Can democracy even work in fantasy adventure? Or is monarchy the only way to rule human along with non-human?
Can democracy even work in fantasy adventure? Or is monarchy the only way to rule human along with non-human?
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Can democracy even work in reality? Or is monarchy the only way to rule human along with non-human?
monarchy is superior in reality as well so
If magic is a thing then a magiristoracy is the natural conclusion with a mage king at the top.
Still can't get sombrero to pay for the wall
>Implying those magic autist have interest or time to give a fuck about managing the government
Monarchy is just easier to write. It's much easier to have a government involved story when that really just means one character.
Absolute monarchy you mean I presume?
Election isekai where MC has to help the human side with his campaign when?
Democracy like socialism don't work and never will.
Are "the fates" a democracy?
A story about an fantasy election campaign could actually be pretty cool. But we all know that's not going to happen and instead we'll get a self insert fighting against the monarchy possessed by a demon god or some shit like that again. Or they'd just win over constituents by teaching them about crop rotations.
Don't you think the non-human that have longer life span will oppose to this since from their perspective it will only bring up instability and wasting of resources
To be fair, the tacos have greatly cracked down on illegal immigrants due to pressure from US
Can't have democracy when the elves are too xenophobic
Most of the fantasy works are set in the kind of medieval environment. As one bearded guy said, form of government always fits the mode of production. So, during feudalism, it's natural that democratic institutions are quite rare.
Too bad fantasy writers don't get much of the things about feudalism or economics in general.
And that's wrong, since feudal governments also involve a lot of people, such as french Estates General.
I'm still waiting for peasant war anime, which would include something about the types of government
The problem with democracy in fantasy setting is power difference. Might makes right. You can't expect a powerful entity always listen to a bunch of weak mortals.
I really like that series. Interesting style, and for gender-bend isekai, I think the plots pretty good. I've got high hopes for it, don't want to see that get the axe.
>get updates
>It's immediately taken down.
Magic makes democracy impossible. The more skilled you are in magic, the more power and influence you have. Not only that but fantasy may include gods, devils, spirits, elementals, demons, etc willing to walk among the mortal world
>He doesn't know that the spics capitulated immediately when he threw economic sanctions onto the table
Less reason to be lazy and unmotivated in a fantasy world that may include stat sheets and status menus
You have to be more specific. The humans who can use magic or those unable to use magic
What about species that depend on preying, hunting, or eating humans to survive? This thread is missing the glaring problem of fantasy species that eat, attack, rape, etc humans in order to keep existing.
>Magic makes democracy impossible
Stefan Skellen would disagree.
Most of Yas Forums wouldn't be NEETS in a fantasy world. We would more likely be skilled farmers and have entwives
Send those pest to isekai Gulag
Human (male) will always vote for succubus if the manifesto is lewd enough
A jail cell can't hold a magician. Democracy can not be achieved if the laws of physics can be broken by anybody skilled enough in magic. Democracy requires Order. Magic is Chaos by default.
Humans would be at disadvantage when facing long lived races like elves who can make plans that have centuries of planning. Also, what about elves with grudges. Humans designed to be forgetful for most of our grudges. How could we deal with an elf with a 200 year grudge because somebody's great great great grandpa accidentally chopped down the elf's favorite tree?
A magic jail cell can.
>How could we deal with an elf with a 200 year grudge because somebody's great great great grandpa accidentally chopped down the elf's favorite tree?
A landslide can deal with that
Democracy can only work in fantasy setting only if author introduce stuff like anti-magic metals or minerals or some way to disable magic
Elves is such a pain in the ass to be deal with why anybody wants to live with them
>be skilled farmers and have entwives
>Not becoming a powerful mage who can punch gods in the face and fuck goddesses.
Why even live?
How much lives at risk to take down a rogue magician? Remember, real life police only need to deal with solid ground when it comes to criminals. A rogue magician could escape toward the air rather than remain only on the ground
I assume most of Yas Forums would begin in peasant class rather than nobility
Money makes democracy impossible. The more loaded you are in money, the more power and influence you have.
More humans would be selfish in a fantasy world and seek self-improvent which means methods like becoming a temporary hermit by meditating and training in a remote environment would be more common. This is the moral way to get stronger if that makes sense. Then the immoral way to get stronger would be to practice the dark arts like necromancy or attempt to communicate with demons or devils.
>Implying you start your life with cheat skills and not becoming goblins cumdump
As long as money can not enable magic or immortality, democracy can still work. But if money starts turning the elite into immortals like an Immortal Android, then society will start favoring transhumans
Is it OK to race exterminate goblins? It's not like they're bringing much or affecting the society for being the parasite they are
Democracy is a fad and only ever worked for city-states. Long lasting republics were very rare and limited, the only major ones still existing in the modern day being the US and Switzerland. Monarchy has proven to be the most stable and successful form of government in human history. That's why it's so common fiction.
It is possible.
As said, in theory most isekai should be pretty much feudalism and monarchy with rare local quirks.
However, in practice isekai are just urbanized settlements with a few farms around for check, being mostly urban societies living off adventuring, war and magic.
It is a comedy, but in Ishuzoku Reviewers they have democracy installed in their city and it just works, especially for mixed races. It makes more sense than monarchy too - since most population are adventurers they could overthrow monarchy when it would become annoying, but with democracy they manage to peacefully reflect power balance and party interests... which results in Orcs in government with program of agricultural self-sustaining, low taxes, legalized brothels that allows to realize party slogan: "Sleep, eat, fuck!".
In general, democracy pretty much fits better to most isekai. It can be not a democratic republic, but some kind of guild republic (like in Kamidori) or elective monarchy. But the point is, most isekai societies would be too turbulent for monarchies. They conveniently have overthrowing kings quite a lot, but if you think about it they should overthrow them all the time, making monarchy that is not based on aristocratic and nobility absolute rule fail... which requires most of the country to be farms and in isekai farmlands are super scarce, compared to cities.
But user, all isekai are basically city-states, especially cheap ones. Just look at your typical default city isekai. In many cases whole country consists of a few such cities.
>Monarchy has proven to be the most stable and successful form of government in human history
Nevermind the fact that monarchies are very different from one another or the fact that modern "monarchs" are purely decorative figures while real power belongs to the Prime Minister or parliament
Absolutely not. Ignoring the history behind the rise of modern democracies, in the existing power balance between the common man and the aristocracy being thoroughly bukkaked by firearms, a massive increase in literacy, leaps in agriculture, transportation, and the advent of industrialism, the framework to sustain it to begin with just is not there.
I mean, for Christ's sake, you're talking about before standing armies were the norm. And that's just nabbing some guys and throwing food at them. This is an unimaginable logistical stress, which they have no reason to even try in the first place, and for what? You have towns more isolated from each other than countries are now. There's just no reason to throw them all in a pit and tell them to duke it out when they have virtually no means of influencing each other in the first place.
And not a single magic-caster amongst the guards? If magic is so powerful why aren't the guys who enforce the law utilizing it?
>bukkaked by firearms
More like "by organised pikemen". Firearms came earlier, and at first they weren't considered to be as disastrous as they're seen today
There are no democracies, the common man can't run for president or prime minister.
They are groomed from birth to be in that role, elections are set up so they win.
It has worked in fantasy anime. Interspecies Reviewers aka Ishuzoku Rebyuāzu the Orc Party is running against the demon party. The orc party is currently in charge and most people in this world are actually happy.
>thoroughly bukkaked by: firearms, a massive increase in literacy, leaps in agriculture, transportation, and the advent of industrialism
that better?
besides, the logistics have a lot more impact than the technology
If I was a magic caster, I would never be a guard. I could earn more money or influence, doing something else
That only makes sense if there is only one powerful entity. If there are other powerful characters they would tend towards some sort of faction based oligarchy.
>the Orc Party is running against the demon party. The orc party is currently in charge
Without context, that sounds like a pretty funny jab at democracy.
An interesting thing about fantasy and isekai, is the presence of guilds or unions but that there is always a struggle for power between different guilds/unions.
Humans breed like rabbits so, no. A demon king's ironfist tyranny is unironically more stable than that.
Depends on demon king race/species and personality
Oh well. At least now you know it's not a list of 1.
Orcs are pretty much populists and demons are shameless abusers who will do shit things unless they are prohibited by election contract.
Which is pretty close to real life.
cool story. But other magic casters would take the steady job and the money and influence from being part of the hierarchy. Think about it. In exchange for blasting some rogue mages every once in a while, you get power and influence amongst the people who already actually run the city.There's no reason a lone mage out in the countryside somewhere is more powerful than the same mage with all the resources of the government behind his research and a team of experienced fighters to carry him in combat.
magic doesn't make democracy impossible. Somehow democracy doesn't collapse when any nut off the street can buy a gun and kill a dozen people, but if the same nut has to spend years of dedicated study to achieve the same effect, suddenly society collapses?
You're naive if you really think we human could let another race rule us even if it was in the name of democracy.
Ally? Yes. Take them as leader? Hell no.
How can Obama be the combo breaker then?
Even Western fiction hypes the Sage wizard living on some tall cliff or deep cave. Probably has something to do with mythology and folklore like the king in the mountain:
really? they started paying for the wall? neat!
Stronger species would make us pets or slaves
Because we're, in our core, the same species. Humans.
Species that are active at night instead of day would pose issues with democracy. Human democracy operates at daytime. It can not function by including a species that completely functions at night while we all sleep
Europeans were ruled by German royal families for centuries. The Ottomon sultans married so many Greek wives that they were more ethnically European than Turkish. The ruler's race never mattered that much.
Well, instead of admitting that you've left out a major factor in the medieval and early modernity warfare you're trying to joke your way out. That's not good