Shut the hell up you stupid bitch. Don't ever interupt me again

>shut the hell up you stupid bitch. Don't ever interupt me again.
>Assistant, go fetch me a Dr pepper

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Damn no wonder all the ladies chase him, Chad

truly based

Oh no, the BASED department is attacking again

Absolute chad, no wonder the roastie falls for him

I think you changed the timeline a little to much because in this timeline the only drink around is ES and it's actually quite expensive.

Okabe knew what he was doing with her from the beginning

For me, it's Steins Gate!
Ingenious writing, it's masterfully done plot pacing, character building and the way it's uses world lines not only as a primary plot mechanic but a metaphorical device to illustrate it's core themes.
Personal agency and self determination triumph over fatalism and determinism, while "cheesy" to some it is still relevant.That's why it's an inspiration that resonates with so many. it's writting that goes into Okabes is so complex and nuanced I could ramble on about it for hours. brilliantly well written characters highlighted by it's superb vocal direction, what else can I say? it's objectively perfect In all categories.

Based. I love JoJo poses in s;g

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>wrong but still related pic
I should enlarge my thumbnails

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I saved from some user too

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Kek, thanks user

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Holy cow

Chad has the less hot and more retarded Mayu, tho.

I think S;G0 was complimentary to Okabes already nuanced and complex character development.

what makes Okabe so relatable?

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Why doesn't he spend one of his loops seducing her?

Because he loves Kurisu

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>still no Noah translation

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he obv spent most loops doing that for sanity, prob found out mayu had the best pussy game and it's why he sticked to her

Right, people forget that aside from witnessing infinite deaths he also has infinite chances to get with incredibly fuckable girls

How many of them could he successfully seduce in just a few days?

Does that matter?

It limits his options. He probably can't overpower a few of them.

If he raped any of them wouldn't there be a high chance of them remembering in a different worldline?

Who said rape, thought we were talking about seduction

5 episodes in and this dude is just a generic obnoxious chuuni, also still waiting for Kurisu to become the best girl of all time, even Faris is better for crying out loud.

>5 episodes in
just don't stop now user, you won't regret it

Okabe goes through a lot of development as things progress, it may seem boring now but they payoff will be worth it

>still waiting for Kurisu to become the best girl of all time

Kurisu is the best for Okabe. They belong together.

He's not a chuuni. He's just doing it ironically.

doot doo doo?


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ironic thread? I cannot tell anymore.







schizo thread

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>9 years

>still waiting for Kurisu to become the best girl of all time, even Faris is better for crying out loud
Damn look at those hot opinions.

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>tfw I literally became a neuroscientist just because of Kurisu
>10 years of uni and PhD work
>still no qt Kurisu gf
When did things go so wrong?

>When did things go so wrong?
at the part where she never existed in the first place

>boo hoo I made a good conscientious decision to get an education and never dropped out :(

If you weren't studying in New York you had no chance from the outset.

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probably in your undergrad
should have snapped a future reasearcher there, they're all taken by now I guess

You'll get one once the money starts rolling in. Don't fret, user. A Kurisu waits on the horizon.


>Be American
>Comes to Japan
>Meet this guy randomly saying this out of nowhere

Attached: sunofabeach.jpg (640x360, 15.39K)

How did they get away with this?


>t. incel

There's a Spanish translation.

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