Love Hina

In a month from now the Love Hina anime will be 20 years old.
Will they remake this shit?

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It was mediocre then and it would probably me mediocre now.
The flash dating sim was unironically better.
And Kanako is the best girl.

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It can't fix some of the biggest flaws.

To be honest, the clones that just came after it did it better.
Fap bait.

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The point is that if they remade it Nostalgiafags would eat this shit up.

You know it will happen at some point, it's just a matter of time.

pretty sure i used to coom to love hina images in the early 00s

Everybody did.

What's with the new userbase shitting on all the classics of anime?

I think I like it for the fact the copies that came afterwards are far less pretentious about fap bait.
While Lova Hina genuinly wants to give the side characters plots, progession, and even some romance buildup for the MC.

The anime is also worse than the manga, for a lot of those reasons. But its not a master piece, its merely a big big trendsetter.


That is all.

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Nigga I've been watching anime since 1996 and I use to love harem romcoms before Love Hina popularized all the shitty tropes.

the anime was shit, only a good episode in the entire series, the manga was decent... and motoko is best girl

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Same, when I was 11

>But its not a master piece
Who said it was?
In reality it's aged like crap.

But you can't deny its popularity.
It's the Final Fantasy 7 of Harems.

Well I would think they would remake it closer to the manga this time around.

The thing that made the anime really bad even back in the day for me was the art style/character designs.
It wasn't such a bad show even if it was different to the manga but the art style ruined it.

Maybe they will adapt the manga better, because goddamn the anime is shit as an adaptation

Uno Makoto is a better artist and character designer than Ken Akamatsu and that is a fact, pleb.

Oh no ! i saw bare boobs and now my heart will pound like i ran a marathon and i'll get beaten by girls half my weight because i'm a wuss: the anime

Naru was 24 when it ended. They are all grandmas now

>Uno Makoto is a better artist and character designer than Ken Akamatsu
Yeah I don't know, he made Naru and the girls look fat and ugly as fuck.

I don't want to see it remade with modern anime designs.

No he isnt.this anime sucked. Love Hina was my very first manga,and it still holds up. I read this for the first time in like 2004,freshman year of high school. That was when I became an otaku and cartoon jerker for real.

She just needs some of that mermaid flesh like Juuzou got.

What if they stay faithful to the manga designs?

Would be cool,I wish Ovas were still a thing.

>Will they remake this shit?
i hope not.
the humour of the show/manga doesnt appeal to the modern audience and at times it's slow-paced.
also the show goes from being le wacky harem anime in the first 12 episodes to being edgy serious drama Slice of Life in the last half, around when the soundtrack changes to orchestral.

the only reason the show even got as well known as it did was it was like K-On in that it spawned a whole pile of knock-off series after it. Though arguably Tenchi Mu-yo sort of beat Love Hina to the punch.

I genuinely don't believe they would. That and the modern coloring techniques, it's just a no-go.

>I wish Ovas were still a thing.
I mean they are but in-name only.
OVA's stopped being good after the 90s though.

It's kinda funny that Itsudatte my Santa got the best adaptation out of all of Akamatsu's works(2nd episode was unnecessary though)'s pretty ironic since it is his best work.

>That and the modern coloring techniques
That I agree with you.
Love Hina anime was shit but early 2000s digital coloring...I dig it.
It's a shame there's few anime nowadays that have good coloring.

Well the manga is constantly hot and cold...always switching from seriousness to batshit hi-jinks at the drop of a hat.

I mean it hasn't even aged well but I fully expect that they will remake it one day because of how iconic it is.

I came buckets to the art of motoko's thick bush.

Is Kens art really that hard? UFO Table finally got Type-Moon and Fate down with UBW. Surely someone could do Kens art justice.

And OVA is really all that makes sense I think. 2 volumes per episode would be nice. Maybe they could test the waters with A.I. Ga Tomaranai first?

I actually think they could do it justice. It shouldn't be that hard to translate it to animation.
I think they did a fairly decent job with it in Love Hina Again OVA and Itsudatte my Santa OVA.

So UQ holder has confirmed multiple timelines,what if there was a timeline where polygamy was legal in Japan? Would love a past where Keitaro marries all the girls. I just feel bad for Motoko and Mutsumi. ;_;

Hope not. It hasn't aged very well. With all the cliches they created, it will feel very, well, cliche.

>Will they remake this shit?
They already did

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Nah Toubun is trash. Unironically soulless compared to LH and that's saying a lot.

Imagine having such bad taste and thinking that Love Hina was anything less than amazing.

It was bad and I can't re-read it past the first 10-20 chapters nowadays.
But I liked it when I was 13 and I would totally watch a new anime of it ngl.

My nigga, Monmusu is the only recent manga that gives me that old tingly feeling.

lmao fuutarou chose kaolla

A timeline where he doesn't just marry them all, but takes turns with whose bed he's sharing each night during the manga.

Hopefully some day, so that there’s better porn made out of it.

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Wow, the Bluray looks amazing.
Better than most shows today even.
What the fuck happened to anime?

wanted to bang kaolla, but her stupid indian shit on the forehead kills my boner, so went for motoko instead.

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Naru best girl, contrarians will forever seethe over that fact.

The correct choice is all of them except Mutsumi

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Mutsumi has those amazing tatas though.

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The only thing to look forward to would be all the ntr doujins.

You should add Mutsumi as Itsuki and replace Naru as Yotsuba.

Nobody actually liked Su, right?

Motoko in UQ Holder!

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Motoko's offspring

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I really really love the manga but the anime was trash.

Watch your fucking mouth.

you got that right

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