Tomboys are for pain only

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accidentally did that to my crush
she obviously hated me ever since

That just looks like two boys.

Now you know what the endgame for Tomboy faggotry is.

oh no she lost a relay race in middle school because 2nd place tripped her oh nooo

That's the point of the childhood friend tomboy fetish. As a kid shes like another boy that hangs out with you but then she hits puberty and gets surprisingly curvy while more or less maintaining the same attitude.

>ywn be sweet on a cute tomboy when you are childs and marry that childhood friend
stings alittle

>Tomboys are for pain
Exactly. You take them to ease the pain

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Tomboy are super mega gay and so is anyone that likes them

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Tomboy cakes are for /ss/

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Keep the good bait user.

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Hell no. If i wasn't that lucky, nobody should.

Tomboys are for lovey-dovey leg-locking nakadashi baby making sex.

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Also, for exercising, playing video games, drinking beer and going to a trip with but most importantly wrestling for dominance in the bedroom

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Buy your Tomboy a Sundress.

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>Tomboy are super mega gay and so is anyone that likes them
Both are lies and anyone who thinks that either of them are true are fags.

Wrong! Come out of the closet, user.

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You should take your own advice you big fat gay!

Tomboy are super mega straight and so is any boy who likes them!

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Why are you so gay?


Fuck yeah

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Untrue. They are also for bullying and rape.


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Is this the same character?

Yes. OP is from her childhood, from what looks like an untranslated chapter.

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She is a side character in Annoying Senpai manga

>friendly teasing and overpowering in bed

Fixed it for you.

The violence makes it hot.

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Boy gets stuck in a genderswap manga, becomes tomboy, what do?

That happened in Your Name.

You need medication.

Fuck you and your tomboy hating faggotry!

Does annoying senpai get posted on Yas Forums? How have I missed this?

It gets TLed by the Nagatoro guy as well, Metrofag or something

Who said I hate tomboys? I just have a different way of expressing affection than you do.

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>haha I posted le edgy image again mom
Ask me how I know you’re not only new but fat as well?

Tomboys are shit though.


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Imagine blackmailing a tomboy into wearing no underwear.

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Dangerously based

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who hurt you?

Fixed this

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Thank you

Sundresses are the best, specially on a brown tomboy.

I will bump this thread, then leave it.

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Tomboys are for penis

Tomboys are for punching

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videl started my love for tomboys
spopovich started my love for ryona

Based Spopovich

Good end.

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good work, needs belly button though.

wrestling a tomboy down into a submissive state is okay but unironically punching her is not

What are some tomboy heavy manga
And I mean fit tomboy, not just shit personality tomboy like Asuka

hope you are not calling the one from evangelion a tomboy