Making Hellsing 60 FPS

Hello Yas Forums. I have rendered the first episode of Hellsing. Using DAIN "AI interlopation" in 60 FPS!fK5TBTyD!BYLuD8DLyQ9Tx2UBImK0gBoMjcOs0_tXg_f6qh7bE2I

This involved me rendering it in 48 FPS from 24 FPS and in 64 FPS from 8 FPS since most scenes were animated in 8 FPS.

I edited the better looking scene in and when both scenes looked choppy/terrible I tried rendering it in a different framerate. If it worked I kept it in "Integra being shot in the beginning of the episode" and if it didn't work at all I'll just insert the smoothest scene I could find "Seras running to Alucard near the end"

The goal here was to make the motion as smooth as it can possibly be with as little compromise to the integrity of the motion. Basically I wanted near perfection.

Watch this episode anons. Tell me if it's good or not, what cuts are off. What motion feels off and please give me timestamps and I'll fix them, I'll try and make episodes 1-8 in 60FPS since those are already up on youtube by funimation.

I really want to see this through since I'm very passionate about Kota Hirano's Hellsing.

Tell me what you think of the concept of AI produced 60 FPS anime Yas Forums. I only plan on doing Hellsing but I wouldn't be surprised if other people do the same as I am doing to media they like.

Attached: CCross reverse cross 2 final end-0001.webm (640x360, 529.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks for the effort but it looks like shit. Some things just aren't meant to be

>60 FPS

Looks like fucking trash

If you're only talking abut the webm in the post then.... Yeah

It's been crushed to shit to make it fit here, It has artifacting around the thorns for Anderson in the "fuller" version but it's over the 5 mb limit. Lemme see if I can show you a better version

Attached: 64Fps Anderson 8-12.webm (480x240, 2.91M)

Attached: 60Fps Alucard 8-1.webm (480x240, 1.19M)

As for the images morphing into each other. I take good care of that in editing. In the episode I provided most cuts are seamless. If you find any cuts which aren't please let me know

Does it look better now user?

With these clips my priority is almost always how smooth it looks, If the morphing takes you out of it then I'm certainly gonna tone it down a little.
I've been experimenting with this very scene to figure out exactly what I want to do.

At the end of the day. I don't care for the thorns in the background or if the morphing is a little *too* much in some places. This is not an alternative to Hellsing, just a visual treat for those who have already seen the show.

Besides, it'd be too much work for me to achieve hand motions as smooth as I have shown in these two clips while keeping the integrity of the sides of Anderson's coat/thorns.

Please user. Let me know what you think

Why the fuck would you do this shit

>not 144fps


Interpolating anime is utterly retarded because the way it's made pays special attention to frame timings. Interpolation fucks that up and destroys the intended effect.

Are you talking about the Webm preview or the process of making Hellsing 60 FPS?

If it's the process, it's because I have never enjoyed anything in my life as much as Hellsing. And it has stuck with me for years now.

I want to make a tribute, however small to this magnificent piece of work.

If you think my work looks like the attatched webm to the OP then I assure you it's not. I just crushed it to make it fit the 3 mb thing

Fine. Episode 8 will be in 800FPS
I took good care to try and maintain as much of the original timings as I could possibly, user.

Please. Watch the episode I have provided and comment your thoughts on it.
The lip sync is a bit off but it's only off for the first scene or so

I mean it's clear you're putting a decent amount of effort into this but I'm sure that if people would like this kind of style the creators behind it would've make it look like that to begin with.
You might want to reconsider if the niche audience or your own interest in it is worth it for you, or maybe putting the passion into something else.

Contrary to what everyone else said, I love how weird everything moves at 60fps in your webm. I'm downloading the episode to see how much things change at a higher framerate.

sorry user, it still looks like shit

I mean back then we didn't have AI interpolation. Everything back then created so much artifacting.

This still creates Artifacting but it's much easier on the eyes and much less common. When there is very little sudden shifts in movement it looks so good.

If not for everyone else, then at least I want to create this for me.

I love Hellsing, and I want as many people to watch it. That being said I want to have something else. A different way of experiencing Hellsing.

Many scenes in Hellsing are at 8 frames a second. Which when you look at the fine details on every frame on the characters, makes sense.

But what if we can translate that detail into more frames? What if the motion can look smoother?

You just have to look into 5 minutes in the episode I made to see what's possible, and by the end of the episode you see what is doable by an autist with a lot of time on his hands.

Hellsing is a series deserving of so much love. And to see it being this half obscure anime that no one talks about let alone half the people who watched it understand it and the other half are edgy teens.

I just want to make my mark as saying "Hellsing has more than what you see"

Then what about this user?

It's smoother than the original but still choppy

But a lot more detail in motion is preserved

Attached: 47Fps Headache-1.webm (426x240, 2.89M)

definitely looks way better than 60 fps

It looks like its a cgi cutscene from a video game to me.
I applaud your effort as a hellsing fan but its not really something i would have asked for.
Im not telling you to stop trying cause someone out there will truely appreciate your effort here.

It's technically still 60 FPS. Specifically in the camera zooming out.

The way this works is that there are about 4 frames of no motion. then 2 frames of motion instead of 2 frames of no motion and one frame of motion
This helps because the thorns of anderson are moving on different frames to him and to each other and they're moving too violently
However, as you can see. His hands are still choppy
in 8 FPS everything moves together so that creates much smoother hand motion and coat flapping, which is exceptionally noticeable on Alucard, however it's much more plastic looking cause for every 7 frames of computer generated frames there is only one human made frame.

On different scenes it looks better but on this scene since there's a lot of color change in Alucard's tendrails for example. It just ends up being a clusterfuck.

I like this scene not because it's beautiful and visually striking. But because it's also messy as fuck since I don't have the individual layers

If you're talking about the preview in the OP then please. Look at my other Webms in this thread.

I made a terrible mistake in choosing the OP file that I did

I saw the other ones and yes they look improved over your first post.

The last one at 47fps looks the best imo.

I'll give it a try mostly because I enjoyed Hellsing and waiting for these OVAs was quite a ride but I'm not a big fan of 60 FPS anime because it was never intended to be that way.
Some shots look nice but it's stuff that I would not want to see outside of some PV.
Also hook me on OVA 3 if you want a better judgement.

Are you looking for the Elevator scene?

I think OVA 3 would be the best in 60 FPS because all the motion is smooth in it. So DAIN would not struggle to smooth it out even more


An invite to a Hellsing discord I'm quiet active in and where I give frequent updates.
When I finish with episode 3 I will ping you directly.

If you do not wish to join that discord then you should be able to get in contact by messaging Artillery#8690

>Are you looking for the Elevator scene?
You know the answer my dude

Attached: 1345502731150.jpg (628x788, 87.36K)

Yo it would look SICK in 60 FPS.
You know why?
Cause all the animation in it doesn't move too violently. It's all relatively smooth and every frames leads to the next one perfectly.

The Luke Valentine fight would look like shit. I can already tell. DAIN doesn't have THAT much to improve over it.

All other scenes, however would fit in nicely. I can't think of anything aside from the Luke fight that would look terrible in 60 FPS.

Aside from as I mentioned. The Cross/reverse cross situation.

I already saw the last half of episode 8 in 60 FPS and it looks great.

Man you got me hyped for episode 3

This. I think OP should continue it not necessarily because it means making something high fidelity but because its kind of cool

If nothing else, I'd use it for AMV stuff. I'm a huge Hellsing fan, so just do it if you love it, OP. Someone out there will appreciate it/use it.

Do a 75FPS and 144FPS for us higher refresh rate users.

Consider doing Vampire Hunter D 2000 as well because the animation is super smooth in that one so it might end up looking good.

Fuck off newfag

hey user please stop spacing almost each sentence since it only makes it harder to read your posts and not easier thanks

Doesn't really stack up all that well user, sadly
I might consider it. But I'm doing Hellsing as a passion project.
If Vampire Hunter turns out to be almost equal to Hellsing then I'm ready
OK Isekai trash watching SAO worshipping shit taste in media retard
Sorry, I'm used to it since it makes formatting individual sentences easier and it's how I do it when writing by hand.
I have quiet a different writing style to most people on chans

I like it
Just finished watching it
Do all episodes and upload it on nyaa please

If you were really passionate about Hellsing you wouldn't bastardize it like this.

If you think this is an alternative to Hellsing or the amazing work of Kota Hirano you're really fucking missing the point, it relies on your experience watching the show.

And. I guess you didn't bother to watch any webm here except the poor OP I posted

Tell me. Why did the Captain shoot Hienkel?

You know tons of people already do this with avisynth scripts like interframe and svp.

>reddit spacing
>works with videos he downloaded from youtube, streamfag
>discord contactfagging

DAIN is different. It's a little more advanced. Hopefully you can see the result for yourself in episode 1

Imagine thinking I download this from Youtube

>I'll try and make episodes 1-8 in 60FPS since those are already up on youtube by funimation

As in I don't believe Funimation and geneon will mind what I'm doing. I don't want to compete with their releases

I think it looks great, user. I don't have any major issues with it. It's not perfect, but neither is the original

Episode 1 is the most choppy

Sure I'll give it a look. I did this with interframe2 just now.

Attached: Taiga Goes All Out.webm (640x360, 912.68K)

Try it with Dainapp. It's free

Looks sick user

You should have mentioned what it was.

So it's a neural network interpolation algorithm. That makes me skeptical. The improvements training brought to image upscalers like nnedi3 or waifu have been really lackluster when you look at the absurd render times.

Attached: 1578249335929.jpg (828x531, 49.55K)

This looks like it would be great for camera motion/panning but not for animation itself. I'm curious to see how it'd look on scenes where there's more motion than animation, if you get what I mean.

What did you use to make this?

Sasuga Yas Forums/a/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always make me jerk off on something.

It's shit like this and fags who make turn based RPGs 60 FPS make me hate Framefags

I'm too dumb. I downloaded the zip file but I don't see an executable for the gui.

Fuck off, hopefully they lower the fps even lower.
5fps anime

The problem is that anime's actual framerate is usually lower than the video framerate (24fps). This makes those interpolated video looks weightless


Attached: 102fps_zombie.webm (512x540, 431.67K)

Anime already is 8-12 unique frames per second. And I imagine it gets lower at times. If you go back and watch some 70s anime you'll see it sometimes gets pretty low.

Nice to hear you blew your load to this awe inspiring scene
OK then. Great to hear

Check the render I made out. I rendered the episode in 8 FPS and interpolated it to 64

not produced in Japan not anime

Dainapp lmao not dain penis


Attached: 62748.jpg (285x281, 25.91K)

Thanks, here's interframe conversion of Dain version as soon as it finishes rendering.

Attached: Interframe.webm (640x360, 1.52M)

Comparison between interpolated Anderson and uninterpolated Alucard

Attached: What Im Doing-1.webm (320x180, 2.27M)

Slightly off topic but is there a with to only do smooth camera pan only? I got a new 27" monitor and some camera movements just look like shit. Webm related for example. Or is there anything I can do in madVR to make it better?

Attached: spooky-chan.webm (1920x1080, 387.35K)

The first one definitely looked better in my eyes
Just watch the episode plz. At least TRY and see what I did

If you interpolate the entire scene to 2x framerate it should make the camera smoother, The motion will be interpolated too but if it's not too violent or sudden it should look natural.

I'm rendering you spoop chan user

Attached: 47Fps Spoop Chan-1.webm (640x360, 258.33K)

There's still a bit of jittiriness to it, I'll try to find out the true framerate it was panned at, Because yeah they mess with that too sometimes.

Or maybe I'm just tripping

I'm just tripping user, it was at 24 FPS

For some reason I got a bunch of artifacting and it encoded in vp9. I'm on a 1080 ti.

Attached: 1535178817846.png (1280x1280, 650.77K)

Can you give me the raw file?
Holy shit

Regardless I do see the benefits. SVP4 doesn't even try to draw in between frames for motions like Ilya's arms waving even with the complicated setting.

Ignore all of the rest of the faggots in this thread. I want to see this project completed. Even if it comes out looking bad, it will be a very interesting tribute to Hellsing Ultimate. Literally nothing bad can come from getting this done other than some shitposters will complain the same way they complain about everything else.

I know user, if I complete this it will be for myself first and foremost.

I've already took a sneak peak to what the last third of episode 8 would look like. And I nutted