Getsuyoubi no Tawawa

月曜日のたわわ その264 「じゃ、春から二人暮らしだね」

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So she got into college, but whats the second part

Attached: prinz ass 3.jpg (1080x2100, 886.87K)

Attached: EQ7rkL_UwAAlFJK.png (715x1000, 271.45K)

She's choosing the "apartments for newlyweds" section on a real estate website


Attached: ERfupF3U8AA7ycM.png (1287x1800, 638.42K)

Hol up

Attached: IMG_20200309_021618.png (278x246, 28.56K)

is that a pack of what I think it is?

Incest is wincest

Attached: ESn1wd7U0AAgY0K.png (1287x1800, 894.82K)

>when they're not blood related
Come on user, Tawawa is not that complicated to follow.

It's incest in name at the very least.

No it's not.

The real question is, why do they need new apartment? And why does she choose new apartment to live together when she can live separately?

Disgusting putrid faggot get ass corona

if only

Because that kind of apartments only come with a marriage room.

I don't get it

I don't get it.

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Dude already has an apartment to live in, why do they need another one?

Need one for couples. :3

she got into uni and he got into her guts

They sleep in different rooms and she wants his dick. user, you're dense as fuck.

yes it is, they're step brother and sister.

>incest: the crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild
>sibling: each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister
Sex between step brothers is not incest.

Who would agree to sleep in the same bed in your sister when you can sleep separately?

>between step brotehrs
Not only is it incest, but it's also gay.

That too.

"ii oppai" reference?

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Smug tawawas?

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Attached: Nursery Tawawa and a smug loli.png (715x1000, 508.75K)

So her suitcase is real after all?

Why does her eyes look soulless

Attached: Congratulations.png (715x1000, 533.94K)

Look at the shine in the left side (her right)

Konbini-san (boat ver.)

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What have you done?!


>Blue tawawa on the gui

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The only acceptable edit

I am okay with this.

I want to headpat that smug loli

Hokuro-chan the stron-
gest Tawawa.

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By what criterion? Explain yourself.

Her aura.
Her gaze.
Her moles.
Her hobby.
Her curves.

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You mean the worst.

He's retarded, let him be.

Oto-san gonna be shock

Was leaving the suitcase greyscaled a purposeful move? Are you trying to tell us something user?

Translation for anyone still confused.

Stongest presence

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she has not topped Weapons Grade Wife yet


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never will

her tits

Attached: Sweaty tawawas.png (715x1000, 247.25K)

Official name Gimai-chan. (Means step-sister)
I'm contemplating just calling her Mai-chan though.

Also the time in Japan when Himura posts each week.

FUCK Tawawas.

>in a world full of beautiful, kind, loyal, devoted big breasted girls there are people who'd rather go for a manipulative, deceitful, unfeeling e-whore just because she's shown off her body to basically anyone with access to the internet
I will never understand this.