Anime Quotes thread

Anime Quotes thread

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imagine the smell

Attached: [AniDL] Akage no Anne - Episode 03 [720p BD][English Subbed].mkv_snapshot_07.01.png (960x720, 885.72K)

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Attached: Hell.png (853x1440, 862.38K)

Attached: pain.jpg (1151x662, 220.11K)

Attached: Cutie Honey wisdom.png (640x480, 285.47K)

Attached: that is the question.jpg (640x480, 165.8K)

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Attached: grade schoolers are the best.png (1315x738, 572.2K)

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You dont give them options, they could choose the wrong one.

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Attached: genetic.jpg (1280x720, 209.2K)

>anyone nice to me is nice to others too
What a stupid fucking line.

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Stupid slut

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Theres no getting along with commies

>The woman facepalming

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She wasn't faceplaming, she was trying to wipe the perspiration away from the nervousness of being called out in public like that.

Wise Yoshino.

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that is always the case
well except for those being mean to them

Imagine being hee husband and cleaning her when she comes home

Obenstein is too based for any galaxy

I feel like if the mods had just let the threads exist it would have all blown over quickly.

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>if truth is a cruel mistress, then lie must be a nice girl
God if this had come out when I was still in school it would have been all over my msn profile

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Attached: dattoassuohjba.png (500x516, 189.72K)

>Totalitarians who infringe upon the freedom of the individual
She knows what's coming for Germany in a few years, right?

>Yas Forums had a fissy hit over this stupid gag

The more I think about it the less sense it makes.

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Attached: Yuusha Exkaiser - 16.mp4_snapshot_06.48_[2018.08.03_20.54.55].jpg (640x480, 29.9K)

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Attached: Duel ME.png (636x2520, 1.34M)

Attached: The Wisdom of Mister Sean Conecone.png (1280x720, 937.47K)

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Attached: yes.png (1195x673, 1.35M)

Spinoff with adult Tanya as the Fuhrer of notNazi Germany when?

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You're absolutely wrong then.

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Attached: 2D Masterrace.png (951x419, 324.2K)

Attached: NothingPersonel.jpg (478x551, 47.5K)

Is there a villain one as a counterpoint?

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Attached: BRNRPoMaqcZkKxaT93O5oY_2Avjz3FJ79EHdHh7OeA_FeBb0aV8iInU1h9dTRxVG4aNIwBq45U8=m22.jpg (1280x720, 195.23K)

Attached: cia2.jpg (640x480, 40.34K)

Attached: Even if you give up.jpg (872x630, 237.44K)

Attached: [BJX] Nande Koko Ni Sensei Ga! - 13 [BD 1080P X265 OPUS).mkv_snapshot_10.40_[2020.01.02_17.43.55].jpg (1920x1080, 979.85K)



Attached: [BJX] Nande Koko Ni Sensei Ga! - 11 [BD 1080P X265 OPUS).mkv_snapshot_02.50_[2020.01.02_16.48.27].jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: [BJX] Nande Koko Ni Sensei Ga! - 10 [BD 1080P X265 OPUS).mkv_snapshot_07.27_[2020.01.02_16.40.21].jpg (1920x1080, 905.88K)

She sounds like a competitive Smash player.

Attached: a24.png (703x955, 176.98K)

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Attached: 6.jpg (870x1270, 266.37K)