Realistic portray of the female behaviour

Do you know any realistic manga/anime that portray the female behaviour in a realistic way? Ive spent years reading mangas and ive noticed that most authors doesnt know a fuck about women, either they are simps that portray girls in an idealizing way to fullfill their fantatsies or they portray them as total evil bitches just for being women. When i met Darling in the Franxx i hated because honestly the anime its pure trash, but Zero Two was very realistic character in a psychological level, she never loved Hiro and Hiro never loved her but you know what i mean. Mostly women indeed are bitches but not in the cruel way resented authors portray them. They are supeficial, they love status and are very sexual, but because of it they arent "evil" its human nature.

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Boku no Pico

Oh look, a Franxxtard, haven't you all died to your timeflop yet?

Just read a manga written by a woman?

isnt this the reason shoujo exists


Shimimaru (author) is a woman too.

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How the hell am I supposed to know what real female behavior is?

>Just read a manga written by a woman?
Healing hero? He would like local women.

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>she never loved Hiro and Hiro never loved her
You can't "love" anyone because love doesn't even exist.

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>Do you know any realistic manga/anime that portray the female behaviour in a realistic way?

Why would you want that? Are you genuinely retarded? Do you have trouble separating fiction from reality?

I doub Sakura or Hinata are good examples of a normal behaviour in a female user.

Just because we are fans of the anime and manga doesnt means we should fulfill the stereotype of the NEET loser user.

Love exist user. You are just too young to understand it. When you have your first son you will understand the meaning of that word.

Simply-written light novels may be beyond your capacity as a retard or ESL, but Holo of Spice & Wolf is a decently written "good" woman with plenty of realistic flaws, if you look past the idealizing and doormat attitude of Lawrence.

>Why would you want that?
Because i would like to see emotionally mature content user. Dont you feel there is something odd about me? Guess my gender.

Yas Forums may be the wrong place to look for it, but people have uses for fiction beyond escapism and fantasy, neckbeard-kun.

Grow up kid.


One of the main reasons to watch anime is because it features pure women that are the exact opposite of 3DPD.

Beastars, uniroincally.
I can't vouch for the anime, but the manga is almost like the author's diary. It's eye-rolling and frustrating sometimes.

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Sounds like what a Franxxfag would say

Not all anime consumers are fat beta males user, but i recognize that at least in japan thats the mayority, diffetent people have different fantasies.
Haru story reminds me the movie "Pretty woman" a whore triying to redeem herself.

Kys user like unironically

>You are just too young to understand it.
I'm already 32.

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Im just an adult user. Honesly i hated the manga and the anime of franxx but i got very interested in the psycology of some characters.

Then you are too ugly to reproduce bro. If you ever pass your genes you will understand what love is, having children its the ultimate redpill.

>Zero Two
You really need to have sex incel
You want a realistic one, Sakura from naruto.

If you want to be disappointed there's easier ways than searching for some obscure anime

R u unironically retarded user? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Have you ever talked to a girl? Sakura isnt a realistic woman, not even a realistic human being. Cmon.

Theres no franxxtards here faggot. Zerotwo sucks ass. She became generic love interest in the end so your point is invalid, baiting franxx faggot

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Most females from Jujutsu Kaisen

Try josei?

>Can't spell "Psychology" right
Can't figure out if this is a retard right here or just bait

Just read josei


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Thanks, Abe, but no. I have a faulty endocrine system in the emotional field and doubt that something can ever fix it. You can't feel "love" with rational thinking because you need to disable your logic and rationalism to set your internal chemicals haywire.
>If you ever pass your genes
I don't see someone with whom I can pass my genes.

>having children
And doom them to live in the third world shithole? I'm not that immature, never thinking about consequences.

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Based. People really want to have children, yet they lack the thinking capacity to see the consequences.

Like, how retarded can you be thinking about children while living in a shithole country. If being equally retarded like the morons who created Franxx isn't retarded enough, then you must hit rock bottom

God that moment when she gets blown the fuck out by him in the first chapter after rejecting him a decade ago really gets the schadenfruede flowing.

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>Why fight? Just end your family line
Brainlet cope. Yeah, life isn't ideal. It might even be downright horrible. Despite that, we have to push onward. Think about it, logically, how many of your ancestors must have lived through near apocalyptic times. Yet you're here. Not having kids is genetic suicide. Don't fail the millions of people who have led to you.

Family line a shit.

>Don't fail the millions of people who have led to you.
They probably had millions of greatsomething children. Plenty of candidates to save the genes.

Im spaniard user. Sorry about my grammar but i refuse to use Google traslater, i havent mastered english yet.

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>But muh famileh line
Who gives a shit, test tube babies exist. Life isn't ideal right? So it is also when you are unable to save your family line either. Go cope harder

That's a good picture, but is unrelated to what was said.

I genuinely think female mangaka are better at writing characters than the men.

They are weak excuses of "men" user, dont you see it? Its like natural selection if that even exist. The ones that arent fit to reproduce must perish and their bloodline with them

Some people may also choose not to simply have children, and can just have children through scientific methods instead of the usual one.

You are weak.

>Some people may also choose not to simply have children
They cant because they took shitty life choices and now refuse to be happy
>and can just have children through scientific methods instead of the usual one
Thats unnatural and the result will be a downgraded version of the humans, the same that happend to the Wolves that turned into dogs, natural selection was replaced by selective reproduction and created a pet. We are strong as specie because the system of natural selection that our creator imposed over us. Using artificial methods its expensive and not worth, beta males and wealkings should perish just like the fags, DEFECTIVE GENES SHOULDNT BE PERPETUATED IN THE GENE POOL.

My ancestors are irrelevant. So are yours.

A majority of parents shouldn't reproduce. You act like having some retarded, autistic, stupid, or ugly child is ever a good thing. Literal retarded people are capable of having sex and giving birth. Jesus Christ, what a low bar.

>Ive spent years reading mangas
Yeah. How is your first year m8

>Implying pet human population isn't something that people that actually matter and decide want

It's like the complete opposite in western media, it's great.

Heres the thing though, you have enough money, you are fit, have a capable thinking capacity. What if you're just not simply fit for children? I mean, isn't that possible for women who also want to live a childless life?

If you want to contribute to your bloodline, test tube babies or even sperm banks exist.

Thats not called being weak, its called choosing your own life

Your ancestors are YOU. If you fail to see this, then you are truly beyond redemption.


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>Your ancestors are YOU.
Time-travel story?

No, it's called low wisdom. All who choose that path always regret it later.

So many anons being 02 wannabes. Man you people suck ass.

>All who choose that path always regret it later.
Those who choose different path regret it too.

In the middle of school rumble, Eri and Mikoto get into a misunderstanding and instead of actually talking, Eri, like the bitch she is, keeps talking in backhanded remarks.
I'd say it's pretty accurate on how girls treat each other.

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I don't owe my life to some collective. Humanity isn't going anywhere, relax Mcpoyle

Yas Forumsverage Yas Forumsnon in the making

>I don't owe my life to some collective
You literally do.

Its called having your identity and indpendence. Sucks to be your being a slave to some shitty system

Nope. There is no natural law forcing me to look out for any interests besides my own.

That's because we have free will. But it doesn't mean you aren't wrong and don't realize it.

You do not even see your shackles, how pitiful. No matter how you struggle you'll never be truly free.

I don't care if I'm wrong. In fact if I have any goal in life it's to offer people the ability to just completely withdraw from life. I think technology is the key to the ultimate form of escapism. It could be like the most addictive drug ever created. So if anything, I'm directly ideologically opposed to your worldview. Nothing matters, and if you just want to say fuck it and quit thats okay.

>A majority of parents shouldn't reproduce
Why? Because they are terrible parents in YOUR perspective? Fuck off user, this is real life and its not your fantasy world, if you have the social skills to impregnate a woman without paying for it then you deserve reproduction, if no then you deserve nothing. This is a competence and we have to improve our appereance and intelligence every day, we arent ENTITLED to pussy we need to earn it, if you have the skills then you deserve to reproduce.
>Heres the thing though, you have enough money, you are fit, have a capable thinking capacity. What if you're just not simply fit for children?
Its ok to be gay user, but deserve nothing for being weak.
>cherrypicking this hard
We know you are COPEing because you cant convince a girl to even hold your hand, neither give you a son hahahahaha, you are like the commies that commies that hate capitalism because they are poor.

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rly tho

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You can quit anytime already. Show us you possess the agency to do so and kill yourself.

>if you have the social skills to impregnate a woman without paying for it then you deserve reproduction
Then what's your explanation for this? You guys are painfully sheltered and it's really obvious.

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I didn't mention suicide, the point is to profit off it. I can't really profit off someone killing themselves. But I would love to offer them some sort of alternative life, at a cost ofc.

Libertarian free will or compatibilist free will?

>zero two never loved hiro
A lot of things that happen in the show make zero sense of she didn't love him. The whole reason she devoted her life to fighting klaxos was because papa dangled the possibility of a happy ending with hiro in front of her. If that's not love, what do you call that, and what distingusihes it from love?

As a sidenote, the character I end up remembering most is ichigo, myself. Her beta nice-girl rampage was the most enjoyable and memorable part of the show imho. I remember her stupid little plans to long-game hiro while zero two had that shit firmly on lock. I remember her godawful confessions, and how Hiro's soft rejections went totally over her head. It was adorable. The fact that she doesn't understand her feelings because she has no context for them is the cherry on top.

>childfree Yas Forumsnon calling people sheltered

People that insistent on escaping aren't exactly the type to go collect mammon for you. Since you know, wealth actually opens up many options in life so you might not need the escapism that bad anymore.

She's realistic considering her circumstance right?

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You're literally trying to argue that anyone who does reproduce deserves to. Literally any deformity or developmental disorder makes that argument fall apart very quickly. Clearly, some people who reproduce shouldn't be. Or else their children wouldn't be deformed.

>user doesn't know what drugs are
No, you're right there's literally no evidence anywhere that you can profit greatly off peoples tendency to want to escape from reality.

>Literally any deformity or developmental disorder makes that argument fall apart very quickly.
Definitely not "any".

bad RNG can happen to anyone