Undead Unluck chapter 8
Undead Unluck chapter 8
It was a nice chapter, honestly.
Hopefully it survives.
This sequence was so good, I'd never expect her to have such a bittersweet and nice farawell moment. The kiss is really perfect. Too bad she's gone already
I cry every time.
And that's all for this week.
Mike Jagger is already the best design, prove me wrong
Thank you dumpanon.
I thought I wasn't going to like this manga but I'm really loving it
What's Zechs Merquise doing in this manga?
So far is the one I like the most from the recent batch.
Storytelling is good, few unresolved stuff already to pick the interest of the reader - like the starless sky that once again get focused on Plus an ok art and a general fun vibe
It wont be a huge success, but i hope it's here to stay for a while
interesting that the author doesn't show the kiss, honestly quite kino tbqfh
> Zechs Merquise
>chink kung fu guy
>yakuza boss
>shota tech prodigy
>token brown tsundere
>societys mike Jagger
This is your big baddies org, what are you gonna do
Where are the cute girls?
they just killed Gina, but Unluck joined the team
GANTZ and Zech are probably women too, maybe even the brown one
>unchange dies
>inb4 there's actually a girl in the samurai armor.
more than likely
>tie ornament on the gantzball
>tie-colored rope on the samurai
Those two are cool.
NotZechs can fuck right off, I hope he dies first.
>replace one girl in the organization with another
The levels are balanced as god intended
Are they bad?
They maintain order but also kill innocent people who have spooky powers.
>notZechs slice his bullet with his sword
>kungu fu chink just kung fu it
>the samurai tank his own and the shota's one
>Mike Jagger use 3 orbs to repel it?
>Yakuza just shoot his without looking at it, using GANTZ for the bounce
>brown tsun parry it with a shield
We already have some insights on their powers, this is quite a cool entrance desu
it's unclear so far. They mantain order but they are quite violent while doing so. It could be a Lord Gerome situation.
They are the generic evil organization, except the MCs joined it.
Oh you.
Evil? Their thing seems to be picking off anomalies from affecting the populace. Of course they've made themselves exempt so you get the who watches the watchmen thing.
I didn't realize it while typing, I guess that was unexpected
Yes, that's what the generic evil organizations do in manga.
They are authoritarian, extremely controlling and kill whatever they can't keep under their thumb.
>expect Witch Guardian to be good, Mashle to be ok and UU to suck
>UU is amazing, Mashle is actually ok, and Witch Guardian is dogshit
expectations: subverted. Sasuga Nakano-sama
They point is we don't know ywt why they are doing so, or even who allowed them to do so in the first place.
Why them? Why only X members? Why can't other Unomalies live in the world, and must be hunted down rather than used for mankind wellness?
As said, they are depicted as a stereotypical evil organization: the MCs are the one who go against the trope and want to join it, rather than fight it from the outside.
But seriously, what the hell is up with Guardian of the Witch? How is an editor reading through that and not binning it immediately? The writing is atrocious. No one talks like a person.
Sad but inevitable.
Well done.
Her body makeup cracking is a pretty good effect.
I guess newbi author and newbie editor.
GotW woud probably look better in another magazine with worse competitors.
They wanted the Attack on Titan audience.
Antagonist is defeated using the strategy they developed last chapter
A nice emotional goodbye for Gina, reminding the reader she wasn't a monster
Cool introduction to new cast
This chapter had everything. I loved it.
Nah, it's too much of an AoT ripoff.
It has nothing of AoT.
The only thing in common are the walls (which have already been dropped) and the "secret library"
I'm not quite ready to call witches guardian dogshit yet, it's clear the magaka hasn't really planned things out but it could still improve.
But I am probably going to be less harsh on it in general than most of the board because I didn't see any sort of problem with the first chapter exposition, I liked just being told all the relevant information up front while half the board decided it was worthless straight up because of that exposition.
>let's investigate first!
>Nevermind, going for the kills!
Can't blame Andy for trying.
I was thinking it'll have a Claymore tweest with "awakened" witches.
Maybe the alternatives were even worse.
It's a test shot to try and suss out their un-powers.
also the weird "medieval tech with insane futuristic anachronisms" setting
>medieval tech with insane futuristic anachronisms
Have been we reading the same thing?
Where are the futuristic anachronisms?
the king of the city had a video player in the first chapter
>Doesn't show Unchange's face after she grew old
This was extremely tasteful.
>magical artifact from the far east
You are giving way too much credit to the author.
The video is there for plot convenience, eventually future worldbuilding.
It's not like technology is hidden or said to be something else, although i conceed it could be fishy.
Whoever thought they should split up spreads on mangaplus deserves to be sacked.
Kickass chapter though.
I wasnt into it at fist but the ast few chapter are starting to win me over
damn this is fucking cool