee you two are eurocucks in tiny countries.

>great country which didn't think itself great

>t. proud EU citizens


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>outsourcing was a mistake.

Japan, America, South Korea are shit countries? Are you a Europoor or something

America's got multiple layers of nationalism built in, fuck japan and worst korea though.

what am i looking at

I mean, Japan literally invaded them, raped their women and left.

Even some eurokeks are nationalistic. Just look at brexit. Or Poland.

What's wrong with Japan? I agree with hating Worst Korea though.

>fuck japan
Why? Did they rape your disgusting gook ancestors or something?


What's wrong with nationalism?

The worst kind, I imagine.

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they did Yas Forums, also everything about their culture.

He’s probably a faggot Aussie that wants to ban lolis.

Imagine think japan is nationalstic...
"Imagine thinking tokyo is nationalstic,"

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we is the south switzerland guise

Based corea

not to be anti german here, but yall are shite at warfare.

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>japs btfo
That's what happens when you outsource. Pretty soon they'll be china's bitch when their NEET otakus run out of money and companies have to rely on the chinese for income, very shamfuru

What am I looking at here?

I hate Catholics

>can’t handle lolis
So sad.

This, fuck japanime. Unless you have a fetish for being starved and neglected bahahaha

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japs dont have a monopoly on lolis, they've backed out harder than anyone.

Except they literally can’t afford it. Animation is expensive.

Yeah israel, fuck Palestine

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This is so wrong. Live action costs so much more than shitty chink/korea cartoons. Its because your average nihon teengbopper likes live action drama shows than shitty otaku anime duh

Everyone is China's bitch. America is China's bitch. EU is and has been China's bitch. In a few decades the only subs you'll see are chinese ones and you'll be forced to learn. Anywhere you once had English subs will be Chinese. Start learning Chinese now....

Animation is really fucking expensive if you consider how front-heavy the costs are. There's so much production time you have to put in before you come close to return on investment.

Only way USA will be China's bitch is if they somehow cut their population down enough to not need USA food imports......

>Trump dabs on China
>destroys their gdp growth
>corona-chan dabs on the entire continent

Only good things about korea are their food, some of their movies, and maybe their comic books. Everything else is cancer.

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wow that's kinda fucky.

Shut the fuck up chink

t. globohomo kike

sorry English won

It’s cheap BECAUSE of the outsourcing.

for all you outlanders enjoying the cartoons of the rising sun, allow me to enlighten 'thee,' on simple japanese traditional business philosophy,
1)Japan first, US second.
2) Always cater to the most popular trends.
3) Use otaku scum to keep your business a float.
Its pointless putting money in an industry that the new generation domestically dont care about, so its natural to pander to the remains of an otherwise cold medium.

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Wow, not too different from Japan then.

Stupid shitty chink/gook cartoons are cheap because paper is cheap. Dumbass michael bay animation and other 3d shit is expensive.

OMG! South Korean flags on a flags-of-the-world banner! outrageous!

There's only one answer to the g*rm question

live action doesn't even cost paper.

Have you seen Japanese live action CG? It's literally worse than ReBoot. Kamen Rider CG still looks as awful as it did in like 2000

Disney 2d films and the likes were not expensive compared to their live action movies like mary poppins.

Don't throw away something

This is hilarious
japan islands not pictured

emphasis on who owns what land

no clue

jap flag not present
worst korean flag present

self explanatory

The budgeting for live action films cost more than making a lame cartoon.
Look at ur MCU shit and tell me if its more expensive to make than a goofy cartoon feature.

>Look at ur MCU shit and tell me if its more expensive to make than a goofy cartoon feature.
Our MCU shit is literally cutting edge shit that used techniques that didn't even exist until the VFX studio invented it. Japanese CG is stuck 2 decades in the past and isn't going anywhere quick

live action definitely has a higher ceiling but much lower floor too. Cameras are practically free (thanks to china)