Happy Sayaka day!

Happy Sayaka day!

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Pardon me, might I violently rape you?

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Madoka x Sayaka!

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Blessed thread

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>Thread about worst meguca

Only Homu hijack can purify this thread

Sakura day and Sayaka day

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I wonder what went so wrong with your life that you feel the need to autistically shit up every single thread you see with "shipping".

Seriously, how did your life get so fucked up that this is the only thing you have. Why can't you just stop being an autistic retard and post normally? What, is this the only place you have any "freedom" because in the real world you're a meek pathetic loser who's constantly getting shit shoved down his throat?

Reminder that Sayaka cant even do one (1) pushup and is a shit.

Cute and dumb

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Seriously, how did your life get so fucked up? Please, get help and fix whatever is so fucked up with your life.

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I don't remember much about the show, all I know is that I really hated this character and just wanted to die. Instead we lost big tits mcgee.

Happy Sayaka Day!

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you really forgot everything, didn't you?


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>makes a wish to help a boy she crushed on but didn't make a move because she's a cuckquean
>hears two guys talking about how women are stupid and decides all of humanity was bad
>turns into a witch and tries to kill everyone
Sayaka is a dumb retard and doesn't deserve to be celebrated.

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classic projection, good case study for psychology students.

Time for death

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Explain how it's projection. Oh wait, you can't. You're just saying words for the sake of saying words. It's literally the only way you can cope.

I love her too, but I'm willing to let Sayaka lovers have their day, and wait for tomorrow for my wife's time to shine.

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Rape yourself

So why didn't she just force him? Not like he could say no.

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Women are just stupid

Sayaka is the worst girl.
Sayaka is shit!

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Poor Kyouko, getting saddled with a screeching retard who is only capable of making people miserable.

fuck you

Happy Sayaka Day from /PMMM/.

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I remember not liking Sayabutt in PMMM, but Rebellion Sayaka was pretty mature and I fell in love.

Sayaka has fat thighs.

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Best wishes!

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I really did user.

Then how does she stay so light?

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>Sayaka: You took Kyosuke from me. You took Kyoko from me. Why do you hate me so much?

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Homu's just stronk

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That Homu has no legs!

KyoSaya the hetero one. Enjoy this Madoka portable video.

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Sayaka should have followed Kyoko’s advice about Kamijou

The most important part of a Homu.

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Sayka a bitch

>people are still mad at Sayaka almost 10 years later

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Hey... who of you faggots deleted the saya x homu picture? That was the best!


thats fucked up

Red and blue are extremely nice when they come together. Truly they were made for each other.

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Sayaka is allowed watch when Madoka and Homura do it.

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That violin playing guy and the green-haired girl whose names I kept forgetting don't deserve her as their friend.

So cute.