Yuru Yuri thread

I know she's a complete fuck, but I still love her, Yas Forums!

Attached: Ikeda.Chitose.full.813413.jpg (300x300, 20.46K)

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Cuck! I meant KEK!!!

She's the most forgotten of the main 8, but I like her very much.

All Yurus deserve love.

how come she is so tall?

Attached: big.png (370x318, 244.22K)

Her birthday is this Tuesday, say something nice about her!

Attached: bleed.jpg (499x281, 33.44K)

Because she's the protagonist Akari Akaza!

Kyouko is the cutest YrYr, as well as the protagonist!

Attached: [AtlasSubbed] Mini Yuri - 01-0001.jpg (1920x1080, 250.49K)

She's better than her sister.

Why are the yurus all so freaking adorable??

Happy birthday, Chitose! You're the nicest yryr!

Himawari is kinda eh...

Kaede on the other hand...

Attached: 29051728_p0.jpg (1350x1901, 575.29K)

True. Mari-chan is better though.

So blessed to have the same birthday as this cutie. Underappreciated Yuru.


>Ayano's second option
>isn't yuri at all for over 10 volumes
>cucks herself
>has shit taste
I can't.

Why was this page so hot?

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I kinda like the old artstyle better

But that page has Ayano on the toilet. Don't you find that hot?

Chitose is a cute grandma with the cutest voice ever. I want to eat her pickles with her.

Attached: basednosebleedmerchant.jpg (331x403, 109.09K)

Attached: edpointingkyouko.jpg (798x517, 259.13K)

Ayano would be peeing/pooping on her dress there, which is not hot.

Skirt, but yes, what an awkward drawing error.

Her peaceful interactions with Akari were my favorite moment of the whole show.

She's probably pooping there, I mean who posts study material on the toilet door if she's only there to take a piss?

>you will never watch Akari while she's squatting on a squat toilet taking a piss
Why even live?

Is the Chitose flashback toilet scene also in the manga, or is that anime original?

Attached: 012_1550030524.png (1434x2048, 40.48K)

Chtiose x Akari is the hidden ship no one talks about

Is Rumi Ookubo really the most popular VA among the main cast? It's not Minami Tsuda?

Yurus don't poop

Wish for a 4th season!

No, Hima is great.

Attached: Himawari gives you cake.webm (800x450, 2.45M)

but user, 3 comes before 4, so, in order for there to be a 4th season of YrYr, then there must be a 3rd.

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No, wish for OMRK anime.

Yes they do and there are many materials that prove it

checked. But seriously, I require evidence of the Yuri's steaming, chunky, moist log - preferably as it's being pushed out of one of their cute, little anuses.

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I loathe everything about this image rn, it's not even funny.


>yui memorable
LOL tsukkomi's are so fucking boring not to mention she also looks the blandest out of all of them to boot.

Because the way her skirt is folded she might be peeing through it.

I did like Himawari's meaty braids back in the early designs.



Attached: e2d3ae102071beb81b6a949254005a66.gif (480x270, 1.82M)

Himawari is for ENKOU

Fuck I lost

Objectively the worst Yui.

don't lie user, I know you love it.

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It's not gay if balls aren't touching?

Ifj that's what helps you sleep at night...

Was the Chitose toilet scene in the manga?

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love her dialect

In the earlier scripts, Chitose and Chizuru were supposed to have triplet who would uncontrollably wet herself whenever she fantasizes. The idea got scrapped because in hindsight it's just really weird

[citation needed]



Say who again

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Been sitting in my queue for a year. Just started watching and half way through s1. Holy fuck, I haven't had as many good laughs watching this, since Ueno.

requesting chitose snorting coke on chizuru's tummy


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Waifupleb are annoying