The Promised Neverland

This is worse than Kubo. I don't know what's the point of making Ray Isabella's son either, only for the tweeest. It's like Ray isn't even on the room for Isabella.

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Nice antagonist, Shirai.

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Funniest part is that Isabella went "I'll show you something very interesting" like Norman said to Ray before he got shipped out of Grace Field. So it's like Isabella is more akin to Norman's mother than Ray's.

You don't say.

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Well yeah, she loves everyone else more than Ray.

I dropped this what feels like years ago, but I'm pretty sure people here were thinking that Ray was her son even back then.

Ray was already confirmed to be Isabella's son, the issue is that now that Isabella is back in the story, she hasn't acknowledged Ray at all, which just further cements that he's been made completely irrelevant by the writer even in a context where he logically shouldn't be.

But user muh note Shirai totally didn't forget about.

>Worse than Kubo

>Isabella mad Peter broke Nat's finger when not ten minutes after she was about to gas Nat and all others.

>second-to-last page of the series
>Norman: "Ray... What was in Krone's note?"
>Ray: "The recipe of a wedding cake. Here, I baked it."
>last page is Emma and Norman's wedding with every character shown clapping around them except for Ray who's upper half is covered by the cake he's holding

It was just a prank, bro.

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He's so janky.

Maybe she is Norman's mother and Ray lied.

This manga should have ended when they escaped the farm

h-h-he-hello-oo evry1 urffffh durrf gurbbb durrrr

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Reminder that ray x Em-

You know what fuck it. This manga is trash now. Dropping it

so this is how this gonna end?
damm, i really liked this manga

>so this is how this gonna end?
You wish. This will keep going for at least half a year.

Why didn't the writer just kill off Ray instead of humiliating him?
I dropped this manga when Goldy Pond started, glad I did.

Ray is being treated like every female heroine character has been treated in battle shounens

Irl Ray stole Shirai's girl this is his revenge.

The original plan was for Ray to die during the escape. They instead decided otherwise because popularity and kept him around. Too bad they didn't change the following story to give him some weight. He's literally furniture at this point.

Dat foreshadowing!


>don't have to see this terrible shitpost anymore after 3 years
About fucking time you nigger

Fuck off, Emma

I can't believe they forgot to include this very important page.

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Yeah. It was the most important part of the chapter. Thankfully, Phil was here to remind us.

This chapter is now a 10/10. Loving that Phil cameo.

I remember when TPN had zero lewds. Dark days.


These threads pay more attention to Ray than Shirai does.

I'm not sure there's enough time between Ray and Norman for then to both be Isabella's.
Ray and Emma, though...

We don't know Ray's real birthday.

Im honestly surprised Emma hasn't had a cliche shounen reveal about her parents being super special or some shit.

Shirai is paying attention to make sure that Ray gets zero relevancy whatsoever.

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We don't, but it has to be before or around his fake one. There's enough time between them that you could theoretically induce a pregnancy (if you were trying to get product restocked asap) without a huge amount of extra work, too.

He sucks ass in every panel he's ever appeared and every action he's ever taken is so generic and predictable, beyond pathetic, how can you write such trash and be happy with yourself. I hate it when people will says this every time they don't like something but it really looks like the author just doesn't give a fuck and just wants to end it. Not that I blame him since the job is stressing as fuck but still, this is pure garbage

Ray really should've died in the first arc. At least he'd be fondly remembered now.

Only Phil can save this manga now

Would you?

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Why the fuck are you all obsessed with Ray? Who gives a shit if he's useless or not, what difference does it make? Who cares. There are way worse problems, I never gave a shit about the character and his fate and I only see people be bothered by his existence in here, it's probably 90% of the comments every single time

Who wouldn't?

For a second there, I thought you were talking about Ray.

Because he was a great character in the first arc. Just because you don't care or never liked him doesn't mean no one else did.

People with shit taste, user.

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Kubo was at least entertaining in his autism. This is just underwhelming.

Still better than boku no nothing happens

Isabella will avenge Leslie!

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I did too until
>every action he's ever taken
tipped me off.

>There are way worse problems
I agree with this, but at least Ray bullying is kind of fun despite the repetitiveness.

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Do you think Norman and Emma would let their dog Ray sleep in the house or will he be stuck outside during cold wintery nights howling for them to let him in?

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Is the manga good or no

It's boring

>You are now manually aware of how much better this manga would be following Norman as a dark protagonist - wiping out the Demons and the Farms


Ray and Emma are just a couple months apart. It's impossible for a woman to get pregnant right after having a child too.

Norman could never be a dark protagonist with Emma existing in the same story. He can't control his cock.


>Emma goes to TnJ Norman
>He instead TnJ's her and we get corrupted Emma at his side as he destroys the Demonworld to carve out a place for humans

Woulda been an awesome subversion. Imagine a heroine like Emma being convinced like that.

Edgy doesnt mean better. How things go always depends on how the writing is handled and there's no guarantee Shirai would do that well. The problem isn't Emma or her beliefs but how Shirai justified them poorly within context.

Ray is still useless in this scenario. Amazing.

It gets gradually worse after the first four volumes, but I guess it's only painful if you read it weekly.

Pretty much this. It's nowhere near the first arc in quality but I've noticed it's a lot more irritating to read it weekly than to just binge it.

The first arc was utterly fantastic, a true masterpiece. But we all wish it'd stopped there

What's the point? We know from the start that Grace Field kids are genetically engineered to be super smart and Emma, Ray and Norman are the absolute best. Plus we eventually saw the time of the original promise and among the original humans that were used for the farm system there were clear similar-looking ancestors of them. Close enough.

8 months, hence inducing. With modern medicine ~5 months is a viable baby. Also, 3 weeks is the recommended time to start using contraception again. It's a really tight squeeze, but it's not impossible.
(Also itd be funny to watch the meltdowns)

Dude Emma was an absolute unit.

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I wouldn't go that far, but it was certainly the best crafted. Upon rereading, you notice a lot of little details that serve as foreshadowing for stuff that'll happen in a couple of chapters. Certainly great.
A pity that never happened in the other arcs.

>Also itd be funny to watch the meltdowns
What meltdowns? Delusional shippers are still holding on to hope even after this arc?

If he got to impregnate femNorman at some point, does it make current day Norman incestuous?

Emma's naive beliefs really are a large part of the problem. I'm fine with optimistic shounen, I love it most of the time. But it doesn't fit at all in such a brutal, oppressive setting. She calls that out herself, that she's literally had people she loved eaten by these demons, but it's just handwaved away. Same with Ashe, she was just randomly raised by this kind demon, they're totally the same guys.

Kimetsu no Yaiba has a protagonist that's just as crazy optimistic and good natured as Emma, everyone thinks he's stupid for forgiving the Demons and even crying for them. But he does so *after* killing them. Imagine if Tanjiro had Emma's outlook, that he wanted to beat Muzan to show him that demons and humans could live together.

Hell, look at Vash. Crazy optimistic hero, depressingly brutal setting, but he has to fucking work for his pacifism and we ser his struggle the whole way.

>muh shipperfaggotry
It's biologically impossible for a woman to have babies like that, user.

It was 1000 years ago. I wouldn't say so.

A couple weeks ago, volume 14 and the first novel were released as a box set in my country and reading them together made me even more depressed about Ray's fate as he's great in the novel with the best chapter even focusing on him, whereas volume 14 is the one where they reach Norman's hideout and he goes "I have no clue about what to do from now on, I'll just agree with your choice" to Emma. Which is ironically still his most important scene since.

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We also know why it's so important to Tanjiro to believe that a demon isn't truly lost. His sister is a massive part of everything he does.

Emma just really likes demons or something, there's no actual explanation for her pacifism. We recognise other humans are just like us, but we've still killed each other all through history.

I can see your point but I personally think there's a huge difference in situation that stems from the demons having literally no choice from birth to become the way they are; it's either that or degeneration for them. They also don't come into contact with humans like Many demons and thus can't relate and have no reason to overthink their own actions and the fact that they're being manipulated by their regime.
The royals definitely had to go because they caused all this but even Emma didn't really complain about that. I definitely get what you mean though.
