Black Clover

Episode 125 'Return' Previews will be out soon.
Episode titles for following
Official Chapter:
Quartet Knight:

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Filler, huh? Hopefully it would be good.

I remember when Yas Forums wouldn't even stomach Naruto.
Now not only that but even worse shit that literally can only appeal to underage kids who never read a battle shounen before could like is fair game.

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You sure do newfagot.

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Using his devil turned Dante into a Yandere. Good grief. I hope that Gauche is okey. Marie would be sad without him.

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Its funny when people say this because from what Ive seen most cloverfags have seen a shit ton of battle shounen

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I'd have a real tough time to believing that. Not only cause of the ones I've dealt with but because of how unbelievably generic and cookie cutter it is. It's tough to stomach if you're not new to the media.

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>Shit Clover

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Kek based

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Is that sword made of crystal or ice? Can't really tell.

Rock I guess? He used gravity to shape the rock

The filler hell is the last nail in the coffin for this series.

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This looks so much better than it did in the scans

Damn, look at their faces. And Gauche is not looking good.Asta really should have brought Mimosa with him.

Last Pages

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It's interesting how much more aggressives Asta's devil possession is. Dante still looks more or less human while Asta is turning into a monster.

Dante looks like he's really having so much fun and Asta's new form looks better than in the scans. At first for me it was 'meh' but now it looks really cool.

Thanks user

>>Innate attribute types
Natural magic = Elements that exist in nature
- (Fire, Plant, Poison, Light, etc)
Unnatural magic = Elements that are manmade
- Developed in exchange for sacrificing "divine protection"
- (Sword, Glass, Mirror, Picture, Dice)
Irregulars = Rare magic potentially lethal to Devils
- May still be healed or overpowered
- (Dark, Time, Antimagic)

>>Qualities that can be gained by any type
Arcane stage = "Inexplicable powers"
- Attributes that have been mixed with negative mana of a curse/devil
- (Antimagic Sword, Ancient Sealing, World Tree, Blue Briar, Red Thread)
Spirit magic = Spells supported by magical familiars
- 4 great mana spirits but many lesser spirits
- (Bell, Undine, Rouge, Bruce)

>>Skills that can be learned by any type
Mana Skin = Default protective armor
- Prevents injury and magic effects
- Related to reinforcement magic = boosting physical ability
Mana Sensory = Sensing the power of one's surroundings
- Distinguishes power and type of mana
- Range may extend for miles and through obstacles
Mana Zone = Commanding the mana in an area
- Uses mana of nature together with their own
- Allows spells from all directions and inside opponents' spells
Magic letters = Symbols that modify and expand spells
- Created in Heart but not unique to them
- Letters match those in trap magic

>>Techniques tied to specific types
Ultimate magic = Concentrates extreme magic power
- Requires the mana of several mages
- Can be acquired from dungeons
True magic = Commanding the power of nature
- Moves real objects instead of creating them with magic
- Developed in Heart

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Of course user.

Thank you, user.

I just noticed how Asta's black hair now looks almost like Amvil's.

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>using 60% of devil juices to impede those lowly insect's magic
Charla did it better with her presence alone. Bring back Charla!

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You try really hard Jimmy boi.

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Aww. Tabata is really cute. He sounds so happy.

Fortunately for you it's not bait, because if it was you'd still be falling for it.

The pic works better when you don't give any attention at all.

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Charla never had to deal with Rouge at all, user.

5 years of BC

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Fuck off, Rhya. You'll never get laid, even if she came back to life.

Nice and wholesome

Here is to more 5 years!

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No. Her dense magic enough to impede Sol's magic which is more higher than Vanessa's and equal to Gauche and Henry.
Quite disappointing side from Dante

C-can anyone care to translate?

Is that Asta's father?

No online poll?

Gauche magic is extremely overpowered, imagine if he decided to clone ten Yamis or something. He's not going to die but he'll be comatose for a while.

I would say it's a mother judging by the hair.

No online poll because it's shit

It was confusing in the scans but in that it looks like Asta who is having a flashback there so yes.

Congratulations Tabata!

I wouldn't mind it because there are other BB members and characters that need screentime. Gauche already had his character arc and fair share of screentime so I think that he should step back a bit.

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Amvil is making his way.

Online polls are evil, satan.
This is also a good opportunity for Grey to feel useless and wanting to step forward and improve for the team if Dante spares her.

Bros... the sales...

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I'm sure Grey will survive this encounter. She still has her backstory and real name to reveal. Out of the BBs right now I think that she has the most potential to become really strong.

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Spade Bros we keep on winning.

Setta, wtf?

Is there even a doubt that we will?

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That is bad news for me because I like Gauche more than almost all of the BBs.

Doesn't matter they will all die.

>Dante: Zeno should also take advantage of his beauty. Say, "Be my woman." with a smile. You can steal any woman's heart.
>Zeno: no...
>Vanica: Zeno's smiling face..

>Zeno in Vanica's imagination: "Be my woman."

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>It was confusing in the scans
Maybe if youre a small brained idiot

Based Spadechads


The Spadechads saved this manga for me desu

I love them honestly, save for Damnatio they're probably going to be the side I'm taking the entire saga.

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