How are you holding up, Yas Forums?

How are you holding up, Yas Forums?

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Just as suicidal as always

not that great

Not particularly well. I hope it gets better.

Killing myself next Friday.

lately I like screaming in a car. helps a lot.

16 years of being a hikki/neet have hurt me and i'm tired, suicide soon

Terribly, I'm still living with my parents after me and my gf broke up, I hate it because they're really abusive and like to bully me

Great. I went bowling with my wife,played a new deck-building game and wooped her ass, and drank all throughout the day. I'm drunk, high, and fulfilled. I have all tomorrow to do literally nothing at all and just waste the day away watching anime. I feel great.

Taking antidepressants and much better. The issue is I've now finally realized how utterly boring and pointless the normal life I envied others for is.

I wish I was a cute girl but that would most likely turn out to be boring as well. Life's so bothersome.

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my loneliness is physically hurting me

Pretty gud. I just fill my head with happy anime girls and life goes on just fine.

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>Taking antidepressants and much better.
SSRI? How is your libido?

I heard about some of that shit. That's not the normal life, user, that's the drugs making you feel empty and hollow as fuck. I'd talk with your doctor.

>spend the last couple of hours catching up on anime
>planned on going to bed at around 230ish AM
>forget that daylight savings time ends today
>its almost 4AM now
Why is daylight savings time still a thing? I hate this shit so fucking much.

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you fellas ever thinking about lifting the pain away? It can help more than you'd expect

heki, heki

She loves me, thats all I need.

lifting definitely helped me out with my brainfog a lot, i feel way more clearheaded since i started a while back


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Gym memberships are giant scams

Shut up and suicide already cowards.

Burned out. I'm doing the responsible adult thing,succeeding and watching other people my age hit milestones I'm missing.

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Not great.

tl;dr - 28 years old, shit job, little in savings, never been in a relationship/don't have any friends, no house/car, overall very little reason to live. At this stage the only thing that makes me happy is food, and I'm packing on weight like crazy as a result. Tried lifting and that didn't help. Gonna develop diabetes soon if I'm not careful.
Also I spent years unemployed and the only place that would hire me has very stressful work conditions, so while I was already balding I'm now losing my hair faster as a result.

Not him, but I started SSRIs very recently.
Libido hasn't waned however my erections are much weaker (they weren't great to begin with) and it's three times harder to cum.

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Living the dream.

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ah fuck I forgot about dst. There goes my sleep.

Went back to school after neeting for years, graduated a bit over a week ago. Haven't been able to find a job yet (not for the lack of trying) but I still have my hopes up. The thought of living alone with my manga and anime and being able to support that lifestyle on my own makes me happy.

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Maybe next week.

Haven't gone in to work for more than a month, I'm honestly not sure how I haven't been fired. Doctor gave me a referral to a psychiatrist but I keep putting off making the appointment. At least I have shitty anime to escape in to.

I plan to on my 30th birthday in a few months.

I think so (paroxetine). Pretty much same as usual.

I do feel much better though. The remaining issue is all the remaining psychological problems that I've to work out now.

Advanced happy birthday, user.

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Gonna be real here, not great.

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Why are you guys so depressing?

I'm great. Just finished watching renkin san kyuu magical pokaan. Awesome show, wonder why it took me so long to discover. I'm going to meps in 24 hours, really excited and excruciatingly nervous. I spent 5 years in college with no degree to show for it so I'm trying something different. Big hopes for the future.

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>have a job and a group of friends
>still want to fucking kill myself
Does this feeling ever go away?

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There is no escape from your own mind. Sometimes i think that lobotomy would help.

it hurts

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Anthony Bourdain had everything and still killed himself.

turned my life around over several months
>got accepted into a uni based on entrance exam score
>material is actually interesting to learn
>looking to finish graduate degree in less than a year
>good results so far

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Nah, you gotta reach a level of acceptance in your brain or it will never go away. Take the Taoist pill or something similar

I tried. It doesn't do shit.

Even successful people sometimes kill themselves. This guy with his band was my childhood.

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doing great! im going to japan in september as an exchange student! dont know yet if it will be 6 months or (hopefully) a year. also if ill have the money for it without a scholarship

i might not be a total piece of shit leech after all, so maybe you guys can make it too!

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I don't know, I don't feel as out of control as I used to. I don't have that horrible crushing feeling inside of my chest, but I just feel sad and lonely. I've never been able to relate or truly care about real humans but I get really emotionally invested in anime, it's like I'm transported into a different world when I watch it where I'm loved and valued and everything is beautiful and has a purpose. I think I love life but I don't love my life. I don't want to die but I do want to stop hurting.

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I have played 350 hours of Total War Three Kingdoms in the last 32 das, Im losing control. Occasionally tue existential dread sets in especially as Im now close to 30 than to 20 but I try to drown it put.

>tfw have a good job, good friends, good family
>but no gf yet
>and a wizard
and I feel empty, but real girls are revolting

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do you truly want a GF though?
I hit a point where I realized I dont want a serious relationship.
Sex is what I want. Living with someone, having to make rules, chores, doing things for each other an all that crap sounds like hell to me.
I like to do things my way, the only type of women to put up with that is a wreck or some submissive Japanese housewife

The slow crawl upwards is easier than I thought. Almost certified for a real adult job, then I can move out of my shithole apartment and have my own place by the time I'm 27. Living with random poor dudes for 5+ years is a fucking nightmare though.

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I don't want to rain on your parade but you'll be entering a giant petri dish of death if the Olympics are held - and if they're not, the world is probably even more fucked at that point.

i literally couldnt careless m8, i live everyday expecting to die so no faggot virus will ruin my trip to animeland

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I'll probably still feel empty even with a GF, fuck me I guess. Tried to form relationships before, but they were too much for me. Girls demand so much attentions, last one call me 2 hours a day I say fuck it and cut all contact altogether even though she's still chasing me and trying to meet me through my friends. Sorry for the blog.

>giant petri dish of death
It's like seasonal flu but somewhat worse. Put the memes down.

Are you me? Literally almost in the same situation but i have some friends but sadly they aren't around in my city though. And im unemployed since june

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besides most neets have impeccable immune systems due to yeas of living in filth

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Don't forget the neets who clean their room and organize everything because its the only thing they can control in their lives.
was me for a few years

I got my first job interview in months coming up in a few days and I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. If I fuck this up, I have no idea how long it's gonna be before I find another one. It doesn't help that it's for a programming job and I feel sorely out of practice.

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not particularly bad but sometimes I wish I could go back to 2009 and start everything all over again

>current year
>not being a hedonist
for fuck's sake just kill yourselves already you retarded failed normalfags

I'm surprisingly pretty good. Thanks for asking.

>a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker.
>pursuit of pleasure
I wouldn't even know where to start

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>hate myself too much to improve my life
>too lazy to kill myself

>yfw you go back to 2009 WITHOUT current knowledge
>yfw you ended up repeating what you did and come back here

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>too lazy to kill myself
no, you fear death.

I fear pain and discomfort far more than death.

where do I subscribe to your guys blogs